Set Theory And Foundations Of Mathematics: An Introduction To Mathematical Logic - Volume I: Set Theory. Douglas Cenzer

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Set Theory And Foundations Of Mathematics: An Introduction To Mathematical Logic - Volume I: Set Theory - Douglas Cenzer

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2.3.11. Show that, for any set A and any indexed family {Bi : iI}, A ∪ ⋂i∈I Bi = ⋂i∈I(ABi).

       Exercise 2.3.12.

      (a) Show that, for any indexed families {Ai : iI} and {Bi : iI}, ⋃i∈I(AiBi) ⊆ (⋃i∈I Ai ∩ ⋃i∈I Bi).

      (b) Give an example to show that equality does not always hold in part (a).

      Exercise 2.3.13. Let {Ai : iI} and Bj : jJ} be indexed families of sets and suppose that AiBj for all iI and all jJ. Show that ⋃i∈I Ai ⊂ ⋂j∈J Bj.

      Exercise 2.3.14. Show that, for any indexed family {Ai : iI} of sets, (⋂i∈I Ai) = ⋃i∈I


      Exercise 2.3.15. Let {Ai : iI} be an indexed family of sets.

      (a) Show that F[⋃i∈I Ai] = ⋃i∈I F[Ai].

      (b) Show that F[⋂i∈I Ai] ⊂ ⋂i∈I F[Ai].

      (c) Show that equality does not always hold in (b).

      Exercise 2.3.16. Let {Bi : iI} be an indexed family of sets.

      (a) Show that F−1[⋃i∈I Bi] = ⋃i∈I F−1[Bi].

      (b) Show that F−1[⋂i∈I Bi] = ⋂i∈I F−1[Bi].


      Exercise 2.3.17. Suppose

= {Ai : iI} is an indexed family, and Ai
for all iI. Show that the Rng(pi) = Ai, where pi is the ith projection function on ∏i∈I Ai.

      Exercise 2.3.18. Let I = {0, 1}. Define a bijection between ∏i∈I Ai and A0 × A1. More generally, define a bijection between

and A1 × A2 × · · · × An.

      Definition 2.4.1. A relation R on a set A is an equivalence relation if it is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. For any aA, the equivalence class of a is [a]R := {xA : aRx}, or sometimes written a/R.

      A family {Pi : iI} of subsets of A is a partition of A the sets Pi are nonempty, pairwise disjoint, and ⋃i∈I Pi = A. The last two conditions may be rephrased to say that each element of A belongs to exactly one of the sets Pi.

      Here are some well-known examples.

      Example 2.4.2. For any positive integer m and any integers x, y, let xy (mod m) if and only if m divides xy. For example, if m = 3, then there are three equivalence classes, [0] = {0, 3, 6, . . . }, [1] = {1, 4, 7, . . . }, and [2] = {2, 5, 8, . . . }. The equivalence classes form the group

(3) with addition take modulo 3.

      Example 2.4.3. Let FG (modulo finite) for functions F, G :

if and only if {x : F(x) ≠ G(x)} is finite. For subsets A, B of
, let AB (modulo finite) if and only if χAχB. Another way to phrase this is that AB (modulo finite) if and only if the symmetric difference (A \ B) ∪ (B \ A) is finite.

      The following proposition gives some key properties of equivalence classes.

      (1) aRb;

      (2) [a] = [b];

      (3) a ∈ [b];

      (4) [a] ∩ [b] ≠


      Proof. (1)

(2): Suppose aRb and let cA be arbitrary. If c ∈ [a], then cRa. By transitivity, this implies cRb and hence c ∈ [b]. Similarly c ∈ [b] implies c ∈ [a]. This demonstrates that [a] = [b].


(3): Suppose that [a] = [b]. Since a ∈ [a], this implies that a ∈ [b].




and let c ∈ [a] ∩ [b]. Then c ∈ [a], so that aRc and c ∈ [b], so that cRb. It follows from transitivity that aRb.

      Proposition 2.4.5. Let R be an equivalence relation on A, and A

. Then the family of equivalence classes of A/R is partition of A.

      Proof. Let [a] denote [a]R. Certainly each [a] is a nonempty subset of A. ⋃a∈A[a] = A since each a ∈ [a]. Given two classes [a] ≠ [b], it follows from Proposition 2.4.4 that [a] ∩ [b] =



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