Ashton-Kirk, Secret Agent. John T. McIntyre

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Ashton-Kirk, Secret Agent - John T. McIntyre

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trembled a bit—just as though he had been quarreling with some one."

      Again the secret agent nodded.

      "But with whom?"said he. "Not Miss Corbin, I feel sure; and scarcely the old servant woman."

      "You think it was with Dr. Morse?"eagerly.

      "I don't know. But when Morse was heard entering the house, the girl whispered something to Warwick, rather pleadingly I thought, and he brusquely denied having any intention of doing—whatever it was that she spoke of."

      "Humph,"said Fuller.

      After some hours the train drew into the station at Washington; at once they took a taxi-cab and whirled to a government building. Ashton-Kirk was shown through a spacious suite and into a room where a handsome white-haired gentleman sat at a huge mahogany desk.

      "It was kind of you, Mr. Secretary, to put yourself out,"said the secret agent.

      The white-haired gentleman arose and shook his hand cordially.

      "I have had such telegrams from you before,"he said, "and they have never failed to be followed by matters of some interest."

      Ashton-Kirk sat down; the secretary pushed a box of long loosely wrapped cigars toward him.

      "They are Porto Ricos,"said he. "You may fancy their flavor."

      For a little time after lighting the cigars they sat in silence watching the smoke drifts and enjoying the aroma. Then Ashton-Kirk spoke.

      "Yesterday,"said he, "my attention was called to a rather interesting train of circumstances."

      "If you class it as interesting,"said the statesman, "there is nothing more to be said. I recall several matters which you handled in a somewhat bored fashion; and yet, to me, they were in many ways really amazing."

      "That is, perhaps, because you held to the point of view of the spectator. There is a broad element of drama in most things of this sort, and as a looker-on, this appealed to you. But this present affair,"leaning a trifle forward, "may have a greatly increased interest for you, for the indications are that it will lead directly to your department."

      The secretary knocked a narrow rim of ash from his cigar; he examined the red end carefully, and then said:


      "All countries have had their secrets,"said Ashton-Kirk, after a pause. "Some never see the light—others are only made known after centuries. If the hidden archives of the nations were thrown open to the world, history, perhaps, would have to be rewritten. Of course,"with a wave of one long finger, "some governments have more of these state secrets than others; the Italian republics probably were in the lead; the United States I should place almost last."

      "You are very good,"smiled the secretary.

      "But, still, we have some. Even in a democracy, it is not possible to make public all the details of government. Things are handed from one administration to another which must await the time of ripening and fulfilment."

      The secretary smoked quietly, but he said nothing.

      "These matters,"continued Ashton-Kirk, "are not, of course, to be disclosed—they are scarcely to be hinted at. But the case which I bring to your attention perhaps involves a delicate point of international relationship; if my reasoning holds, I do not require you to make any admissions. That you consider the affair important and worth following out will be enough."

      "Go on,"said the official.

      Ashton-Kirk reflected for a moment; then with a smile, he said:

      "Don't be alarmed if I date the beginning of my story back quite a bit. I merely desire to glance at one or two facts which I consider of some importance; then I will come as swiftly as I may to the present."There was another pause, but in a moment he resumed. "Have you ever noticed that there are individuals who, without any great intimacy, seem to cherish a steady regard for each other? There are families which do the same thing. And there are nations.

      "Now, I'm going to take a running view of such a friendship between two countries. When George III was puzzled as to how he should put down the rebellion of England's American colonies in the year 1775, he turned to Russia and tried to borrow an army. Catherine was then Empress of Russia; and her answer to the request was a most biting one. And George growled that she was a barbarian and contented himself with Hessians and Brunswickers.

      "When the second war of independence began, John Quincy Adams was United States Minister at St. Petersburg; and to him the Czar expressed the keenest regrets. And he did not stop at this. Through his representative, Daschkoof, and by personal letters, the Czar strove to bring the war to an end; he failed, but through no fault of his own. The friendly manner in which Russia ceded Alaska to the United States needs no comment.

      "During the blackest period of the Civil War, when practically all Europe favored the Confederacy and were upon the verge of giving it official recognition; when France had gone so far as to throw troops into Mexico in defiance of the Monroe doctrine, Russia still stood our firm friend. To the wonder of the nations she sent a fleet across the Atlantic; it entered our northern ports and lay grimly waiting. What the admiral's orders were, only St. Petersburg and Washington knew; but that they warranted his stripping his ships for action in the event of certain conditions arising, I have no doubt.

      "When the famine swept Russia a score of years ago, what people so quick to respond as our own? And when that same nation, because of geographical disadvantages, was outclassed in her war with Japan, it was the United States that stepped in and called a stay which resulted in the treaty of Portsmouth."

      There were some few moments of silence; the secretary leaned back in his chair, his fingers pattering upon its arms; that he was interested was shown by the quick little jets of smoke which rose above his head.

      "Well?"said he.

      "We now come to the matter of present interest,"said Ashton-Kirk. "The early defeats of Russia at the hands of Japan demonstrated her unpreparedness; and upon the heels of the news, the Russian Count Malikoff, with some military officers, came to Washington. At once a scarcely audible murmur ran through the more daring of the newspapers, but almost instantly died away. However, one with his ear to the ground could detect the falling into place of the ponderous parts of some international arrangement; but just what this arrangement was has not been made known."

      "Well,"said the secretary again.

      Slowly and with great care, the secret agent then began the story of Dr. Morse. Starting with the visit of Warwick, he related the queer happenings at Sharsdale; then came the flight to America and the grotesque messages which had so startled Stella Corbin. He proceeded:

      "A second glance at the picture of the crowned woman handed me by Warwick, and my attention was caught. It was the work of a Japanese."

      "Ah!"said the secretary. And he sat a trifle more upright.

      "It was a Japanese with a thoroughly Western training; but that his point of view was still Oriental was plain in the drawing. It then occurred to me that if a Japanese were vitally interested in Dr. Morse he would be likely to live as near to him as he could. And the telephone directory informed me that the house directly behind that of Morse was occupied by one Okiu."

      The secretary laid down his cigar.

      "Okiu!"said he. "I think I recall that name."

      "And more than likely it is the same person,"said Ashton-Kirk; "though as yet I am not assured of that fact."

      "Well?"said the official, expectantly.

      "As you have seen, the persecution of Dr. Morse began only after his return from Manchuria, where he had served in the Russian army. This in itself seemed to tell something; but when I add to it that he had never before come into contact with Japanese, and that one of the race was plainly involved, you will see that I had a fairly good reason for supposing that the thing had its beginning in Manchuria.

      "But what was the thing? Plainly it was not a personal matter, for his person and effects had been spared

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