The Collected Works of Anton Chekhov: Plays, Novellas, Short Stories, Diary & Letters. Anton Chekhov

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The Collected Works of Anton Chekhov: Plays, Novellas, Short Stories, Diary & Letters - Anton Chekhov

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      NINA. He longs for man —

      PAULINA. [To DORN] You have taken off your hat again! Put it on, you will catch cold.

      ARKADINA. The doctor has taken off his hat to Satan father of eternal matter —

      TREPLIEFF. [Loudly and angrily] Enough of this! There’s an end to the performance. Down with the curtain!

      ARKADINA. Why, what are you so angry about?

      TREPLIEFF. [Stamping his foot] The curtain; down with it! [The curtain falls] Excuse me, I forgot that only a chosen few might write plays or act them. I have infringed the monopoly. I — I —

      He would like to say more, but waves his hand instead, and goes out to the left.

      ARKADINA. What is the matter with him?

      SORIN. You should not handle youthful egoism so roughly, sister.

      ARKADINA. What did I say to him?

      SORIN. You hurt his feelings.

      ARKADINA. But he told me himself that this was all in fun, so I treated his play as if it were a comedy.

      SORIN. Nevertheless —

      ARKADINA. Now it appears that he has produced a masterpiece, if you please! I suppose it was not meant to amuse us at all, but that he arranged the performance and fumigated us with sulphur to demonstrate to us how plays should be written, and what is worth acting. I am tired of him. No one could stand his constant thrusts and sallies. He is a wilful, egotistic boy.

      SORIN. He had hoped to give you pleasure.

      ARKADINA. Is that so? I notice, though, that he did not choose an ordinary play, but forced his decadent trash on us. I am willing to listen to any raving, so long as it is not meant seriously, but in showing us this, he pretended to be introducing us to a new form of art, and inaugurating a new era. In my opinion, there was nothing new about it, it was simply an exhibition of bad temper.

      TRIGORIN. Everybody must write as he feels, and as best he may.

      ARKADINA. Let him write as he feels and can, but let him spare me his nonsense.

      DORN. Thou art angry, O Jove!

      ARKADINA. I am a woman, not Jove. [She lights a cigarette] And I am not angry, I am only sorry to see a young man foolishly wasting his time. I did not mean to hurt him.

      MEDVIEDENKO. No one has any ground for separating life from matter, as the spirit may well consist of the union of material atoms. [Excitedly, to TRIGORIN] Some day you should write a play, and put on the stage the life of a schoolmaster. It is a hard, hard life.

      ARKADINA. I agree with you, but do not let us talk about plays or atoms now. This is such a lovely evening. Listen to the singing, friends, how sweet it sounds.

      PAULINA. Yes, they are singing across the water. [A pause.]

      ARKADINA. [To TRIGORIN] Sit down beside me here. Ten or fifteen years ago we had music and singing on this lake almost all night. There are six houses on its shores. All was noise and laughter and romance then, such romance! The young star and idol of them all in those days was this man here, [Nods toward DORN] Doctor Eugene Dorn. He is fascinating now, but he was irresistible then. But my conscience is beginning to prick me. Why did I hurt my poor boy? I am uneasy about him. [Loudly] Constantine! Constantine!

      MASHA. Shall I go and find him?

      ARKADINA. If you please, my dear.

      MASHA. [Goes off to the left, calling] Mr. Constantine! Oh, Mr. Constantine!

      NINA. [Comes in from behind the stage] I see that the play will never be finished, so now I can go home. Good evening. [She kisses ARKADINA and PAULINA.]

      SORIN. Bravo! Bravo!

      ARKADINA. Bravo! Bravo! We were quite charmed by your acting. With your looks and such a lovely voice it is a crime for you to hide yourself in the country. You must be very talented. It is your duty to go on the stage, do you hear me?

      NINA. It is the dream of my life, which will never come true.

      ARKADINA. Who knows? Perhaps it will. But let me present Monsieur Boris Trigorin.

      NINA. I am delighted to meet you. [Embarrassed] I have read all your books.

      ARKADINA. [Drawing NINA down beside her] Don’t be afraid of him, dear. He is a simple, goodnatured soul, even if he is a celebrity. See, he is embarrassed himself.

      DORN. Couldn’t the curtain be raised now? It is depressing to have it down.

      SHAMRAEFF. [Loudly] Jacob, my man! Raise the curtain!

      NINA. [To TRIGORIN] It was a curious play, wasn’t it?

      TRIGORIN. Very. I couldn’t understand it at all, but I watched it with the greatest pleasure because you acted with such sincerity, and the setting was beautiful. [A pause] There must be a lot of fish in this lake.

      NINA. Yes, there are.

      TRIGORIN. I love fishing. I know of nothing pleasanter than to sit on a lake shore in the evening with one’s eyes on a floating cork.

      NINA. Why, I should think that for one who has tasted the joys of creation, no other pleasure could exist.

      ARKADINA. Don’t talk like that. He always begins to flounder when people say nice things to him.

      SHAMRAEFF. I remember when the famous Silva was singing once in the Opera House at Moscow, how delighted we all were when he took the low C. Well, you can imagine our astonishment when one of the church cantors, who happened to be sitting in the gallery, suddenly boomed out: “Bravo, Silva!” a whole octave lower. Like this: [In a deep bass voice] “Bravo, Silva!” The audience was left breathless. [A pause.]

      DORN. An angel of silence is flying over our heads.

      NINA. I must go. Goodbye.

      ARKADINA. Where to? Where must you go so early? We shan’t allow it.

      NINA. My father is waiting for me.

      ARKADINA. How cruel he is, really. [They kiss each other] Then I suppose we can’t keep you, but it is very hard indeed to let you go.

      NINA. If you only knew how hard it is for me to leave you all.

      ARKADINA. Somebody must see you home, my pet.

      NINA. [Startled] No, no!

      SORIN. [Imploringly] Don’t go!

      NINA. I must.

      SORIN. Stay just one hour more, and all. Come now, really, you know.

      NINA. [Struggling against her desire to stay; through her tears] No, no, I can’t. [She shakes hands with him and quickly goes out.]

      ARKADINA. An unlucky girl! They say that her mother left the whole of an immense fortune to her husband, and now the child is penniless because the father has already willed everything away to his second wife. It is pitiful.

      DORN. Yes, her papa is a perfect beast, and I don’t mind saying so — it is what he deserves.

      SORIN. [Rubbing his chilled hands] Come, let us go in; the night is damp, and my legs are aching.

      ARKADINA. Yes, you act as if they were turned to stone; you can hardly move them. Come, you unfortunate old man. [She takes his arm.]

      SHAMRAEFF. [Offering his arm to his wife] Permit me, madame.

      SORIN. I hear that dog howling again. Won’t you please have it unchained, Shamraeff?

      SHAMRAEFF. No, I really can’t, sir. The granary is full of millet, and I am afraid thieves might break in if the dog were not there. [Walking beside MEDVIEDENKO] Yes, a whole octave lower: “Bravo, Silva!” and he wasn’t a singer either, just a simple church cantor.

      MEDVIEDENKO. What salary does the church pay its singers? [All go out except DORN.]

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