Rough Ways Made Smooth. Richard Anthony Proctor
Читать онлайн книгу.residual atmospheric light which illuminates the sky over the eclipsed sun at the beginning of totality sufficed to obliterate this part of the coronal light.
Whether with any combination specially directed to meet the difficulties of this observation, the gaseous corona can be rendered discernible, remains to be seen. I must confess my own hopes that the problem will ever be successfully dealt with are very slight, though not absolutely evanescent. It seems to me barely possible that the problem might be successfully attacked in the following way. Using a telescope of small size, for the larger the telescope the fainter is the image (because of greater loss of light by absorption), let the image of the sun be received in a small, perfectly darkened camera attached to the eye-end of the telescope. Now if the image of the sun were received on a smooth white surface we know that the prominences and the corona would not be visible. And again, if the part of such a surface on which the image of the sun itself fell were exactly removed, we know (the experiment has been tried by Airy) that the prominences would not be seen on the ring of white surface left after such excision. Still less, then, would the much fainter image of the corona be seen. But if this ring of white surface, illuminated in reality by the sky, by the ring of prominences and sierra, and by the corona, were examined through a battery of prisms (used without a slit) adjusted to any one of the known prominence tints, the ring of prominences and sierra would be seen in that special tint. If the battery of prisms were sufficiently effective, and the tint were one of the hydrogen tints—preferably, perhaps, the red—we might possibly be able to trace the faint image of the corona in that tint. But we should have a better chance with the green tint corresponding to the spectral line 1474 Kirchhoff. If the ring of white surface were replaced by a ring of green surface, the tint being as nearly that of 1474 Kirchhoff as possible, the chance of seeing the coronal ring in that tint would be somewhat increased; and, still further, perhaps, if the field of view were examined through green glass of the same tint. It seems just possible that if prisms of triple height were used, through which the rays were carried three times, by an obvious modification of the usual arrangement for altering the level of the rays, thus giving a power of eighteen flint glass prisms of sixty degrees each, evidence, though slight perhaps, might be obtained of the presence of the substance which produces the green line. Thus variations in the condition of the corona might be recognised, and any law affecting such variations might be detected. I must confess, however, that a consideration of the optical relations involved in the problem leads me to regard the attempt to recognise any traces of the corona when the sun is not eclipsed as almost hopeless.
It is clear that until some method for thus observing the corona has been devised, future eclipse observations will acquire a new interest from the light which they may throw on the coronal variations, and their possible association in some way, not as yet detected, with the sun-spot period. Even when a method has been devised for observing the gaseous corona, the corona whose light comes either directly or by reflection from solid or liquid matter will still remain undiscernible save only during total eclipses of the sun. Many years must doubtless pass, then, before the relation of the corona to the prominences and the sun-spots shall be fully recognised. But there can be no question that the solution of this problem will be well worth waiting for, even though it should not lead up (as it most probably will) to the solution of the mystery of the periodic changes which affect the surface of the sun.
[1] The actual condition of the sun in 1842 may be inferred from the following table, showing the number of spots observed in 1837 the preceding year of maximum disturbance, in 1842, and in 1844 the following year of minimum disturbance; the observer was Schwabe of Dessau:
Days of observation | Days without spots | New groups observed | |
1837 | 168 | 307 | 321 |
1842 | 0 | 94 | 111 |
1844 | 333 | 68 | 52 |
Only it should be noticed that nearly all the spots seen in the year 1844 belonged to the next period, the time of actual minimum occurring early in 1844.
[2] The following table shows the position occupied by the years 1851 and 1860 in this report, as compared with the year 1848 (maximum next preceding 1851), 1856 (minimum next following 1851) and 1867, minimum next following 1860:—
Days of observation | Days without spots | New groups observed | |
1848 | 278 | 0 | 930 |
1851 | 308 | 0 | 141 |
1856 | 321 | 193 | 34 |
1860 | 332 | 0 | 211 |
1867 | 312 | 195 | 25 |
A comparison of the three tables given in these notes and the text will afford some idea of the irregularities existing in the various waves of sun-spots.
We are not only, it would seem, to regard the sun as the ultimate source of all forms of terrestrial energy, existent or potential, but as regulating in a much more special manner the progress of mundane events. Many years have passed since Sabine, Wolf, and Gauthier asserted that variations in the daily oscillations of the magnetic needle appear to synchronise with the changes taking place in the sun's condition, the oscillations attaining their maximum average range in years when the sun shows most spots, and their minimum range when there are fewest spots. And although it is well known that the Astronomer Royal in England and the President of the Academy of Sciences in France reject this doctrine, it still remains in vogue. True, the average magnetic period appears to be about 10.45 years, while Wolf obtains for the sun-spot period 11.11 years; but believers in the connection between terrestrial magnetic disturbances and sun-spots consider that among the imperfect records of the past condition of the sun Wolf must have lost sight of one particular wave of sun-spots, so to speak. If there have been 24 such waves between 1611 and 1877, when sun-spots were fewest, we get Wolf's period of 11.11 years; if there have been 25 such waves then, taking an admissible estimate for the earliest epoch, we get 10.45 years, the period required to synchronise with the period of terrestrial magnetic changes. The matter must be regarded as still sub judice. This, however, is only one relation out of many now suggested. Displays of the aurora, being unquestionably dependent on the magnetic condition of the earth, would of course be associated with the sun spot period, if the magnetic period is so; and certainly the most remarkable displays of the aurora in recent times have occurred when the sun has shown many spots. Yet this of itself proves nothing more than had been already known—namely, that the last few magnetic periods have nearly synchronised with the last few sun-spot periods. It is rather strange, too, that no auroras