Dynamic Spectrum Access Decisions. George F. Elmasry
Читать онлайн книгу.as a textbook for graduate and senior level courses in different universities in the United States and internationally. He also authored part of the McGraw‐Hill encyclopedia on the history of military radios.
In addition to his publications and patents activities, Dr. Elmasry has been a technical member of the annual Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) since 2003, where he has participated in session organization, paper reviews and session chairing. Dr. Elmasry is also a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IEEE), a member of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) International, a Member of Sigma Xi and a member of Alpha Epsilon Lambda, the NJIT graduate‐student honor society. Dr. Elmasry holds countless awards, including the prestigious Hashimoto Award for achievement and academic excellence in electrical and computer engineering.
The coupling of spectrum sensing and dynamic spectrum access (DSA) solely with cognitive radios can do a disservice to the wireless communications community. Long before the concept of cognitive radios was coined, the defense community had elaborate spectrum sensing techniques. Since World War II, the defense community have had signal intelligence (SigInt) capabilities that are decades ahead of the commercial world's sensing capabilities. In today's commercial wireless system, we have the concept of finding the geolocation of a spectrum emitter through using multiple receivers (sensors) that can estimate the geolocation of the emitter and the direction of the emitter's beam. The defense community had this concept implemented in SigInt decades before the commercial world understood it and without having preknowledge of the emitted signal characteristics. SigInt capabilities used spectrum sensors extensively as part of the cat‐and‐mouse game of detecting the enemy's spectrum emission and overcoming the enemy's jammers.
As dynamic spectrum access capabilities are quickly evolving in the commercial wireless arena, one can see now how spectrum sensing leading to dynamic spectrum access ought to be decoupled from building the cognitive capabilities. As this book shows, we can have wireless communications systems that are not necessarily defined as cognitive systems, yet these systems can perform spectrum sensing, can analyze the sensed information and can use a form of dynamic spectrum access. Even with cognitive radios, breaking the problem domain to separate the spectrum sensing aspects from the cognitive capabilities can be helpful. When building communications systems, considering what type of spectrum sensing capabilities to use, how to process spectrum sensing information and how to make dynamic spectrum access decisions separate from designing and building a cognitive engine can be critical to optimizing these systems.
There are multiple goals behind this book from my own experience with commercial and military wireless communications systems. The first goal is to have the reader first focus on spectrum sensing and DSA approaches apart from building a cognitive engine. The second goal is to cover aspects of spectrum sensing without being tied to a specific system. The third goal is to create a reference and senior level or graduate school level textbook for a course in dynamic spectrum access. A course in cognitive radios and cognitive networks for electrical and computer engineering students should focus on the aspects covered in this book. The book considers cognitive engine design secondary to the digital communications aspects of DSA.
The book is divided into four parts. The first two parts can be used as a textbook, with chapters including exercises. The first part represents digital communications theoretical bases and concept descriptions of DSA that can apply to any system. The second part includes some case studies for designing DSA capabilities as a set of cloud services. The second part does not cover every possible application that can use DSA, but these examples should be eye‐opening for any engineer who is looking to design DSA capable systems. The third part of the book includes the public domain publication of the US Army Techniques for Spectrum Management Operation, which provides excellent information on the US Army doctrine for spectrum management. The reader can see the involvement of the military domain use of DSA and see the challenges facing military applications of DSA. The fourth part is the established DySPAN standardization, also known as the IEEE P1900.
