Geochemistry. William M. White

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Geochemistry - William M. White

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0.0041 0.1687 4 0.6746 Ca 2+ 0.015 0.3742 4 1.4970 K + 0.0023 0.0588 1 0.0588 Na+ 0.0041 0.1782 1 0.1782

      We substitute this value for I, then find å = 6, A = 0.5092, and B = 0.3283 in Table 3.1, and obtain a value for the activity coefficient of 0.8237, and an activity of 0.308 ×10−3 m. If we did the calculation for other temperatures, we would see that for a dilute solution such as this, the activity coefficient is only a weak function of temperature, decreasing to 0.625 at 300° C.

      Solid solutions differ from those of gases and liquids in several respects. First, solution in the solid state inevitably involves substitution. While we can increase the concentration of HCl in water simply by adding HCl gas, we can only increase the concentration of Fe in biotite solid solution if we simultaneously remove Mg. Second, solid solutions involve substitution at crystallographically distinct sites. Thus, in biotite a solid solution between phlogopite (KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2) and annite (KFe3AlSi3O10(OH)2) occurs as Fe2+ replaces Mg2+ in the octahedral site; the tetrahedral Si site and the anion (O) sites remain unaffected by this substitution. Third, substitution is often coupled. For example, the solid solution between anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8) and albite (NaAlSi3O8) in plagioclase feldspar involves not only the substitution of Na+ for Ca2+, but also the substitution of Al3+ for Si4+. The anorthite–albite solution problem is clearly simplified if we choose anorthite and albite as our components rather than Na+, Ca2+, Al3+ and Si4+. Such components are known as phase components. Choosing pure phase end members as components is not always satisfactory either because substitution on more than one site is possible, leading to an unreasonably large number of components, or because the pure phase does not exist and hence its thermodynamic properties cannot be measured.

      However we choose our components, we need a method of calculating activities that takes account of the ordered nature of the crystalline state. Here we will discuss two ideal solution models of crystalline solids. We tackle the problem of nonideal solid solutions in Chapter 4.

      3.8.1 Mixing-on-site model

      Many crystalline solids can be successfully treated as ideal solutions. Where this is possible, the thermodynamic treatment and assessment of equilibrium are greatly simplified. A simple and often successful model that assumes ideality but takes account of the ordered nature of the crystalline state is the mixing-on-site model, which considers the substitution of species in sites individually. In this model, the activity of an individual species is calculated as:


      where X is the mole fraction of the ith atom and ν is the number of sites per formula unit on which mixing takes place. For example, ν = 2 in the Fe–Mg exchange in olivine, (Mg,Fe)2SiO4. One trick to simplifying this equation is to pick the formula unit such that ν = 1. For example, we would pick (Mg,Fe)Si½O2 as the formula unit for olivine. We must then consistently choose all other thermodynamic parameters to be half those of (Mg,Fe)2SiO4.

      The entropy of mixing is given by:

      In the mixing-on-site model, the activity of a phase component in a solution, for example, pyrope in garnet, is the product of the activity of the individual species in each site in the phase:

      A slight complication arises when more than one ion occupies a structural site in the pure phase. For example, suppose we wish to calculate the activity of phlogopite (KMg3Si3AlO10(OH)2) in a biotite of composition K0.8Ca0.2(Mg0.17Fe0.83)3Si2.8Al1.2O10(OH)2. The tetrahedral site is occupied by Si and Al in the ratio of 3:1 in the pure phase end members. If we were to calculate the activity of phlogopite in pure phlogopite using eqn. 3.80, the activities in the tetrahedral site would contribute only images in the pure phase. So we would obtain an activity of 0.1055 instead of 1 for phlogopite in pure phlogopite. Since the activity of a phase component must be one when it is pure, we need to normalize the result. Thus, we apply a correction by multiplying by the raw activity we obtain from 3.92 by 1/(0.1055)

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