P. C. Wren: Adventure Novels & Tales From the Foreign Legion. P. C. Wren

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P. C. Wren: Adventure Novels & Tales From the Foreign Legion - P. C. Wren

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Expunge desires of selfliness

       Rise up and bless …

       This strong Soul dying in such plight….

       . . . . .

      Night gently spreads her wings and flies

       Star-laden, wide across the skies.

       My Soul, new strong,

       So late enstained with earthly dust

       So long estranged in wander-lust

       Gives praise and song,

       Strives to create in morning light

       The starry wonders of the night

       In praise and song …

      This strong Soul praising in new right.

       It is well, O my Soul, it is well….



       Table of Contents


       Chapter I. Soap and Sir Montague Merline

       Chapter II. A Barrack-Room of the Legion

       Chapter III. Carmelita Et Cie

       Chapter IV. The Canteen of the Legion

       Chapter V. The Trivial Round

       Chapter VI. Le Cafard and Other Things

       Chapter VII. The Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

       Chapter VIII. The Temptation of Sir Montague Merline

       Chapter IX. The Café and the Canteen

       Chapter X. The Wages of Sin

       Chapter XI. Greater Love...




       "Vivandière du régiment,

       C'est Catin qu'on me nomme;

       Je vends, je donne, je bois gaiment,

       Mon vin et mon rogomme;

       J'ai le pied leste

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