The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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That through his brain are travelling,

       And, starting up, to Bruce’s heart

       He launch’d a deadly jav’lin!

       Fair Ellen saw it when it came,

       And, stepping forth to meet the same,

       Did with her body cover

       The Youth her chosen lover.

      And, falling into Bruce’s arms,

       Thus died the beauteous Ellen,

       Thus from the heart of her true-love

       The mortal spear repelling.

       And Bruce, as soon as he had slain

       The Gordon, sail’d away to Spain,

       And fought with rage incessant

       Against the Moorish Crescent.

      But many days and many months,

       And many years ensuing,

       This wretched Knight did vainly seek

       The death that he was wooing:

       So coming back across the wave,

       Without a groan on Ellen’s grave

       His body he extended,

       And there his sorrow ended.

      Now ye who willingly have heard

       The tale I have been telling,

       May in Kirkonnel churchyard view

       The grave of lovely Ellen:

       By Ellen’s side the Bruce is laid,

       And, for the stone upon his head,

       May no rude hand deface it,

       And its forlorn ‘Hic jacet’.

      Strange fits of passion I have known,

       And I will dare to tell,

       But in the lover’s ear alone,

       What once to me befel.

      When she I lov’d, was strong and gay

       And like a rose in June,

       I to her cottage bent my way,

       Beneath the evening moon.

      Upon the moon I fix’d my eye,

       All over the wide lea;

       My horse trudg’d on, and we drew nigh

       Those paths so dear to me.

      And now we reach’d the orchard plot,

       And, as we climb’d the hill,

       Towards the roof of Lucy’s cot

       The moon descended still.

      In one of those sweet dreams I slept,

       Kind Nature’s gentlest boon!

       And, all the while, my eyes I kept

       On the descending moon.

      My horse mov’d on; hoof after hoof

       He rais’d and never stopp’d:

       When down behind the cottage roof

       At once the planet dropp’d.

      What fond and wayward thoughts will slide

       Into a Lover’s head —

       ”O mercy!” to myself I cried,

       ”If Lucy should be dead!”

       Table of Contents

      She dwelt among th’ untrodden ways

       Beside the springs of Dove,

       A Maid whom there were none to praise

       And very few to love.

      A Violet by a mossy stone

       Half-hidden from the Eye!

       — Fair, as a star when only one

       Is shining in the sky!

      She liv’d unknown, and few could know

       When Lucy ceas’d to be;

       But she is in her Grave, and Oh!

       The difference to me.

      A slumber did my spirit seal,

       I had no human fears:

       She seem’d a thing that could not feel

       The touch of earthly years.

      No motion has she now, no force

       She neither hears nor sees

       Roll’d round in earth’s diurnal course

       With rocks and stones and trees!

       Table of Contents

      ”Begone, thou fond presumptuous Elf,

       Exclaim’d a thundering Voice,

       Nor dare to thrust thy foolish self

       Between me and my choice!”

       A falling Water swoln with snows

       Thus spake to a poor Briar-rose,

       That all bespatter’d with his foam,

       And dancing high, and dancing low,

       Was living, as a child might know,

       In an unhappy home.

      ”Dost thou presume my course to block?

       Off, off! or, puny Thing!

       I’ll hurl thee headlong with the rock

       To which thy fibres cling.”

       The Flood was tyrannous and strong;

       The patient Briar suffer’d long,

       Nor did he utter groan or sigh,

       Hoping the danger would be pass’d:

       But seeing no relief, at last

       He venture’d to reply.

      ”Ah!” said the Briar, “Blame me not!

       Why should we dwell in strife?

       We who in this, our natal spot,

       Once liv’d a happy life!

       You stirr’d me on my rocky bed —

       What pleasure thro’ my veins you spread!

       The Summer long from day to day

       My leaves you freshen’d and bedew’d;

       Nor was it common gratitude

       That did your cares repay.”

      When Spring came on with bud and bell,

       Among these rocks did I

       Before you hang my wreath to tell

       That gentle days were nigh!

       And in the sultry summer hours

       I shelter’d you with leaves and flowers;

       And in my leaves now shed and gone

       The linnet lodg’d and for us two

       Chaunted his pretty songs when you

       Had little voice or none.

      But now proud thoughts are in your breast —

       What grief is mine you see.


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