The Fine Pearl. Julie Teariki-Tautea

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The Fine Pearl - Julie Teariki-Tautea

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      Seeking Fine pearls

      Seeking fine pearl relates to Jesus' illustration in his gospel teachings. He told his followers another illustration: “The Kingdom of the heavens is like leaven that a woman took and mixed with three large measures of flour until the whole mass was fermented.” Matthew 13: 33, “Again the kingdom of the heavens is like a traveling merchant "seeking fine pearls.” Matthew. 13. 45. The Bible has so much information for all believers to read and believe in the words, yet we could easily miss out on some important points, and there are many great promises of the truth about the bible, yet the bible could be miss-inter-preached, and it doesn’t matter how many times we read the bible, we will still miss out on some valuable important points until someone points us into the bibles perspective, then it becomes an eye-opener for us. The point is this that the bible is like what Jesus said; “Seeking Fine Pearl


      God's purpose always will work through each and every one of us in our personal lives. This is my personal life journals and learning discoveries about the scriptures and the teaching from the Bible. We could ask ourselves questions like what do I have to do in my life and what does God wants in my life or where should I get help to deal with my problems?

      There is no doubt that God was helping in dealing with my life to look to him and not on my problems. God sends people into my life to help me learn more about him and myself through the Bible. Psalms 18. 34, "He teacheth my hands to war so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms. Bible Study October 2016: I started my home visit Bible study journey with two beautiful lovely ladies who came to teach and witness at my place, they love Jehovah God and love to teach the truth about the bible and most importantly sharing and witnessing their knowledge about what the Bible's teaches. How many confusion Christians out there? Do we sometimes stop to listen to God through others who are there to correct us? Or do we even give our time to listen and believed in what God says to us or to hear his accurate information from the bible? A copy of this bible study book was handed to me by one of the Jehovah's witnessing brother but of course, it was out of excuses and reasoning that I didn't pay much attention and did not get around to study the book or even read it, followed by another visit he asked if I did get around to study the book and I said no' I didn't, another excuse followed by another, then again with another man they came around again to visit me, they then ask me if I was a Christian and of course very proudly I said, of course, I'm a Christian! I pray every day, I go to church and I give my life to Jesus! The usual mainstream Christian attitudes. Then a thought came through my mind if only I could study with another sister, not with these two men. To my surprise the next visit he comes around with a lovely happy smiling sister at my front door, I' thought he must have read my heart, I' was about to make another excuse today by asking him to bring a sister next time, and now he comes around with a sister at the front of my door. I have listened to many Christian faith believers.

      Opposing or criticizing Jehovah's Witnesses: If you are one of those opposing Jehovah's witnesses let me make it clear to you please' do not look at the religion or organization, as I am a supporter of what the scripture says; 2 Timothy 3: 16-17, "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for settings things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work" I am not telling you to leave your churches and go join Jehovah's witnesses but look at this study Journal as my personal discoveries from the Jehovah's witnessing bibles study representatives to see it through the perspective of the scriptures, that might help change the way you view Christianity in your personal Christian journey. This reminds of Job who answered and said in Job 21.1-3; “Hear diligently my speech and let this be your consolations. Suffer me that I may speak, and after that, I have spoken, mock on.” According to the scripture in 2 Timothy 4:2, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” Bible studies with those two of Jehova's witnessing ladies were very encouraging, it was listening and reading the scriptures from the Bible's angle, and from the Bibles' perspective point from word to words, it was awesome and great to have those two lovely visitors popping into my home, and when nobody dared to come into my place. I must admit I was so blessed to have them around. We sat down around the table and one of the sisters said a most gentle and beautiful prayer her tone of prayer was very kind and loving towards our loving God, it was one of the beautiful prayers ever head, an opening prayer was a humble prayer and end it in the name of our Savior King Jesus Christ. It was such a blessing to have Sandu and Cheryl come to my home and witness the bible with me, Sandu was so delighted that they have been invited into my home to witness to me, all teachings were based on the bible chapters and verses from the topic to topic.

      ‘What does the Bible Teach?” They explain to me why they are teaching God's word and that they believed in the scriptures and act on the words and teach out from the bible. They are doing this because what the scripture says, “And he said unto them. Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15. I was willing to learn from the bible teachings as the scripture says; Respond to my reproof. Then I will pour out my spirit for you: I will make my words known to you. Proverbs. 1:23. God was teaching me and helping me to know him well through the scriptures. The problem with many Christian believers is that we think we know it all and we turn to disagree with one another. But let me explain why, the truth about God's words is if the bible says it, we believe it and act on it. We don't argue about other Christians Religions, our faith should be based on God and his begotten Son Jesus Christ and God's words of teachings and not on any person or religion. If we look at religions or people we see many wrongs and we turned to be judgemental about each other. With this bible study journey, I have discovered many interesting topics and as always praying at the beginning and end of each bible study seasons, they would pray beautiful prayers, and in Jesus Christ our Saviors King's name. Jesus also mentioned that here I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in the spirit and associate with you.

      The journey into discovering the bible truth. I was going in and out of churches. I couldn't figure out what my role was in and out of churches. My husband has an area of need professional job that required us to move constantly almost every year from one state to another and even from one suburb to another or from town to another. God was good he provided and natured me with bible studies in and out of the seasons; “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:” Psalms 23:6. I like these scriptures. "I went past the field of a sluggard, past the vineyard of someone who has no sense; thorns had come up everywhere, the ground was covered with weeds, and the stonewall was in ruins. I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw: Proverbs 24 30:32. I came to a point where I had to apply my heart to the bibles' teachings, it was all about our almighty God and his only begotten son Jesus Christ. I am not a critical or complicated person to listen to or and learn. I like learning and I applied my heart to study what the bible is saying:

      Taking notes on Truths about God: During our meeting, I was jotting down a few personal learning notes taken from our bible study and it was saved for future use. The truth about Jehovah God is that he is our loving and caring creator father from generation to generation to all his children. God is everlasting life and living God, he does not destroy life or kill life but he creates life and loves life, he created us and want us to have everlasting life with him, from a long time ago with the time of Adam and Eve. Our creator Father loves life and it wasn’t his plans to destroy any life or anyone for that matter.

      Who was the opposer at the beginning of the creation? Satan! Satan means opposer. The Devil who rebel and oppose God because he wanted to destroy life, it wasn’t God’s plans to destroy human life? The opposer the Serpent was the one that destroys God’s perfect plans, for all humans from generation to generation, and because of that first Adam sins, we are all born into this sinful earth.

      Applying hearts to understanding: When we have questions or doubt who God is and why questions we will get answers from the bible if we search for answers we will find answers. We ask our loving father in prayer and he answers “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and

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