The True Story vs. Myth of Witchcraft. William Godwin

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The True Story vs. Myth of Witchcraft - William Godwin

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he was so extreme poore.

       His silly Wife, God wot,

       being lately brought to bed,

       With her poore Infants at her brest

       had neither drinke nor bread.

       A wofull lying in

       was this, the Lord doth know,

       God keep all honest vertuous wives

       from feeling of such woe.

       My Husband deare, she said,

       for want of food I die,

       Some succour doe for me provide,

       to ease my misery.

       The man with many a teare,

       most pittiously replyde,

       We have no means to buy us bread;

       with that, the Children cry’d.

       They came about him round,

       upon his coat they hung:

       And pittiously they made their mone,

       their little hands they wrung.

       Be still, my boyes, said he,

       And I’le goe to the Wood,

       And bring some Acornes for to rost,

       and you shall have some food.

       Forth went the Wofull Man,

       a Cord he tooke with him,

       Wherewith to bind the broken wood,

       that he should homewards bring:

       And by the way as he went,

       met Farmers two or three,

       Desiring them for Christ his sake,

       to helpe his misery.

       Oh lend to me (he said)

       one loafe of Barley-bread,

       One pint of milke for my poore wife,

       in Child-bed almost dead:

       Thinke on my extreme need,

       to lend me have no doubt,

       I have no money for to pay,

       but I will worke it out.

       But they in churlish sort,

       did one by one reply,

       We have already lent you more

       than we can well come by.

       This answere strooke his heart

       as cold as any stone;

       Unto the Wood from thence he went,

       with many a grievous groane.

       Where at the length (behold)

       a tall man did him meet

       And cole-black were his garments all

       from head unto his feet.

       Thou wretched man, said he,

       why dost thou weep so sore?

       What is the cause thou mak’st this mone,

       tell me, and sigh no more.

       Alas, good Sir (he said)

       the lacke of some reliefe,

       For my poore wife and children small,

       ’tis cause of all my griefe.

       They lie all like to starve,

       for want of bread (saith he);

       Good Sir, vouchsafe therefore to give

       one peny unto me.

       Hereby this wretched man

       committed wondrous evill,

       He beg’d an almes, and did not know

       he ask’t it of the Devill.

       But straight the hellish Fiend,

       to him reply’d againe,

       An odious sinner art thou then

       that dost such want sustaine.

       Alack (the poore man said)

       this thing for truth I know,

       That Job was just, yet never Man endured greater woe. The godly oft doe want, and need doth pinch them sore, Yet God will not forsake them quite, but doth their states restore. If thou so faithfull bee, why goest thou begging then? Thou shalt be fed as Daniel was within the Lyon’s den. If thus thou doe abide, the Ravens shall bring thee food, As they unto Elias did that wandred in the Wood. Mocke not a wofull man, good Sir, the poore man said, Redouble not my sorrows so, that are upon me laid. But, rather, doe extend unto my need, and give One peny for to buy some bread, my Children poore may live. With that he opened straight the fairest purse in sight That ever mortal eye beheld, fild up with crownes full bright. Unto the wofull man the same he wholly gave, Who very earnestly did pray that Christ his life might save. Well, (quoth the damn’d Spirit) goe, ease thy Children’s sorrow, And, if thou wantest anything, come, meet me here to-morrow. Then home the poore man went, with cheerfull heart and mind, And comforted his woful wife with words that were most kind. Take Comfort, Wife, he said, I have a purse of Gold, Now given by a Gentleman, most faire for to behold. And thinking for to pull his purse from bosome out, He found nothing but Oken leaves, bound in a filthy Clout. Which, when he did behold, with sorrowe pale and wan, In desperate sort to seeke the purse, unto the Wood he ran, Supposing in his mind, that he had lost it there; He could not tell then what to think, he was ’twixt hope and feare. He had no sooner come into the shady Grove, The Devil met with him againe, as he in fancy strove. What seek’st thou here? he said, the purse (quoth he) you gave, Thus Fortune she hath crossed me, and then the Devill said Where didst thou put the Purse? tell me, and do not lye, Within my bosome, said the man, where no man did come nigh. Looke there againe, (quoth he) then said the Man, I shall, And found his bosome full of Toads, as thicke as they could crawle. The poore man at this sight, to speak had not the power, See (q’d the Devill) vengeance doth pursue thee every hour. Goe, cursed wretch, (quoth he) and rid away thy life, But murther first thy children young, and miserable Wife. The poore man, raging mad, ran home incontinent, Intending for to kill them all, but God did him prevent. For why, the chiefest man that in the Parish dwelt, With meat and money thither came, which liberally he dealt. Who, seeing the poore man come home in such a rage, Was faine to bind him in his bed, his fury to asswage. Where long he lay full sicke, still crying for his Gold, But, being well, this whole discourse he to his neighbours told. From all temptations, Lord, keep both Great and Small, And let no man, O heavenly God, for want of succour fall. But put their speciall trust in God for evermore, Who will, no doubt, from misery each faithfull man restore.


      ‘Being a very particular and True Relation of one Abraham Joiner, a young man about 17 or 18 Years of Age, living in Shakesby’s Walks in Shadwell, being a Ballast Man by Profession, who, on Saturday Night last, pick’d up a leud Woman, and spent what money he had about him in Treating her, saying afterwards, if she wou’d have any more he must go to the Devil for it, and, slipping out of her Company, he went to the Cock and Lyon in King Street, the Devil appear’d to him, and gave him a Pistole, telling him he shou’d never want for Money, appointing to meet him the next Night, at the World’s End at Stepney; Also how his Brother persuaded him to throw the Money away, which he did; but was suddenly taken in a very strange manner, so that they were fain to send for the Reverend Mr. Constable and other Ministers to pray with him; he appearing now to be very Penitent; with an Account of the Prayers and Expressions he makes use of under his Affliction, and the Prayers that were made for him, to free him from this violent Temptation.

      ‘The Truth of which is sufficiently

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