American Political Thought. Ken Kersch

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American Political Thought - Ken Kersch

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      1781: Articles of Confederation ratified

      1785: New York Society for the Promotion of the Manumission of Slaves founded

      1787–1789: Constitutional ratification debates

      1789 (September 17): US Constitution adopted

      1789–1799: French Revolution

       Chapter 3 Antebellum Political Thought

      1790–1840 (circa): Second Great Awakening

      1791: US Bill of Rights adopted

      1791–1804: Saint-Domingue Slave Rebellion/Haitian Revolution

      1793: Fugitive Slave Act of 1793

      1803: Louisiana Purchase

      1804–1806: Lewis and Clark expedition

      1808: Atlantic slave trade ended

      1812: War of 1812

      1814–1815: Hartford Convention

      1819–1821: Missouri Crises

      1821: Mexican independence from Spain shifts large parts of what later will become the American West from Spanish to Mexican control

      1822: Denmark Vesey Rebellion (aborted)

      1823: Monroe Doctrine

      1830: Indian Removal Act/Trail of Tears

      1831: The Liberator founded

      1831: Nat Turner Rebellion

      1833: American Anti-Slavery Society founded

      1845 (July 4): Henry David Thoreau begins residence at Walden Pond

      1845: US annexation of Texas

      1846–1848: Mexican–American War

      1848: California Gold Rush

      1848: Seneca Falls Convention

       Chapter 4 Secession/Civil War/Reconstruction

      1850: Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

      1852: Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

      1854: Republican Party founded

      1857: Dred Scott v. Sandford

      1858 (August–October): Lincoln–Douglas Debates

      1859: Radical abolitionist John Brown’s raid on US arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia

      1860 (December): South Carolina secedes

      1861 (April 12): South Carolina fires upon Fort Sumter; hostilities begin

      1861–1865: Abraham Lincoln presidency

      1861–1865: US Civil War

      1862: Homestead Act

      1863: Emancipation Proclamation

      1863: Gettysburg Address

      1864: Sand Creek massacre

      1865 (April 9): Robert E. Lee surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse

      1865 (April 15): Abraham Lincoln assassinated

      1865 (June 19): First African-American Juneteenth celebration commemorating the Emancipation Proclamation

      1865–1870: Civil War Amendments adopted

      1865–1877: Reconstruction

      1866: Civil Rights Act of 1866

       Chapter 5 Industrial Capitalism, Reformism, and the New American State

      1869: Transcontinental Railroad completed

      1869–1874: Granger Laws passed

      1871: Indian Appropriations Act

      1872: First National Park established at Yellowstone

      1875: Civil Rights Act of 1875 (voided by Civil Rights Cases, 1883)

      1876: Alexander Graham Bell invents telephone

      1876: Battle of Little Big Horn

      1877–1880: Thomas Edison invents the phonograph, the electric light bulb, and electric power generation

      1882: Chinese Exclusion Act

      1886 (May 4): Haymarket Affair, Chicago

      1887: Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) established

      1887: Dawes Act (Native American land allotments)

      1890: Sherman Anti-trust Act

      1890: Wounded Knee massacre

      1890: American Frontier closed

      1890: “Jim Crow” white supremacy re-established in South

      1890s (circa): Populist movement

      1890–1920: Progressive era

      1892: Homestead Strike, Pittsburgh

      1896: Plessy v. Ferguson

      1898: Spanish–American War

      1901–1909: Theodore Roosevelt presidency

      1903: Wright Brothers invent airplane and fly at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

      1908: Introduction of the Model T automobile by the Ford Motor Company

      1909: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) founded

      1912: Theodore Roosevelt’s third-party “Bull Moose” presidential campaign

      1913: Federal Reserve established

      1913–1921: Woodrow Wilson presidency

      1914–1918: World War I

      1917 (April)–1918 (November): US joins World War I

      1918–1920: Spanish flu pandemic

      1920: Nineteenth Amendment ratified

      1920–1933: Prohibition

      1921: Equal Rights Amendment proposed

      1924: Immigration Act

      1924: Indian Citizenship Act

       Chapter 6 The New Deal Liberal Order: Collapse, Culmination, or “Great Exception”?


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