Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis. Douglas C. Montgomery

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Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis - Douglas C. Montgomery

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F1,n−2 distribution. Appendix C.3 also shows that the expected values of these mean squares are


      These expected mean squares indicate that if the observed value of F0 is large, then it is likely that the slope β1 ≠ 0. Appendix C.3 also shows that if β1 ≠ 0, then F0 follows a noncentral F distribution with 1 and n − 2 degrees of freedom and a non-centrality parameter of


      This noncentrality parameter also indicates that the observed value of F0 should be large if β1 ≠ 0. Therefore, to test the hypothesis H0: β1 = 0, compute the test statistic F0 and reject H0 if


      The test procedure is summarized in Table 2.4.

       TABLE 2.4 Analysis of Variance for Testing Significance of Regression

Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Square F 0
Regression in27-6 1 MS R MSR/MSRes
Residual in27-7 n − 2 MS Res
Total SS T n − 1

      We will test for significance of regression in the model developed in Example 2.1 for the rocket propellant data. The fitted model is in28-1, SST = 1,693,737.60, and Sxy = −41,112.65. The regression sum of squares is computed from Eq. (2.34) as


      The analysis of variance is summarized in Table 2.5. The computed value of F0 is 165.21, and from Table A.4, F0.01,1,18 = 8.29. The P value for this test is 1.66 × 10−10. Consequently, we reject H0: β1 = 0.

      The Minitab output in Table 2.3 also presents the analysis-of-variance test significance of regression. Comparing Tables 2.3 and 2.5, we note that there are some slight differences between the manual calculations and those performed by computer for the sums of squares. This is due to rounding the manual calculations to two decimal places. The computed values of the test statistics essentially agree.

       More About the t Test

      We noted in Section 2.3.2 that the t statistic

       TABLE 2.5 Analysis-of-Variance Table for the Rocket Propellant Regression Model

Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Square F 0 P value
Regression 1,527,334.95 1 1,527,334.95 165.21 1.66 × 10−10
Residual 166,402.65 18 9,244.59
Total 1,693,737.60 19

      The real usefulness of the analysis of variance is in multiple regression models. We discuss multiple regression in the next chapter.

      Finally, remember that deciding that β1 = 0 is a very important conclusion that is only aided by the t or F test. The inability to show that the slope is not statistically different from zero may not necessarily mean that y

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