Newton Forster; Or, The Merchant Service. Фредерик Марриет

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Newton Forster; Or, The Merchant Service - Фредерик Марриет

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not condescend an answer. Newton went into the shop, and returned with a chisel and hammer. Taking a chair to stand upon, he very coolly began to force the lock.

      “I am very sorry, mother, but I must have something to eat; and since you won’t give me the key, why—” observed Newton, giving the handle of the chisel a smart blow with the hammer—

      “Here’s the key, sir,” cried Mrs. Forster with indignation, throwing it on the table, and bouncing out of the room.

      A smile was exchanged between the father and son, as she went backwards, screaming, “Betty—I say, Betty, you idle slut, where are you?” as if determined to vent her spleen upon somebody.

      “Have you dined, father?” inquired Newton, who had now placed the contents of the cupboard upon the table.

      “Why, I really don’t quite recollect; but I feel very hungry,” replied the optician, putting in his plate to receive two large slices; and father and son sat down to a hearty meal, proving the truth of the wise man’s observation, that, “Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than the stalled ox and hatred therewith.”

       Table of Contents

      Whate’er it be,

       ’Tis wondrous heavy. Wrench it open straight.

       If the sea’s stomach be o’ercharged with gold,

       It is a good constraint of fortune, that

       It belches on us.


      About three weeks after the events narrated in the preceding chapter, Newton Forster sailed in his vessel with a cargo to be delivered at the sea-port of Waterford. The master of her was immoderately addicted to liquor; and, during the time that he remained in port, seldom was to be found in a state of perfect sobriety, even on a Sunday. But, to do him justice, when his vessel was declared ready for sea, he abstained from his usual indulgence, that he might be enabled to take charge of the property committed to his care, and find his way to his destined port. It was a point on which his interest overcame, for a time, his darling propensity: and his rigid adherence to sobriety, when afloat, was so well ascertained, that his character as a trustworthy seaman was not injured by his continual intemperance when in harbour. Latterly, however, since Newton had sailed with him, he had not acted up to his important resolution. He found that the vessel was as safe under the charge of Forster as under his own; and having taken great pains to instruct him in seamanship, and make him well acquainted with the dangers of the coast, he thought that, as Newton was fully equal to the charge of the vessel, he might as well indulge himself with an occasional glass or two, to while away the tedium of embarkation. A stone pitcher of liquor was now his constant attendant when he pulled on board to weigh his anchor; which said pitcher, for fear of accidents, he carried down into the cabin himself. As soon as sail was on the vessel, and her course shaped, he followed his darling companion down into the cabin, and until the contents were exhausted was never sufficiently sober to make his appearance on deck; so that Newton Forster was, in fact, the responsible master of the vessel.

      The wind, which had been favourable at the time of heaving up the anchor, changed, and blew directly in their teeth, before they were well out of sight of the port of Overton. On the third day they were stretching off the land, to meet the first of the tide, under a light breeze and smooth water, when Newton perceived various objects floating in the offing. A small thing is a good prize to a coaster; even an empty breaker is not to be despised; and Newton kept away a point or two, that he might close and discover what the objects were. He soon distinguished one or two casks, swimming deeply, broken spars, and a variety of other articles. When the sloop was in the midst of them, Newton hove to, tossed out the little skiff, and in the course of an hour, unknown to his captain, who was in bed sleeping off the effect of his last potations, brought alongside, and contrived to parbuckle in, the casks, and as many others of the floating articles as he could conveniently stow upon her decks. The boat was again hoisted in, by the united exertions of himself and his crew, consisting of one man and one boy; and the sloop, wearing round, reached in for the land.

      It was evident to Newton that some large vessel had lately been wrecked, for the spars were fresh in the fracture, and clean—not like those long in the water, covered with sea-weed, and encircled by a shoal of fish, who, finding sustenance from the animalculae collected, follow the floating pieces of wood up and down, as their adopted parent, wherever they may be swept by the inconstant winds and tides.

      Newton examined the heels of the spars, but they were not marked with the name of the vessel to which they had belonged. The two casks had only initials branded upon the heads; but nothing could be found which would designate the owners of the property. A large trunk riveted his attention; but he would not open it until the master of the vessel came upon deck. Having ascertained by spiling that the contents of the casks were real Jamaica, he went down into the cabin to announce what he knew would be most grateful intelligence.

      It was some time before Newton could rouse his stupified senior.


      “What spars? Damn the wreck!” growled old Thompson (for such was his name), as he turned his back in no very ceremonious manner, and recommenced his snore.

      “There’s a trunk besides, sir—a large trunk; but I did not open it, as you were not on deck. A large trunk, and rather heavy.”

      “Trunk!—well, what then? Trunk!—oh, damn the trunk!—let me go to sleep,” muttered the master.

      “There’s two large casks, too, sir; I’ve spiled them, and they prove to be puncheons of rum,” bawled Newton, who pertinaciously continued.

      “Eh; what?—casks! what casks?”

      “Two puncheons of rum.”

      “Rum!—did you say rum?” cried old Thompson, lifting his head off the pillow, and staring stupidly at Newton; “where?”

      “On deck. Two casks: we picked them up as we were standing off the land.”

      “Picked them up?—are they on board?” inquired the master, sitting upright in his bed, and rubbing his eyes.

      “Yes, they’re safe on board. Won’t you come on deck?”

      “To be sure, I will. Two puncheons of rum, you said?”—and old Thompson gained his feet, and reeled to the companion ladder, holding on by all fours, as he climbed up without his shoes.

      When the master of the sloop had satisfied himself as to the contents of the casks, which he did by taking about half a tumbler of each, Newton proposed that the trunk should be opened. “Yes,” replied Thompson, who had drawn off a mug of the spirits, with which he was about to descend to the cabin, “open it, if you like, my boy. You have made a bon prize to-day, and your share shall be the trunk; so you may keep it, and the things that are stowed away in it, for your trouble: but don’t forget to secure the casks till we can stow them away below. We can’t break bulk now; but the sooner they are down the better; or we shall have some quill-driving rascal on board, with his flotsam and jetsam, for the Lord knows who;” and Thompson, to use his own expression, went down again “to lay his soul in soak.”

      Reader, do you know the meaning of flotsam and jetsam? None but a lawyer can, for it is old law language. Now, there is a slight difference between language in general and law language. The first was invented to enable us to explain our own meaning, and comprehend the ideas of others; whereas, the second was invented with the view that we should not be able to understand a word about it. In former times, when all law, except club law, was in its infancy, and practitioners not so erudite, or so thriving as at present, it was thought advisable to render it unintelligible by inventing a sort of lingo, compounded of bad French, grafted upon worse Latin, forming a mongrel and incomprehensible

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