Tourism and Earthquakes. Группа авторов

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Tourism and Earthquakes - Группа авторов

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Tourism 26 (10), 1766–1783.

      Lindell, M.K. and Prater, C.S. (2003) Assessing community impacts of natural disasters. Natural Hazards Review 4 (4), 176–185.

      Linnenluecke, M.K. (2017) Resilience in business and management research: A review of influential publications and a research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews 19 (1), 4–30.

      Lowe, S.R., Manove, E.E. and Rhodes, J.E. (2013) Posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic growth among low-income mothers who survived Hurricane Katrina. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 81 (5), 877–889.

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      Mair, J., Ritchie, B.W. and Walters, G. (2016) Towards a research agenda for post-disaster and post-crisis recovery strategies for tourist destinations: A narrative review. Current Issues in Tourism 19 (1), 1–26.

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      Mazzocchi, M. and Montini, A. (2001) Earthquake effects on tourism in central Italy. Annals of Tourism Research 28 (4), 1031–1046.

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      Moeller, S.D. (2006) ‘Regarding the pain of others’: Media, bias and the coverage of international disasters. Journal of International Affairs 59 (2), 173–196.

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      Mäntyniemi, P. (2012) An analysis of seismic risk from a tourism point of view. Disasters 36 (3), 465–476.

      Nguyen, D.N., Imamura, F. and Iuchi, K. (2018) Barriers towards hotel disaster preparedness: Case studies of post 2011 Tsunami, Japan. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 28, 585–594.

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      Orchiston, C. (2013) Tourism business preparedness, resilience and disaster planning in a region of high seismic risk: The case of the Southern Alps, New Zealand. Current Issues in Tourism 16 (5), 477–494.

      Orchiston, C. and Higham, J.E.S. (2016) Knowledge management and tourism recovery (de) marketing: The Christchurch earthquakes 2010–2011. Current Issues in Tourism 19 (1), 64–84.

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      Prayag, G. (2018) Symbiotic relationship or not? Understanding resilience and crisis management in tourism. Tourism Management Perspectives 25, 133–135.

      Prayag, G., Chowdhury, M., Spector, S. and Orchiston, C. (2018) Organizational resilience and financial performance. Annals of Tourism Research 73 (C), 193–196.

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      Prayag, G., Spector, S., Orchiston, C. and Chowdhury, M. (2019b) Psychological resilience, organizational resilience and life satisfaction in tourism firms: Insights from the Canterbury earthquakes. Current Issues in Tourism [online]. DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2019.1607832.

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      Ritchie, B. (2008) Tourism disaster planning and management: From response and recovery to reduction and readiness. Current Issues in Tourism 11 (4), 315–348.

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      Rogers, P., Burnside-Lawry, J., Dragisic, J. and Mills, C. (2016) Collaboration and communication: Building a research agenda and way of working towards community disaster resilience. Disaster Prevention and Management 25 (1), 75–90.

      Rose, A. (2011) Resilience and sustainability in the face of disasters. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 1 (1), 96–100.

      Russell, L.A., Goltz, J.D. and Bourque, L.B. (1995) Preparedness and hazard mitigation actions before and after two earthquakes. Environment and Behavior 27 (6), 744–770.

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      Seville, E. (2018) Building resilience: How to have a positive impact at the organizational and individual employee level. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal 32

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