The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla. Thomas Commerford Martin

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The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla - Thomas Commerford Martin

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of coils F, forming a closed circuit or circuits. The action or operation of a motor thus constructed is now well understood. It will be observed, however, that the magnetism of poles B, for example, established by a current impulse in the coils thereon, precedes the magnetic effect set up in the armature by the induced current in coils F. Consequently the mutual attraction between the armature and field-poles is considerably reduced. The same conditions will be found to exist if, instead of assuming the poles B or C as acting independently, we regard the ideal resultant of both acting together, which is the real condition. To remedy this, the motor field is constructed with secondary poles B' C', which are situated between the others. These pole-pieces are wound with coils D' E', the former in derivation to the coils D, the latter to coils E. The main or primary coils D and E are wound for a different self-induction from that of the coils D' and E', the relations being so fixed that if the currents in D and E differ, for example, by a quarter-phase, the currents in each secondary coil, as D' E', will differ from those in its appropriate primary D or E by, say, forty-five degrees, or one-eighth of a period.

      Now, assuming that an impulse or alternation in circuit or branch E is just beginning, while in the branch D it is just falling from maximum, the conditions are those of a quarter-phase difference. The ideal resultant of the attractive forces of the two sets of poles B C therefore may be considered as progressing from poles B to poles C, while the impulse in E is rising to maximum, and that in D is falling to zero or minimum. The polarity set up in the armature, however, lags behind the manifestations of field magnetism, and hence the maximum points of attraction in armature and field, instead of coinciding, are angularly displaced. This effect is counteracted by the supplemental poles B' C'. The magnetic phases of these poles succeed those of poles B C by the same, or nearly the same, period of time as elapses between the effect of the poles B C and the corresponding induced effect in the armature; hence the magnetic conditions of poles B' C' and of the armature more nearly coincide and a better result is obtained. As poles B' C' act in conjunction with the poles in the armature established by poles B C, so in turn poles C B act similarly with the poles set up by B' C', respectively. Under such conditions the retardation of the magnetic effect of the armature and that of the secondary poles will bring the maximum of the two more nearly into coincidence and a correspondingly stronger torque or magnetic attraction secured.

      In such a disposition as is shown in Fig. 68 it will be observed that as the adjacent pole-pieces of either circuit are of like polarity they will have a certain weakening effect upon one another. Mr. Tesla therefore prefers to remove the secondary poles from the direct influence of the others. This may be done by constructing a motor with two independent sets of fields, and with either one or two armatures electrically connected, or by using two armatures and one field. These modifications are illustrated further on.

Fig. 70, 71.
Fig. 70. Fig. 71.

      Fig. 69 is a diagrammatic illustration of a motor and system in which the difference of phase is artificially produced. There are two coils D D in one branch and two coils E E in another branch of the main circuit from the generator G. These two circuits or branches are of different self-induction, one, as D, being higher than the other. This is graphically indicated by making coils D much larger than coils E. By reason of the difference in the electrical character of the two circuits, the phases of current in one are retarded to a greater extent than the other. Let this difference be thirty degrees. A motor thus constructed will rotate under the action of an alternating current; but as happens in the case previously described the corresponding magnetic effects of the armature and field do not coincide owing to the time that elapses between a given magnetic effect in the armature and the condition of the field that produces it. The secondary or supplemental poles B' C' are therefore availed of. There being thirty degrees difference of phase between the currents in coils D E, the magnetic effect of poles B' C' should correspond to that produced by a current differing from the current in coils D or E by fifteen degrees. This we can attain by winding each supplemental pole B' C' with two coils H H'. The coils H are included in a derived circuit having the same self-induction as circuit D, and coils H' in a circuit having the same self-induction as circuit E, so that if these circuits differ by thirty degrees the magnetism of poles B' C' will correspond to that produced by a current differing from that in either D or E by fifteen degrees. This is true in all other cases. For example, if in Fig. 68 the coils D' E' be replaced by the coils H H' included in the derived circuits, the magnetism of the poles B' C' will correspond in effect or phase, if it may be so termed, to that produced by a current differing from that in either circuit D or E by forty-five degrees, or one-eighth of a period.

      This invention as applied to a derived circuit motor is illustrated in Figs. 70 and 71. The former is an end view of the motor with the armature in section and a diagram of connections, and Fig. 71 a vertical section through the field. These figures are also drawn to show one of the dispositions of two fields that may be adopted in carrying out the principle. The poles B B C C are in one field, the remaining poles in the other. The former are wound with primary coils I J and secondary coils I' J', the latter with coils K L. The primary coils I J are in derived circuits, between which, by reason of their different self-induction, there is a difference of phase, say, of thirty degrees. The coils I' K are in circuit with one another, as also are coils J' L, and there should be a difference of phase between the currents in coils K and L and their corresponding primaries of, say, fifteen degrees. If the poles B C are at right angles, the armature-coils should be connected directly across, or a single armature core wound from end to end may be used; but if the poles B C be in line there should be an angular displacement of the armature coils, as will be well understood.

      The operation will be understood from the foregoing. The maximum magnetic condition of a pair of poles, as B' B', coincides closely with the maximum effect in the armature, which lags behind the corresponding condition in poles B B.

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      It is well known that if a magnetic core, even if laminated or subdivided, be wound with an insulated coil and a current of electricity be directed through the coil, the magnetization of the entire core does not immediately ensue, the magnetizing effect not being exhibited in all parts simultaneously. This may be attributed to the fact that the action of the current is to energize first those laminæ or parts of the core nearest the surface and adjacent to the exciting-coil, and from thence the action progresses toward the interior. A certain interval of time therefore elapses between the manifestation of magnetism in the external and the internal sections or layers of the core. If the core be thin or of small mass, this effect may be inappreciable; but in the case of a thick core, or even of a comparatively thin one, if the number of alternations or rate of change of the current strength be very great, the time interval occurring between the manifestations of magnetism in the interior of the core and in those parts adjacent to the coil is more marked. In the construction of such apparatus as motors which are designed to be run by alternating or equivalent currents—such as pulsating or undulating currents generally—Mr. Tesla found it desirable and even necessary to give due consideration to this phenomenon and to make special provisions in order to obviate its consequences. With the specific object of taking advantage of this action or effect, and to render it more pronounced, he constructs a field magnet in which the parts of the core or cores that exhibit at different intervals of time the magnetic effect imparted to them by alternating or equivalent currents in an energizing coil or coils, are so placed with relation to a rotating armature as to exert thereon their attractive effect successively in the order of their magnetization. By this means he secures a result similar to that which he had previously attained in other forms or types of motor in which by means of one or more alternating currents he

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