Multicultural Psychology. Jennifer T. Pedrotti

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Multicultural Psychology - Jennifer T. Pedrotti

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Multicultural Psychology

      To my children, Ben, Cate, and Chloe: May the world be more just when you are grown, and may you have participated in making it so. And for Brian, who always stands beside me.


      I dedicate this to the memory of my grandfather, Eli Williams; and to the person from whom so much of my family’s identity comes—my grandmother, Lillie Williams.


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      Multicultural Psychology

      Self, Society, and Social Change

       Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti

       California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo

       Denise A. Isom

       California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo

      Copyright © 2021 by SAGE Publications, Inc.

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      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Names: Pedrotti, Jennifer Teramoto, author. | Isom, Denise A., author.

      Title: Multicultural psychology : self, society, and social change / Jennifer T. Pedrotti, Denise A. Isom.

      Description: First edition. | Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE Publications, [2021] | Includes bibliographical references.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2020017293 | ISBN 9781506375885 (paperback) | ISBN 9781506375861 (epub) | ISBN 9781506375878 (epub) | ISBN 9781506375892 (ebook)

      Subjects: LCSH: Ethnopsychology—United States. | Minorities—United States—Psychology. | Ethnic groups—United States—Psychology.

      Classification: LCC GN502 .P43 2021 | DDC 155.8/20973—dc23

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      When this book was still just an idea, two friends met at a luncheon on their university campus. It seems significant to note that the luncheon was to honor the African American feminist scholar bell hooks, who had come to our campus that week to give a keynote address. Dr. hooks was at a nearby table when talk of this book came up between the two authors. Maybe it was her many quotes about acting on one’s beliefs, recognizing one’s own power, fighting back against White supremacy, and the importance of dialogue that lingered in our ears that day, but it brought us to a place of being ready to write this book.

      Though this is a book on multicultural psychology, and one of us is a psychologist (JTP), it is also steeped in theory and research from sociology and related cultural studies areas. We believed from the beginning that the context given by these associated fields (which are those to which DI belongs) would provide a meaningful backdrop essential to understanding this part of psychology. Though psychologists discuss environment and context in many parts of the discipline, these topics are often discussed in relation to the self. While we recognize this as important, we also understand that the self is embedded in context, and this is perhaps nowhere else so clear as in the parts of psychology related to culture, race, and other social identities.

      As we began to write this text, the 2016 election occurred and brought with it a resurgence of long-lingering debates, ideas, and fears. On college campuses across the nation, students began to rise up and use their voices to call for a new culture of activism. This was the environment in which we wrote this first edition: while listening to our students begin to come alive as a new breed of activists working toward change, and needing guidance from history and scholarship as they did. These students asked different kinds of questions in the classes we were teaching at the time, including Multicultural Psychology, the Social Construction of Whiteness, Intergroup Dialogues, and Race, Culture, and Politics in the U.S. Within the midst of this, it seemed time for a different kind of book—one that would teach facts, figures, history, theory, and ideas, in addition to providing ways to channel this new knowledge toward action and social justice.


      This book is divided into sections that introduce the field, starting with the question: “What is multicultural psychology?” In breaking things into sections, we hope you can see the progression with which you are moving through the material, and organize your thoughts based on the pieces in each. In teaching these topics over the years, we have found these sections mirror the best practices we use in helping students to understand and digest the material.

      Section One

      This section provides history, definitions, and social context to foreground the knowledge and information necessary to both understand and apply the concepts in multicultural psychology.

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