George F. Elmasry
List of Acronyms
3GPPthird‐generation partnership project4Gfourth generation5Gfifth generationACESautomated communications engineering softwareADCanalog to digital converterAESOPafloat electromagnetic spectrum operations programAJantijammingAMamplitude modulationAOCarea of coverageAPIapplication program interfaceAWGNadditive white Gaussian noiseBGPborder gateway protocolbpsbits per secondCBRSCitizens' Broadband Radio ServiceCEMAcyber electromagnetic activitiesCDMAcode division multiple accessCFARconstant false alarm rateCJCSMChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manualCJSMPTCoalition Joint Spectrum Management Planning ToolCOAcourse of actionCOMSECcommunications securityCOPcommon operational pictureCROCcomplementary receiving operating characteristicsCSDFcyclic spectral density functionCSMAcarrier sense multiple accessCSVcomma separated valuesDADepartment of the ArmyDACdigital to analog converterDARPAdefense advanced research projects agentdBdecibellsdBmdecibells relative to 1 mWDDDepartment of DefenseDFdecision fusionDFCdecision fusion centerDFTdiscrete Fourier transformDLdown linkDLEPdynamic link exchange protocolDODDepartment of DefenseDSAdynamic spectrum access/dynamic spectrum awarenessDSMdynamic spectrum managementDTDdevice‐to‐deviceDTVdigital televisionDySPANdynamic spectrum access networkEAelectronic attackEEenergy efficiencyEMIelectromagnetic interferenceEMOEelectromagnetic operational environmentEPelectronic protectionEWelectronic warfareEWOelectronic warfare officerFCCfederal communications commissionFDfull duplexFDMAfrequency division multiple accessFECforward error correctionFFTfast Fourier transformationFSPLfree space path lossFTFourier transformG‐2assistant chief of staff for intelligenceG‐3assistant chief of staff, operationsG‐6assistant chief of staff, signalG‐7assistant chief of staff, information engagementGEMSISGlobal Electromagnetic Spectrum Information SystemGHzgigahertzGPPgeneral purpose processGPSglobal positioning systemHAPhigh altitude platformHERFhazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuelsHEROhazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnanceHERPhazards of electromagnetic radion to personnelHFhigh frequencyHNhost nationHNSWDOHost Nation Spectrum Worldwide Database OnlineHzHertzIaaSinfrastructure as a serviceICDinterface control definitionIPinternet protocolIPSecinternet protocol securityJ‐3operations directorate of a joint staffJ‐6communications system directorate of a joint staffJACSjoint automated communications electronics operation instructions systemJCEOIjoint communications‐electronics operating instructionsJFMOjoint frequency management officeJRFLjoint restricted frequency listJSCjoint spectrum centerJSIRjoint spectrum interference resolutionJSIROjoint spectrum interference resolution onlineJSMEjoint spectrum management elementkHzkilohertzLBTlisten before talkLTElong‐term evolutionLPDlow probability of detectionLPIlow probability of interceptionMAmultiple accessMACmedium access controlMACmultiple access channelM‐AMM‐level amplitude modulationMANCATmultispectral ambient noise collection and analysis toolMANETmobile ad hoc networksMCEBMilitary Communications Electronics BoardMDMPmilitary decision‐making processMHzmegahertzMIMOmultiple‐input multiple‐outputMU MIMOmulti‐user MIMOmWmilliwattNCEnetwork‐centric environmentNGNational GuardNIPRNETNonsecure Internet Protocol Router NetworkNISTNational Institute of Standards and TechnologyNORMnack oriented reliable multicastNSAnational security agentNTIANational Telecommunicatoins and Information AdministrationOFDMAorthogonal frequency division multiple accessOPLANoperation planOPORDoperation orderOSIopen systems interconnectionOTAover‐the‐airOWAopen wireless architecturePACparallel access channelPDFprobability distribution functionPDFprobability density functionPPPOEpoint‐to‐point protocol over EthernetPSKphase shift keyingPUprimary userQAMquadrature amplitude modulationQoSquality of serviceR2Rrouter‐to‐radioRATradio access technologyRFradio frequencyROCreceiver's operator characteristicsRSReed‐SolomonRSSIreceived signal strength indicationS‐2battalion or brigade intelligence staff officerS‐3battalion or brigade operations staff officerS‐6(Army) battalion or brigade signal staff officerS2ASSpectrum Situational Awareness SystemSAspectrum awarenessSAspectrum agentSASspectrum access systemSDDspectrum dependent devicesSDNsoftware defined networkSDRsoftware defined radioSFAFstandard frequency action formatSIself‐interferenceSigIntsignal intelligenceSINCGARSsingle‐channel ground and airborne radio systemSINRsignal to interference plus noise ratioSIPRNETSECRET