Ecology. Michael Begon

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Ecology - Michael  Begon

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change in that element. Conveniently, too, with the matrix formulation, the elasticities sum to 1, so that the meaning of an elasticity of 0.5, say, is clear: the element concerned accounts for half the variation in R.


      APPLICATION 4.4 Elasticity analysis and population management

      elasticity analysis and the management of armadillo abundance

Schematic illustration of elasticity analyses can guide the management of armadillo abundance. (a) Life cycle graph and population projection matrix for nine-banded armadillos, Dasypus novemcinctus, in Mississippi, USA. (b) Estimates, with standard errors, of these parameters from field data, except that alpha 1 and alpha 2 are probabilities of reproduction that are combined with litter sizes to generate the fecundities. (c) The elasticities of the population growth rate, R, to these parameters, to litter size and to the probability of surviving to a trappable age, gamma, for three values of gamma (0.5, 0.8, 1.0).

      Source: After Oli et al. (2017).

      Of those elasticities, it is encouraging, first, that the elasticity for the unknown survival rate, γ, is low, indicating that our conclusions are not strongly dependent on our assumptions about γ. Next, it is apparent from Figure 4.19b that infected adults had a reduced survival rate (down 14.5%), and it is for this reason that the elasticity values for the probability of transition of adults into the infected state were negative (Figure 4.19c). However, these elasticities were especially low, indicating that R for the armadillo population would not be greatly affected by the infection rate. Rather, the parameter with an elasticity value indicating the greatest influence on R (approaching 0.5) was the survival rate of adults.

      The distribution of nine‐banded armadillos is expanding northwards in the USA, and the incidence of leprosy in these populations is increasing drastically. The elasticity analysis suggests that leprosy itself will do little to halt the spread of armadillos. If their abundance is going to be controlled, adult survival is likely to be the most effective, as well as perhaps the most practical target.

      elasticity analysis and thistle control

Schematic illustration of elasticity analysis can guide the management of thistle abundance. (a) Life cycle graph and population projection matrix for the nodding thistle, Carduus nutans, in Australia, comprising a seed bank and small, medium and large plants. (b) The equivalent for a population in New Zealand. The arrows in the life cycle graphs are the transitions from year to year and the numbers associated with them are the elasticities of R to these transitions, expressed as percentages of total elasticity.
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