Multivalued Maps And Differential Inclusions: Elements Of Theory And Applications. Valeri Obukhovskii
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Let us mention also the following property.
Theorem 1.2.37. Let X and Y be topological spaces; A ⊂ X a connected set and F : X → P(Y) a multimap. If one of the following conditions holds true:
(i)F is upper or lower semicontinuous and the values F(x) are connected for each x ∈ A;
(ii)F is continuous and a value F(x0) is connected for some x0 ∈ A
then F(A) is a connected subset of Y.
Proof. (i) Consider the case of a upper semicontinuous multimap F. Suppose the contrary, then there exist open sets V0 and V1 in the space Y such that:
a)F(A) ⊂ (V0 ∪ V1);
b)F(A) ∩ Vi ≠
c)(F(A) ∩ V0) ∩ (F(A) ∩ V1) =
Consider the sets
In the case when the multimap F is lower semicontinuous, it is sufficient to note that open sets arising in the definition of a connected set may be replaced with closed ones and to carry out the same reasonings as above, by using Theorem 1.2.19 (c).
(ii) Also suppose the contrary. Then, by virtue of its connectedness, the set F(x0) must lie either in V0 or V1. Suppose for determinacy that F(x0) ⊂ V0 and hence
and moreover, by the continuity of the multimap F, both last sets are non-empty, disjoint and open. But this contradicts to the connectedness of A.
1.2.3Multivalued maps into a metric space
In the case when a multimap acts into a metric space we can obtain a few convenient characterizations for the above considered types of continuity.
Everywhere in this section, (Y, ϱ) is a metric space.
Definition 1.2.38. Let F : X → P(Y) be a multimap. The multimap Fε : X → P(Y),
is called an ε-enlargement of the multimap F.
Theorem 1.2.39. For the upper semicontinuity of a multimap F : X → K(Y) at a point x ∈ X, it is necessary and sufficient that for every ε > 0 there exists a neighborhood U(x) of x such that F(x′) ⊂ Fε(x) for all x′ ∈ U(x).
Proof. 1) Necessity. Notice that
is an open set containing F(x) and apply Definition 1.2.13.
2) Sufficiency. Let F(x) ⊂ V, where V is an open set. Then (see Ch. 0) there exists ε > 0 such that Fε(x) ⊂ V. But then there exists a neighborhood U(x) of x such that F(U(x)) ⊂ Fε(x) ⊂ V.
Theorem 1.2.40. For the lower semicontinuity of a multimap F : X → K(Y) at a point x ∈ X, it is necessary and sufficient that for every ε > 0 there exists a neighborhood U(x) of x that F(x) ⊂ Fε(x′) for all x′ ∈ U(x).
Proof. 1) Necessity. Take ε > 0 and let y1, . . . , yn be points of the set F(x) such that the collection of balls
2) Sufficiency. Let V be an open set in Y and F(x) ∩ V ≠
It is worth noting that in the necessary part of Theorem 1.2.39 and in the sufficient part of Theorem 1.2.40 the compactness of the values of the multimap F is not used.
As earlier, let C(Y) denote the collection of all nonempty closed subsets of Y. For A, B ∈ C(Y),