The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition). Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Illustrated Edition) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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Surrounded by his thousands, him would’st thou 280

       Disarm — degrade! Thou art lost, both thou and all of us.

      Octavio. What hazard I incur thereby, I know.

       In the great hand of God I stand. The Almighty

       Will cover with his shield the Imperial house,

       And shatter, in his wrath, the work of darkness. 285

       The Emperor hath true servants still; and even

       Here in the camp, there are enough brave men,

       Who for the good cause will fight gallantly.

       The faithful have been warned — the dangerous

       Are closely watched. I wait but the first step, 290

       And then immediately ——

      Max. What! on suspicion?


      Octavio. The Emperor is no tyrant.

       The deed alone he’ll punish, not the wish.

       The Duke hath yet his destiny in his power.

       Let him but leave the treason uncompleted, 295

       He will be silently displaced from office,

       And make way to his Emperor’s royal son.

       An honourable exile to his castles

       Will be a benefaction to him rather

       Than punishment. But the first open step —— 300

      Max. What callest thou such a step? A wicked step

       Ne’er will he take; but thou mightest easily,

       Yea, thou hast done it, misinterpret him.

      Octavio. Nay, howsoever punishable were

       Duke Friedland’s purposes, yet still the steps 305

       Which he hath taken openly, permit

       A mild construction. It is my intention

       To leave this paper wholly uninforced

       Till some act is committed which convicts him

       Of a high-treason, without doubt or plea, 310

       And that shall sentence him.

      Max. But who the judge?

      Octavio. Thyself.

      Max. For ever, then, this paper will lie idle.

      Octavio. Too soon, I fear, its powers must all be proved.

       After the counter-promise of this evening, 315

       It cannot be but he must deem himself

       Secure of the majority with us;

       And of the army’s general sentiment

       He hath a pleasing proof in that petition

       Which thou delivered’st to him from the regiments. 320

       Add this too — I have letters that the Rhinegrave

       Hath changed his route, and travels by forced marches

       To the Bohemian Forest. What this purports,

       Remains unknown; and, to confirm suspicion,

       This night a Swedish nobleman arrived here. 325

      Max. I have thy word. Thou’lt not proceed to action

       Before thou hast convinced me — me myself.

      Octavio. Is it possible? Still, after all thou know’st,

       Canst thou believe still in his innocence?

      Max. Thy judgment may mistake; my heart can not. 330

       These reasons might expound thy spirit or mine;

       But they expound not Friedland — I have faith:

       For as he knits his fortunes to the stars,

       Even so doth he resemble them in secret,

       Wonderful, still inexplicable courses! 335

       Trust me, they do him wrong. All will be solved.

       These smokes, at once, will kindle into flame —

       The edges of this black and stormy cloud

       Will brighten suddenly, and we shall view

       The Unapproachable glide out in splendour. 340

      Octavio. I will await it.

      Act III, Scene I. A Chamber, &c… . It is Night. Octavio, &c. 1800,

       1828, 1829.

      [Before 12] Octavio (goes up to him and embraces him). 1800, 1828,


      [After 56] [Fixing his eye steadfastly on his son’s face. 1800, 1828,


      [After 57] [Max attempts to answer but hesitates, and casts his eyes to

       the ground, embarrassed. Octavio, after a pause. 1800, 1828, 1829.

       Angel, a curious misprint perpetuated in the new edition. [MS. note by

       Derwent Coleridge.]

      [Before 168] Max (in excessive agitation). 1800, 1828, 1829.

      [Before 330] Max (with enthusiasm). 1800, 1828, 1829.

      [After 330] [Moderates his voice and manner. 1800, 1828, 1829.

       Table of Contents

      OCTAVIO and MAX as before. To them the Valet of the Chamber.

      Octavio. How now, then?

      Valet. A dispatch is at the door.

      Octavio. So early? From whom comes he then? Who is it?

      Valet. That he refused to tell me.

      Octavio. Lead him in:

       And, hark you — let it not transpire.

      [Exit Valet — the Cornet steps in.

      Octavio. Ha! Cornet — is it you? and from Count Galas? 5

       Give me your letters.

      Cornet. The Lieutenant-General

       Trusted it not to letters.

      Octavio. And what is it?

      Cornet. He bade me tell you — Dare I speak openly here?

      Octavio. My son knows all.

      Cornet. We have him.

      Octavio. Whom?

      Cornet. Sesina,

       The old negotiator.

      Octavio. And you have him? 10

      Cornet. In the Bohemian Forest Captain Mohrbrand

       Found and secured him yester morning early:

       He was proceeding then to Regenspurg,

       And on him were dispatches for the Swede.

      Octavio. And the dispatches ——

      Cornet. The Lieutenant-General 15

       Sent them that instant to Vienna, and

       The prisoner with them.

      Octavio. This is, indeed, a tiding!

       That fellow is a precious casket to us,

       Enclosing weighty things. — Was much found on him?

      Cornet. I think, six packets, with Count Tertsky’s arms. 20

      Octavio. None

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