THE MASTERY OF BEING. William Walker Atkinson

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THE MASTERY OF BEING - William Walker Atkinson

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indisputable. The human reason must so ever report.



      This axiom announces the Infinity of REALITY. By "Infinite" is meant (1) "unlimited; boundless; immeasurable; illimitable; interminable; limitless; (2) ultimate capacity and possibility of expression and manifestation in time, space, quantity, quality, and variety."

      REALITY is perceived to be infinite, in both of the above general meanings of the term, by the very fact of its essence, nature, substance, and very being. For there is nothing else than itself to limit, bound, or determine it. Neither is there anything other than itself to impair its ultimate capacity and possibility of expression and manifestation. There is nothing to limit it and nothing with which to limit it even in thought. The mind is unable to conceive of a limit in time, space, quantity, quality, or variety to REALITY. Try as hard as we may, we are not able to place the limit on the manifestation and expression of REALITY. The reason refuses to entertain the idea of such limit. And even the imagination is unable to fix the same, although it is likewise unable to make a mental picture of the Infinite, for reasons already stated. The fact of the infinity of REALITY is axiomatic; it cannot be denied.



      This axiom announces the Ultimateness of REALITY. By "Ultimate" is meant "extreme; last; final; elemental; pure, simple, and essential; incapable of further analysis, refinement, reduction, or resolution."

      REALITY is perceived to be ultimate, in the above meanings of the term, by the very fact of its essence, nature, substance, and REALITY. It is conceived of and perceived as being the final, extreme, refined, pure, simple, and essential nature, substance, and REALITY of All-that-is. It is seen to be the ultimate source or origin from which all existence flows; the ultimate element and essence of existence; the final and ultimate fact of existence; the essential, simple, pure, and ultimate substance of existence; incapable of further analysis, resolution, refinement, purification, simplification, or perfection. REALITY is the ultimate fact of existence. Further than it the conception of existence cannot go. Further than it we cannot think of existence. It is the very heart and soul of existence; it is the very center of That-which-is. It is the very QUINTESSENCE OF IS-NESS.



      This axiom announces the Absoluteness of REALITY. By "Absolute," as the term is herein employed, is meant "sovereign; self-existing; self-sufficient; self-controlled; unqualified."

      REALITY is seen to be absolute, in the above stated meanings of the term, by the very fact of its essence, nature, substance, and REALITY. It being the ultimate essence of The All, there can be nothing sovereign to it; nothing to rule, govern, or control it. Being All-there-is in real existence, being original, uncaused, uncreated, independent, infinite, eternal, and ultimate, it follows that it must be self-existent, self-sufficient, and self-controlled. In Absolute REALITY there must be all the presence and power there is. Just as infinity expresses boundlessness in manifestation in time, space, variety, etc., so does absoluteness express boundlessness in power and authority and being. There is no higher term in the language. It expresses the limit of power. REALITY is seen to be absolute by the very fact of its Being. There is nothing else to share or divide power, authority, or being with REALITY. It is perceived by reason to be absolute, and the imagination will offer but little objection to the idea.



      This axiom announces the Formlessness of REALITY. By "Form" is meant "shape, mould, figure, configuration," all of which indicate finite dimension or measure, length, breadth, height, thickness, or circumference. "Formless," of course, means "without form; lacking determinate form or shape."

      REALITY is perceived to be Formless in the full sense of the term, as above stated, by the very fact of its essence, nature, substance, and REALITY. Form is an attribute of matter, and must be absent from immaterial substance. Moreover, form indicates and expresses finite limitation and determination in space. No thing that is infinite can have form. Form immediately sets up limits and bounds. Form would destroy the infinity of REALITY. It is impossible for an infinite thing to have bounds or limits in space. Form is a characteristic indication, quality, attribute, and property of material phenomena and is utterly opposed to the facts of REALITY. To attribute form to REALITY is akin to attributing "parts" to it. Form can no more be attributed to REALITY than to the concept of Infinite Space, or Infinite Substance, or Infinite Anything. Moreover, form can no more be considered as an attribute of REALITY than of Mind, or Life, or Energy, or Law. REALITY cannot be thought of as having Form, Shape, or Size by reason of the very facts of its being.

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