Leg over Leg. Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq

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Leg over Leg - Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq

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or ḍamaj, “a pestilence that affects a person”; it also means “the aroused state of a passive sodomite” or ʿināj, “pain in the backbone” or faḥaj, “pointing toward one another of the foreparts of the feet in walking with splaying out of the heels; fajaj and fakhaj are worse forms of the same” or lakhaj, “the worst form of bleariness of the eye” or majaj, “flaccidity of the corners of the mouth” or jalaḥ, “the retreat of the hair from the sides of the head” or ṣafaḥ, “excessive width of the forehead” or naṭaf, “a disease against which people are cauterized” or farkaḥah, “wide spacing of the buttocks” or faṭaḥ, “breadth of head and tip of the nose”


والفَلح شق فى الشفة السفلى *
والقادح اُكال فى الاسنان *
والَقَلح صفرة الاسنان *
والكَسَح الزمانة فى اليدين والرجلين *
واللَجَح اللخص فى العين *
والمَرَح شدة سيلان العين وفسادها *
والمَسَح احتراق باطن الركبة لخشونة الثوب او اصطكاك الربلتين ومثله المشح *
والوَذَح احتراق فى باطن الفخذين *
والبَزَخ خروج الصدر ودخول الظهر *
or falaḥ, “a split in the lower lip”
or qādiḥ, “erosion of the teeth”
or qalaḥ, “yellowing of the teeth”
or kasaḥ, “a chronic disease of the hands and legs”
or lajaḥ, “fleshy swelling around the eye”
or maraḥ, “extreme watering and deterioration of the eye”
or masaḥ, “chafing of the inside of the knee due to coarseness of clothing or the rubbing against one another of the thighs; synonym mashaḥ
or wadhaḥ, “chafing on the inside of the thighs”
or bazakh, “concavity of the chest and convexity of the back”


والزُلَّخة وجع ياخذ فى الظهر *
والفَتَخ استرخآ المفاصل او عرض الكف والقدم وطولهما *
والنُفّاخ نفخة الورم من دآء يحدث *
والجَرَد عدم الشعر *
والدَرَد ذهاب الاسنان *
والرِدّة تقاعس فى الذقن *
والسُواد دآء من شرب المآ *
والقَوَد طول العنق والظهر *
والكُباد وجع الكبد *
واللهْد دآء فى ارجل الناس وافخاذهم *
or zullakhah, “a pain that affects the back”
or fatakh, “flaccidity of the joints, or broadness and length of the hand and foot”
or nuffākh, “the eruption of a swelling as the result of the occurrence of a disease”
or jarad, “hairlessness”
or darad, “toothlessness”
or riddah, “recession of the chin”
or suwād, “a disease resulting from drinking water”
or qawad, “elongation of the neck and back”
or kubād, “pain in the liver”
or lahd, “a disease in people’s legs and thighs”


والاَدَر الآدر والمادور من ينفتق صفاقه فيقع قُصبُه فى صَفْنه الخ وفعله كفرح *
والبَجَر خروج السرّة وعظم البطن *
والبَخَر النتن فى الفم *
والباسور م ج بواسير *
والحَثَر البثور وحثرت العين خرج فى اجفانها حبّ احمر *
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