30 Suspense and Thriller Masterpieces. Гилберт Кит Честертон

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30 Suspense and Thriller Masterpieces - Гилберт Кит Честертон

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train passed through the Station de la Trinité, shot through Saint Lazare without heed to signal and tore along at headlong speed. And then, in a moment, the train was plunged into total darkness and a cry of rage escaped from the Primitive Man. The detective understood in a flash.

      The Nord-Sud had had the happy idea of cutting off the power, and Juve noticed that this occurred just as the train had passed the Station de la Concorde and entered the tube beyond. Ah! this time the Primitive Man was in a tight corner. His revolver would be less dangerous in the darkness.

      Juve rose carefully, prepared to advance, when a spark was seen, succeeded by a terrific explosion. A shower of matter fell upon the train, shattering the windows and throwing the passengers pell-mell upon each other.

      Then … silence… .

      The red lights of torches gradually lighted up the tunnel in which the tragic accident, still unaccounted for, had occurred. Juve, unconscious for ten minutes, came to his senses and realized with a sense of relief that he was unhurt, and that the men directing the rescue were the Paris firemen. Many persons had been wounded, but by an apparent miracle not one had been killed.

      The Primitive Man had disappeared.

      Juve, in quest of clues which might lead to the discovery of the explosion, climbed upon the train to where an immense hole in the roof of the tube had showered down bits of asphalt and broken earth. He noticed quickly that communication had been opened with the Place de la Concorde. By dint of hoisting and scrambling he succeeded at length in gaining the surface of the ground.

      Vague groanings came from the mass of stones piled not far away. As he approached these noises, they became more distinct. Finally, he discovered the body of a man wedged between two large blocks and covered with a piece of gas-pipe.

      The body was begrimed with soot and mud. Juve, after hauling his burden to the open air, where he was greeted with cheers by the crowd, dipped his handkerchief in the water from the fountain and wiped the man's face. Suddenly, he dropped to his knees with a cry:

      "Fandor! It's Fandor!"

      Chapter 28 INNOCENT OR GUILTY?

      Juve and Doctor Gast were talking in low tones in the dining-room adjoining the bedroom. Their patient, Fandor, had just wakened and had cried out:

      "I'm dying of hunger!"

      It was about nine o'clock in the morning. After rescuing his friend Fandor from his perilous situation, he had taken the unfortunate journalist to his own home in Rue Richer and called in a physician of the quarter, Doctor Gast. An examination of the patient showed that he had received no serious injury, merely some abrasions and one or two burns.

      As Juve and the Doctor answered his call for food, Fandor sat up and without surprise or question repeated his cry:

      "I'm dying of hunger. Hurry up and give me something to eat."

      The Doctor took his pulse, then suggested:

      "Something light won't hurt him, say, a slice of ham."

      A formidable oath was the reply:

      "No, thanks!… anything you like, but not ham."

      "All right … a chicken wing instead."

      This seemed to satisfy Fandor, who added:

      "While I'm awful hungry, don't forget that I'm just as thirsty!"

      "Well, Doctor?"

      "Well, Monsieur, I find everything going well. Our patient has had a good meal and is now sleeping peacefully. By to-morrow, M. Fandor will be all right again. It was, however, about time he got food, for in my judgment he pretty nearly died of hunger."

      "That's what I can't understand."

      "When you went back just now to the scene of the accident, didn't you learn any of the details?"

      Juve answered evasively:

      "Nothing to speak of, Doctor, merely that the wounds of the passengers are not serious. As to the cause of the explosion, I have a notion that it may have been due to an escape of gas. I noticed a strong odor of it about. Probably a spark set it off."

      The doctor now took his leave, and no sooner was he well out of the door when a joyful whistle came from the sick man's room. Juve could not restrain an exclamation of surprise as he looked into the bedroom. Fandor was already partly dressed and in the act of lacing up his boots.

      "You are crazy to get up in your condition!"

      "Hang my condition, I feel as strong as a horse and as hungry as a bear."

      Juve laughed.

      "Oh, if that's the way you feel there's nothing more to be said."

      After a second breakfast, Fandor turned to his friend:

      "Now, then, Juve, let's hear where you've been!"

      For two hours each in turn narrated their adventures of the past days, and by combining their experiences, they arrived at a clear view of the situation. One question was answered beyond doubt. The hand of Fantômas was everywhere apparent. His carefully laid plan to get possession of the King's diamond unquestionably involved the arrest of the King by the French authorities for the murder of his mistress.

      It was now their difficult task, first to recover the jewel and then capture the bandit. Two points still remained to be cleared up. What rôle had Marie Pascal played in the affair? Was she innocent or an accomplice? And had Lady Beltham intended to save Juve or had she intended to save Fantômas?

      It was finally arranged that Juve should go to the America Hotel and call on the pseudo Grand Duchess Alexandra, and that Fandor should see Marie Pascal. They were about to put this project into execution when a loud knocking at the door startled them.

      Fandor sprang forward, but the detective quickly thrust him into the bedroom, and opened the door himself.

      "You here, Wulf!"

      "As you see."

      The absurd officer marched into the apartment with an air of great satisfaction.

      "Well, Monsieur Juve, and what do you think of my detective instinct?"

      "I don't understand."

      "Ah, you thought you'd got rid of me at the Sud-Nord Station, didn't you, but I fooled you. I arrived at the scene of the explosion at the precise moment you were giving an address to the chauffeur and carrying away a body."

      "A body … in pretty good health!"

      "Furthermore, I came across some one you were looking for, I think."


      "No, not Fantômas, but the Primitive Man, generally called Ouaouaoua."

      "And you let him go?"

      "Oh, I let him go all right, but not before he gave me his address."

      Juve smiled grimly.

      "A nice mess you've made of it!"

      Wulf continued with an air of great importance:

      "I can tell you something else, the King returns to Glotzbourg to-night, but before he goes we shall have the guilty person arrested."

      A slight noise made Wulf turn his head and then give a loud cry.

      Fandor had entered the room.

      "Good God! Who is that?… the King?… No, it's not the King … help! help!"

      Wulf cast frightened glances to right and left and then made a dive for the door, slamming it behind him as he rushed out:

      "I knew he was a fool," exclaimed Juve, "but I didn't know he was crazy besides. And to think he had Fantômas in his hands and let him go!"

      The two men now reverted to their interrupted project and decided to pay their respective

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