The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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in the tear:

      No knell that toll’d but fill’d my anxious eye,

      And suffering Nature wept that one should die!

      Thus to sad sympathies I sooth’d my breast, 15

      Calm, as the rainbow in the weeping West:

      When slumbering Freedom roused by high Disdain

      With giant Fury burst her triple chain!

      Fierce on her front the blasting Dog-star glow’d;

      Her banners, like a midnight meteor, flow’d; 20

      Amid the yelling of the storm-rent skies!

      She came, and scatter’d battles from her eyes!

      Then Exultation waked the patriot fire

      And swept with wild hand the Tyrtaean lyre:

      Red from the Tyrant’s wound I shook the lance, 25

      And strode in joy the reeking plains of France!

      Fallen is the Oppressor, friendless, ghastly, low,

      And my heart aches, though Mercy struck the blow.

      With wearied thought once more I seek the shade,

      Where peaceful Virtue weaves the Myrtle braid. 30

      And O! if Eyes whose holy glances roll,

      Swift messengers, and eloquent of soul;

      If Smiles more winning, and a gentler Mien

      Than the love-wilder’d Maniac’s brain hath seen

      Shaping celestial forms in vacant air, 35

      If these demand the empassion’d Poet’s care —

      If Mirth and soften’d Sense and Wit refined,

      The blameless features of a lovely mind;

      Then haply shall my trembling hand assign

      No fading wreath to Beauty’s saintly shrine. 40

      Nor, Sara! thou these early flowers refuse —

      Ne’er lurk’d the snake beneath their simple hues;

      No purple bloom the Child of Nature brings

      From Flattery’s nightshade: as he feels he sings.



      Maid of unboastful charms! whom white-robed Truth

      Right onward guiding through the maze of youth,

      Forbade the Circe Praise to witch thy soul,

      And dash’d to earth th’ intoxicating bowl:

      Thee meek-eyed Pity, eloquently fair, 5

      Clasp’d to her bosom with a mother’s care;

      And, as she lov’d thy kindred form to trace,

      The slow smile wander’d o’er her pallid face.

      For never yet did mortal voice impart

      Tones more congenial to the sadden’d heart: 10

      Whether, to rouse the sympathetic glow,

      Thou pourest lone Monimia’s tale of woe;

      Or haply clothest with funereal vest

      The bridal loves that wept in Juliet’s breast.

      O’er our chill limbs the thrilling Terrors creep, 15

      Th’ entrancéd Passions their still vigil keep;

      While the deep sighs, responsive to the song,

      Sound through the silence of the trembling throng.

      But purer raptures lighten’d from thy face,

      And spread o’er all thy form an holier grace, 20

      When from the daughter’s breasts the father drew

      The life he gave, and mix’d the big tear’s dew.

      Nor was it thine th’ heroic strain to roll

      With mimic feelings foreign from the soul:

      Bright in thy parent’s eye we mark’d the tear; 25

      Methought he said, ‘Thou art no Actress here!

      A semblance of thyself the Grecian dame,

      And Brunton and Euphrasia still the same!’

      O soon to seek the city’s busier scene,

      Pause thee awhile, thou chaste-eyed maid serene, 30

      Till Granta’s sons from all her sacred bowers

      With grateful hand shall weave Pierian flowers

      To twine a fragrant chaplet round thy brow,

      Enchanting ministress of virtuous woe!



      That darling of the Tragic Muse,

       When Wrangham sung her praise,

      Thalia lost her rosy hues,

       And sicken’d at her lays:

      But transient was th’ unwonted sigh; 5

       For soon the Goddess spied

      A sister-form of mirthful eye,

       And danc’d for joy and cried:

      ‘Meek Pity’s sweetest child, proud dame,

       The fates have given to you! 10

      Still bid your Poet boast her name;

       I have my Brunton too.’


      Ere Sin could blight or Sorrow fade,

       Death came with friendly care:

      The opening Bud to Heaven convey’d,

       And bade it blossom there.


      No more my visionary soul shall dwell

      On joys that were; no more endure to weigh

      The shame and anguish of the evil day,

      Wisely forgetful! O’er the ocean swell

      Sublime of Hope, I seek the cottag’d dell 5

      Where Virtue calm with careless step may stray,

      And dancing to the moonlight roundelay,

      The wizard Passions weave an holy spell.

      Eyes that have ach’d with Sorrow! Ye shall weep

      Tears of doubt-mingled joy, like theirs who start 10

      From Precipices of distemper’d sleep,

      On which the fierce-eyed Fiends their revels keep,

      And see the rising Sun, and feel it dart

      New rays of pleasance trembling to the heart.


      Whilst pale Anxiety, corrosive Care,

      The tear of Woe, the gloom of sad Despair,

       And deepen’d Anguish generous bosoms rend; —

      Whilst patriot souls their country’s fate lament;

      Whilst mad with rage demoniac, foul intent, 5

       Embattled legions Despots vainly send

      To arrest the immortal mind’s expanding ray

       Of everlasting Truth; — I other climes

      Where dawns,

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