Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
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2. First approach
We start with a simple case where the bosons have no spin. We can then use the wave function formalism and keep the computations fairly simple.
2-a. Trial wave function for spinless bosons, average energy
Assuming one single individual state to be populated, the wave function Ψ(r1, r2,…, rN) is simply the product of N functions θ(r):
This wave function is obviously symmetric with respect to the exchange of all particles and can be used for a system of identical bosons.
In the position representation, each operator K0(q) defined by (3) corresponds to (—ħ2/2m) Δrq , where Δrq is the Laplacian with respect to the position rq; consequently, we have:
In this expression, all the integral variables others than rq simply introduce the square of the norm of the function θ(r), which is equal to 1. We are just left with one integral over rq, in which rq plays the role of a dummy variable, and thus yields a result independent of q. Consequently, all the q values give the same contribution, and we can write:
As for the one-body potential energy, a similar calculation yields:
Finally, the interaction energy calculation follows the same steps, but we must keep two integral variables instead of one. The final result is proportional to the number N(N — 1)/2 of pairs of integral variables:
The variational average energy
2-b. Variational optimization
We now optimize the energy we just computed, so as to determine the wave functions θ(r) corresponding to its minimum value.
α. Variation of the wave function
Let us vary the function θ(r) by a quantity:
where δf(r) is an infinitesimal function and χ an arbitrary number. A priori, δf(r) must be chosen to take into account the normalization constraint (6), which forces the integral of the θ(r) modulus squared to remain constant. We can, however, use the Lagrange multiplier method (Appendix V) to impose this constraint. We therefore introduce the multiplier μ (we shall see in § 4-a that this factor can be interpreted as the chemical potential) and minimize the function:
This allows considering the infinitesimal variation δf(r) to be free of any constraint. The variation
which is the sum of a term proportional to e–iχ and another proportional to eiχ. This is true for all 4 variations and the total variation
the first being the δf*(r) contribution and the second, that of δf(r). Now if
β. Stationary condition: Gross-Pitaevskii equation
We choose to impose the variation