The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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Are but faint types and images of thee!

      Burn madly, Fire! o’er earth in ravage run,

      Then blush for shame more red by fiercer —— outdone! 20

      I saw when from the turtle feast

       The thick dark smoke in volumes rose!

       I saw the darkness of the mist

       Encircle thee, O Nose!

      Shorn of thy rays thou shott’st a fearful gleam 25

       (The turtle quiver’d with prophetic fright)

      Gloomy and sullen thro’ the night of steam: —

       So Satan’s Nose when Dunstan urg’d to flight,

      Glowing from gripe of red-hot pincers dread

      Athwart the smokes of Hell disastrous twilight shed! 30

      The Furies to madness my brain devote —

       In robes of ice my body wrap!

       On billowy flames of fire I float,

       Hear ye my entrails how they snap?

      Some power unseen forbids my lungs to breathe! 35

       What fire-clad meteors round me whizzing fly!

      I vitrify thy torrid zone beneath,

       Proboscis fierce! I am calcined! I die!

      Thus, like great Pliny, in Vesuvius’ fire,

      I perish in the blaze while I the blaze admire. 40


      Tho’ no bold flights to thee belong;

      And tho’ thy lays with conscious fear,

      Shrink from Judgement’s eye severe,

      Yet much I thank thee, Spirit of my song!

      For, lovely Muse! thy sweet employ 5

      Exalts my soul, refines my breast,

      Gives each pure pleasure keener zest,

      And softens sorrow into pensive Joy.

      From thee I learn’d the wish to bless,

      From thee to commune with my heart; 10

      From thee, dear Muse! the gayer part,

      To laugh with pity at the crowds that press

      Where Fashion flaunts her robes by Folly spun,

      Whose hues gay-varying wanton in the sun.



      Heard’st thou yon universal cry,

       And dost thou linger still on Gallia’s shore?

      Go, Tyranny! beneath some barbarous sky

       Thy terrors lost and ruin’d power deplore!

       What tho’ through many a groaning age 5

       Was felt thy keen suspicious rage,

       Yet Freedom rous’d by fierce Disdain

       Has wildly broke thy triple chain,

      And like the storm which Earth’s deep entrails hide,

      At length has burst its way and spread the ruins wide. 10



      In sighs their sickly breath was spent; each gleam

       Of Hope had ceas’d the long long day to cheer;

      Or if delusive, in some flitting dream,

       It gave them to their friends and children dear —

       Awaked by lordly Insult’s sound 15

       To all the doubled horrors round,

       Oft shrunk they from Oppression’s band

       While Anguish rais’d the desperate hand

      For silent death; or lost the mind’s controll,

      Thro’ every burning vein would tides of Frenzy roll. 20


      But cease, ye pitying bosoms, cease to bleed!

       Such scenes no more demand the tear humane;

      I see, I see! glad Liberty succeed

       With every patriot virtue in her train!

       And mark yon peasant’s raptur’d eyes; 25

       Secure he views his harvests rise;

       No fetter vile the mind shall know,

       And Eloquence shall fearless glow.

      Yes! Liberty the soul of Life shall reign,

      Shall throb in every pulse, shall flow thro’ every vein! 30


      Shall France alone a Despot spurn?

       Shall she alone, O Freedom, boast thy care?

      Lo, round thy standard Belgia’s heroes burn,

       Tho’ Power’s bloodstain’d streamers fire the air,

       And wider yet thy influence spread, 35

       Nor e’er recline thy weary head,

       Till every land from pole to pole

       Shall boast one independent soul!

      And still, as erst, let favour’d Britain be

      First ever of the first and freest of the free! 40


      As late I journey’d o’er the extensive plain

       Where native Otter sports his scanty stream,

      Musing in torpid woe a Sister’s pain,

       The glorious prospect woke me from the dream.

      At every step it widen’d to my sight — 5

       Wood, Meadow, verdant Hill, and dreary Steep,

      Following in quick succession of delight, —

       Till all — at once — did my eye ravish’d sweep!

      May this (I cried) my course through Life portray!

      New scenes of Wisdom may each step display, 10

       And Knowledge open as my days advance!

      Till what time Death shall pour the undarken’d ray,

       My eye shall dart thro’ infinite expanse,

      And thought suspended lie in Rapture’s blissful trance.


       Table of Contents

      [Nemo repente turpissimus]

      Deep in the gulph of Vice and Woe

       Leaps Man at once with headlong throw?

       Him inborn Truth and Virtue guide,

       Whose guards are Shame and conscious Pride.

       In some gay hour Vice steals into the breast; 5

       Perchance she wears some softer Virtue’s vest.

       By unperceiv’d degrees she tempts to stray,

      Till far from Virtue’s path she leads the feet away.

      Then swift the soul to disenthrall

       Will Memory the past recall, 10

       And Fear before the Victim’s eyes

       Bid future ills and dangers rise.


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