Leg over Leg. Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq

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Leg over Leg - Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq

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صنم عبده العباس بن مرداس ورهطه *
or Wadd, “an idol; also spelled Wudd”
or Āzar, “an idol”
or Bājar, “an idol worshipped by the tribe of al-Azd; also pronounced Bājir”
or Jihār, “an idol of the tribe of Hawāzin”
or al-Dawwār, “an idol; also pronounced al-Duwwār”
or al-Dār, “an idol, after whom ʿAbd al-Dār, the founder of a clan [of the tribe of Quraysh], was named”
or Suʿayr, “an idol”
or al-Uqayṣir, “an idol”
or Kathrā, “an idol belonging to Jadīs and Ṭasm18 that was broken to pieces by Nahshal ibn al-Raʾīs, who then attached himself to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace”
or al-Ḍimār, “an idol worshipped by al-ʿAbbās ibn Mirdās19 and his company”


ونَسْر صنم كان لذى الكِلاع بارض حمير *
والشمس صنم قديم *
وعُمْيانِس صنم لِخَولان كانوا يقسمون له من انعامهم وحروثهم *
والفلْس صنم لطيّئ *
وجُرَيْش صنم كان فى الجاهلية *
والخَلَصة صنم كان فى بيت يدعى الكعبة اليمانية لخثعم
وعَوْض صنم لبكر بن وائل *
واِساف صنم وضعه عمرو١ بن لُحَىّ على الصفا *
ونائلة صنم آخر وضعه على المروة وكان يذبح عليهما (فى قول) *
والمُحَرِّق صنم لبكر بن وائل *

      ١ كذا في القاموس وفي ١٨٥٥: عمر.

or Nasr, “an idol of the Dhū l-Kilāʿ tribe in the land of Himyar”
or Shams, “an ancient idol”
or ʿUmyānis, “an idol belonging to the tribe of Khawlān by whom they would swear against their flocks and their crops”
or al-Fils, “an idol belonging to the tribe of Ṭayyiʾ”
or Juraysh, “an idol of the Days of Barbarism”
or al-Khalaṣah, “an idol that was in a holy house called ‘the Yemeni Kaaba’ belonging to the tribe of Khathʿam”
or ʿAwḍ, “an idol belonging to the tribe of Bakr ibn Wā’il”
or Isāf, “an idol set up by ʿAmr ibn Luḥayy20 at al-Ṣafā”
or Nāʾilah, “another idol that he set up at al-Marwah; sacrifices were made both to it and the preceding” (according to one definition)
or al-Muḥarriqah, “an idol belonging to the tribe of Bakr ibn Wāʾil”


والشارِق صنم فى الجاهلية *
والبَعْل صنم كان لقوم الياس عمٓ *
وسُواع١ صنم عُبد فى زمن نوح عمٓ فدفنه الطوفان فاستشاره ابليس فعُبد وصار لهذيل وحُج اليه *
والكُسْعة صنم *
والعَوْف صنم *
وذى الكَفّين صنم كان لدَوْس *
ومنَاف صنم *
ويَعُوق صنم لقوم نوح أو كان رجلا من صالحى زمانه فلما مات جزعوا عليه فاتاهم الشيطان فى صورة انسان فقال امثّله لكم فى محرابكم حتى تروه كلّما صلّيتم ففعلوا ذلك به وبسبعة من بعده من صالحيهم ثم تمادى بهم الامر الى ان اتخذوا تلك الامثلة اصناما يعبدونها *
والاَشْهَل صنم ومنه بنو عبد الاشهل لحىّ من العرب *
وهُبَل صنم كان فى الكعبة *

      ١ كذا في القاموس وفي١٨٥٥: سَواع.

or al-Shāriq, “an idol of the Days of Barbarism”
or al-Baʿl, “an idol that belonged to the people of Ilyās, peace be upon him21
or Suwāʿ, “an idol worshipped in the days of Nūḥ, peace be upon him; it was submerged by the Flood, then Satan made it reappear, and it was worshipped and came to belong to the tribe of Hudhayl and pilgrimage was made to it”
or al-Kusʿah, “an idol”
or al-ʿAwf, “an idol”
or Dhū al-Kaffayn, “an idol belonging to the tribe of Daws”
or Manāf, “an
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