The History of the Ancient Civilizations. Duncker Max

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The History of the Ancient Civilizations - Duncker Max

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As the modern science of language finds Indo-Germanic roots in the slight remains of the Phrygian language which have come down to us,[712] we must assume that the progenitors of the Phrygians and Thracians passed from the Armenian mountains in the east towards the west. The ancestors of the Phrygians remained on the table-land of Asia Minor, those of the Thracians went further to the north-west, towards Bithynia, over the Bosporus, which the Greeks named after the Thracians; and beyond the strait they inhabited the land under the Balkan from the Black Sea to the shores of the Adriatic. The character of the language of the Thracians and Illyrians, remains of which are preserved in Rumanisch and Albanian, places it in the Indo-Germanic family.

      "I am a maiden of brass,

       I lie on the tomb of Midas;

       While waters flow, and tall trees grow,

       On Midas' tearful tomb I lie.

       I say to every passer by,

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