X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Laboratory Applications. Jörg Flock

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X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Laboratory Applications - Jörg Flock

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from Philips.

Photograph of the PW 1540 from Philips, a typical instrument from the beginnings of commercial X-ray spectrometry.

      Another important development step for XRF was the availability of effective ED solid-state detectors. These Si- or Ge-based detectors, first used for γ-spectrometry, continuously achieved improved energy resolution through the development of low-noise signal electronics, the cooling of the detectors down to −200 °C, and the refinement of the manufacturing technologies. Owing to the improvements in energy resolution they were able to be used for lower radiation energies, and lastly even for the X-ray energy range.

      These detectors were first used for X-ray microanalysis in electron beam instruments. Up to this time, the fluorescence intensity generated in an electron microscope was too low for WDSs. Therefore, X-ray micro-analyzers had to be built with a sufficiently high beam current. The high electron intensity however saturated the electron detectors quickly, increased the volume analyzed, and thus reduced image resolution. As a result, these instruments did not have good imaging quality and often had to be operated in parallel to electron microscopes with their good imaging function. For ED detectors, however, the fluorescence intensity in a scanning electron microscope is sufficient. This has made it possible to combine the good imaging function of electron microscopes with the analytic function of X-ray spectrometry in one instrument.

      The availability of silicon drift detectors (SDDs), with their high count rate capability, gave EDS another boost, since now statistical errors could be achieved comparable to those of WDS instruments. The development of ED spectrometry was especially advanced by companies such as Spectro, Oxford, and Thermo.

      A special application for X-ray spectrometry is the analysis of layered materials. Here, we have special analytical conditions, that are reflected in the measurement equipment as well as in the evaluation routines. The measurements are carried out usually on finished products, on which layers have been applied for decorative or functional purposes. This means that the samples are rarely flat and homogeneous over a large area, as it is necessary for conventional XRF. Therefore, the analysis must be carried out on small sample areas. This requires collimation of the exciting beam, thereby reducing the excitation intensity. The intensity loss associated with collimation must be compensated by large solid angles for the detection of the fluorescence radiation. Therefore, mostly ED instruments are used for coating thickness measurements. The associated loss of spectroscopic performance is acceptable, since layer systems usually contain only a few elements that are even known, since this analysis is usually carried out as quality control of the coating process.

Photograph of the KEVEX Analyst 0700, one of the first-generation instruments.

      A continuous trend in the development of X-ray spectrometers has always been the reduction of instrument size. The first commercially produced X-ray spectrometers were filling a complete room, in particular due to the elaborate electronics. Today, a table is often sufficient for setting up the instruments. Further, increase in the integration of the electronics has not only resulted in an increase in performance but also in a significant reduction of instrument footprint.

      A significant step in this direction is the use of instruments that can be held in one hand. This development began shortly after the turn of the millennium with the demand in the United States for the determination of lead pigments in wall paints. This task was important because lead as a toxic element was to be identified, in order to be replaced in wall paint. The requirement was that the analysis is done on site in order to avoid the logistical effort necessary for the analysis of pieces of paint in the laboratory. The first instruments still operated with radioactive sources for excitation; they were later replaced by low power tubes. Owing to the very small distances between radiation source, sample, and detector the tube power can even less than 5 W. This not only assures a higher safety of the instruments, but also a good analytical performance and higher flexibility. The integration of powerful computing technology has further also contributed significantly to the improvement of performance. In the meantime, handheld instruments have been used for a wide range of analytical tasks. The possibility of on-site analysis has played a decisive role in the selection of analytical tasks.


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