Handbook of Regression Analysis With Applications in R. Samprit Chatterjee

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Handbook of Regression Analysis With Applications in R - Samprit  Chatterjee

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Concepts and Background Material 11.3 Methodology 11.4 Example — The Survival of Broadway Shows (continued) 11.5 Left‐Truncated/Right‐Censored Data and Time‐Varying Covariates 11.6 Summary

      8  PART FIVE: Other Regression Models CHAPTER TWELVE: Nonlinear Regression 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Concepts and Background Material 12.3 Methodology 12.4 Example — Michaelis‐Menten Enzyme Kinetics 12.5 Summary CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Models for Longitudinal and Nested Data 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Concepts and Background Material 13.3 Methodology 13.4 Example — Tumor Growth in a Cancer Study 13.5 Example — Unprovoked Shark Attacks in the United States 13.6 Summary CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Regularization Methods and Sparse Models 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Concepts and Background Material 14.3 Methodology 14.4 Example — Human Development Index 14.5 Summary

      9  PART SIX: Nonparametric and Semiparametric Models CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Smoothing and Additive Models 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Concepts and Background Material 15.3 Methodology 15.4 Example — Prices of German Used Automobiles 15.5 Local and Penalized Likelihood Regression 15.6 Using Smoothing to Identify Interactions 15.7 Summary CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Tree‐Based Models 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Concepts and Background Material 16.3 Methodology 16.4 Examples 16.5 Trees for Other Types of Data 16.6 Summary

      10  Bibliography

      11  Index

      12  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 2Table 2.1: Variance inflation caused by correlation of predictors in a two‐pred...

      2 Chapter 4Table 4.1: Total domestic grosses (in millions of dollars) for 2010 movies with

      3 Chapter 6Table 6.1: Indicator variable codings for a one‐way ANOVA fit omitting the vari...Table 6.2: Effect codings for a one‐way ANOVA fit omitting the variable for lev...Table 6.3: Indicator variable codings for a one‐way ANOVA fit with

omitting th...Table 6.4: Effect codings for a one‐way ANOVA fit with
omitting the variable f...

      4 Chapter 8Table 8.1: Details of models fit to the Whickham smoking study data.Table 8.2: Details of models fit to the bankruptcy data with 360Networks omitte...

      5 Chapter 11Table 11.1: Log‐rank test statistics for Broadway show post‐Tony Awards perform...Table 11.2: Time‐varying covariates survival data.

      6 Chapter 13Table 13.1: Estimated expected logged tumor size and growth rate of logged tumo...

      7 Chapter 14Table 14.1: Coefficient estimates of selected models using different methods (l...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1FIGURE 1.1: The simple linear regression model. The solid line corresponds to ...FIGURE 1.2: Least squares estimation for the simple linear regression model, u...FIGURE 1.3: Least squares estimation for the multiple linear regression model ...FIGURE 1.4: Scatter plots of sale price versus each predictor for the home pri...FIGURE 1.5: Residual plots for the home price data. (a) Plot of residuals vers...FIGURE 1.6: Scatter plots of residuals versus each predictor for the home pric...

      2 Chapter 2FIGURE 2.1: Least squares estimation under collinearity. The only change in th...FIGURE 2.2: Residual plots for the home price data using the best three‐predic...FIGURE 2.3: Plot of observed versus predicted house sale price values of valid...FIGURE 2.4: Plots for the 2004 election data. (a) Plot of percentage change in...FIGURE 2.5: Regression lines for election data separated by whether the county...FIGURE 2.6: Plots for the 2004 election data. (a)

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