Ecology. Michael Begon

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Ecology - Michael  Begon

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_20d07eae-754e-564b-b248-a2ab07ce2d63">Figure 1.11b). Further genetic evidence from mitochondrial DNA (passed by mothers to their offspring) indicates that the cichlids of Lake Apoyo, of both species, had a single common ancestor arising from the much more widespread stock of A. citrinellus (Figure 1.11c) (satisfying criteria 3 and 5). The common ancestor was a high‐bodied benthic species but A. zaliosus, the new elongated pelagic species, has evolved in less than 10 000 years. Now A. citrinellus and A. zaliosus in Lake Apoyo are morphologically distinct from one another and have substantially different diets: both feed on biofilm but A. citrinellus feeds more from the benthic environment (algae, insects and fish along the lake shore and bed) while A. zaliosus feeds more from open water and the surface (including winged insects; Figure 1.11d). There seems little doubt, therefore, that this speciation must have occurred sympatrically, presumably driven by the divergent selection to specialise on bottom‐feeding in the one case and on open water‐feeding in the other.

Schematic illustration of the sympatric speciation in the cichlid fish Amphilophus citrinellus and A. zaliosus. (a) The location of Lake Apoyo in Nicaragua. (b) The assignment of individuals to populations based on variation at 10 microsatellite DNA loci: A. zaliosus and A. citrinellus from Lake Apoyo and A. citrinellus from other lakes. (c) The relatedness network of 637 haplotypes of mitochondrial DNA sequences from individual fish using the same colour coding as in (b). The size of a circle reflects the frequency with which a particular haplotype was found. (d) Stomach content analyses of the two species in Lake Apoyo.

      Source: After Barluenga et al. (2006).

      where is sympatric speciation most likely?

      Examples of species groups most likely to satisfy Coyne and Orr’s (2004) criteria are organisms with a strong, genetically determined fidelity to a habitat in which mating will occur, such as insects that feed on more than one species of host plant, where each requires specialisation by the insects to overcome the plant’s defenses, fish on coral reefs (and perhaps marine animals more generally; Bird et al., 2012) and parasites (Santini et al., 2012). And we have already seen how two lake fish conform to the scenario. Indeed, one of the most staggeringly rich examples of endemism has also been provided by cichlid fish: those of the East African Great Lakes, with more than 1500 endemic species in a relatively small, isolated geographic region. It remains to be discovered how important a role sympatric speciation plays in that case, and whether divergent selection to different niches is the main driving force.

      sympatric speciation – divergence with gene flow or microallopatric speciation?

      a mechanism for sympatric speciation: AITs?

Photos depict sympatric speciation in Howea palms. Two species of Howea palm on the tiny and isolated Lord Howe Island off the coast of Australia. Howea forsteriana has straight leaves with drooping leaflets, while H. belmoreana has recurved leaves with ascending leaflets.

      Source: After Savolainen et al. (2006).

      While allopatric speciation is generally accepted to be much more common than sympatric speciation, sympatric lineage divergence due to selection has certainly come of age in the wake of the molecular biology revolution,

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