A Military Dictionary and Gazetteer. Thomas Wilhelm

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A Military Dictionary and Gazetteer - Thomas  Wilhelm

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       PLATE 9.

       PLATE 10.

       PLATE 11.

       PLATE 12.

       PLATE 13.

       PLATE 14.

       PLATE 15.

       PLATE 16.

       PLATE 17.

       PLATE 18.

       PLATE 19.

       PLATE 20.

       PLATE 21.

       PLATE 22.

       PLATE 23.

       PLATE 24.

       PLATE 25.

       PLATE 26.

       PLATE 27.

       PLATE 28.

       PLATE 29.

       PLATE 30.

       PLATE 31.

       PLATE 32.

       Table of Contents

      It is with no small degree of relief that the compiler of this work now turns from a self-imposed task, involving some years of the closest application, to write a brief preface, not as a necessity, but in justice to the work and the numerous friends who have taken the warmest interest in its progress and final completion.

      It is inevitable that in the vast amount of patient and persistent labor in a work of this kind, extending to 1386 pages, and containing 17,257 distinct articles, there should be a few errors, oversights, and inconsistencies, notwithstanding all the vigilance to the contrary.

      Condensation has been accomplished where it was possible to do so, and repetition avoided to a great extent by reference, where further information was contained in other articles of this book.

      The contributions to the Regimental Library, which afforded the opportunity for this compilation, of standard foreign works, were of infinite value, and many thanks are tendered for them.

      To G. & C. Merriam, Publishers, for the use of Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary; J. B. Lippincott & Co., Publishers, Philadelphia; D. Van Nostrand, Publisher, New York; Maj. William A. Marye, Ordnance Department, U.S.A.; Maj. W. S. Worth, Eighth Infantry, U.S.A.; Maj. D. T. Wells, Eighth Infantry, U.S.A.; Lieut. F. A. Whitney, Adjutant Eighth Infantry, U.S.A.; Lieut. C. A. L. Totten, Fourth Artillery, U.S.A.; Lieut. C. M. Baily, Quartermaster Eighth Infantry, U.S.A.; and Lieut. G. P. Scriven, Third Artillery, U.S.A., the compiler is indebted for courteous assistance in the preparation of this volume.

      October, 1879.

       Table of Contents

      In submitting this volume to the public it is deemed proper to say that the design of the work is to bring together into one series, and in as compact a form as possible for ready reference, such information as the student of the science and art of war, persons interested in the local or reserve forces, libraries, as well as the editors of the daily press, should possess. In short, it is believed that the work will be useful to individuals of all ranks and conditions.

      The compiler has labored under some disadvantages in obtaining the necessary information for this volume, and much is due to the encouragement and assistance received from accomplished and eminent officers, through which he was enabled to undertake the revision of the first issue of this work with greater assurance; and among the officers referred to, Lieut. William R. Quinan, of the Fourth Artillery, U.S.A., deserves especially to be mentioned. It may not be out of place here to state that the compiler takes no credit to himself beyond the labor contributed in the several years of research, and bringing forward to date the matter requiring it, with such changes as the advance of time and improvements demand.

      As it was thought best to make this work purely military, all naval references which appeared in the first edition have been eliminated.

      May, 1881.


       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      A Handy Dictionary of Military Terms—Knollys.

      Aide Memoire to the Military Sciences—Originally edited by a Committee of the Royal Engineers in England (Revised and Enlarged).

      Analytical Digest of the Military Laws of the United States—Scott.

      A Treatise on the Law of Evidence—Greenleaf.

      Beeton’s Dictionary of Universal Biography.

      Beeton’s Dictionary of Universal Geography.

      Chambers’s Encyclopædia.

      Customs of Service for Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Army—Kautz.

      Customs of Service for Officers of the Army—Kautz.

      Classical Dictionary—Smith.

      Digest of Opinions of the Judge-Advocate-General—Winthrop.

      Dictionary of the United States Army—Gardner.


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