Organofluorine Chemistry. Группа авторов

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Organofluorine Chemistry - Группа авторов

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credits: Shutterstock ID 1389609920 / Ad Gr / Crystallized liquid crystal under polarized light microscope forming a rainbow texture. Abstract squares filled with rainbow colors.

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      Print ISBN: 978‐3‐527‐34711‐7 ePDF ISBN: 978‐3‐527‐82513‐4 ePub ISBN: 978‐3‐527‐82514‐1 oBook ISBN: 978‐3‐527‐82515‐8

      Cover Design SCHULZ Grafik-Design, Fußgönheim, Germany

      As mentioned above, all useful organofluorine compounds are human made. Therefore, there is an enormous pressure on synthetic organic chemists to produce a wide variety of new fluorinated compounds. This book is intended to cover the most important state‐of‐the‐art synthetic methods and addresses current challenges within the field. At the same time, it gives in‐depth analysis of the underlying chemical processes controlling the formation of new bonds between carbon and fluorine or fluorinated functional groups. A further important aspect is the application of organofluorine compounds in various areas of medicinal and agrochemistry.

      This book is a result of a global collaboration by excellent research groups from Asia, Europe, and North America indicating worldwide efforts of the organofluorine community to forward this field, which is very important in synthetic and mechanistic research as well as in industrial applications. We would like to appreciate all authors of this book for their enthusiasm and for sharing their knowledge in organofluorine chemistry with the readers and their help in the realization of this book. In addition, the editors are indebted to the Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Foundation for granting the project “Organofluorines: anthropogenic

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