Children's Book Classics - Kate Douglas Wiggin Edition: 11 Novels & 120+ Short Stories for Children. Kate Douglas Wiggin

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Children's Book Classics - Kate Douglas Wiggin Edition: 11 Novels & 120+ Short Stories for Children - Kate Douglas Wiggin

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Miss Oliver, say twenty-five dollars a month, if she will go regularly to the Children’s Hospital and to the various orphan asylums just before supper and just before bedtime, and sing and tell stories to the children for an hour. I want to ask her to give two hours a day only, going to each place once or twice a week; but of course she will need a good deal of time for preparation. If she accepts, I will see the managers of the various institutions, offer her services, and arrange for the hours. I am confident that they will receive my protegee with delight, and I am sure that I shall bring the good old art of story-telling into fashion again, through this gifted girl. Now, John, what do you think?”

      “I heartily approve, as usual. It is a novelty, but I cannot see why it ‘s not perfectly expedient, and I certainly can think of no other way in which a monthly expenditure of twenty-five dollars will carry so much genuine delight and comfort to so many different children. Carol would sing for joy if she could know of your plan.”

      “Perhaps she does know it,” said Mrs. Bird softly.

      And so it was settled.

      Polly’s joy and gratitude at Mrs. Bird’s proposal baffles the powers of the narrator. It was one of those things pleasant to behold, charming to imagine, but impossible to describe. After Mrs. Bird’s carriage had been whirled away, she watched at the window for Edgar, and, when she saw him nearing the steps, did not wait for him to unlock the door, but opened it from the top of the stairs, and flew down them to the landing as lightly as a feather.

      As for Edgar himself, he was coming up with unprecedented speed, and they nearly fell into each other’s arms as they both exclaimed, in one breath, “Hurrah!” and then, in another, “Who told you?”

      “How did you know it?” asked Edgar. “Has Tom Mills been here?”

      “What is anybody by the name of Mills to me in my present state of mind!” exclaimed Polly. “Have you some good news, too? If so, speak out quickly.”

      “Good news? I should think I had; what else were you hurrahing about? I ‘ve won the scholarship, and I have a chance to earn some money! Tom Mills’s eyes are in bad condition, and the oculist says he must wear blue goggles and not look at a book for two months. His father wrote to me to-day, and he asks if I will read over the day’s lessons with Tom every afternoon or evening, so that he can keep up with the class; and says that if I will do him this great service he will be glad to pay me any reasonable sum. He ‘ventured’ to write me on Professor Hope’s recommendation.”

      “Oh, Edgar, that is too, too good!” cried Polly, jumping up and down in delight. “Now hear my news. What do you suppose has happened?”

      “Turned-up noses have come into style.”

      “Insulting! That is n’t the spirit I showed when you told me your good news.”

      “You ‘ve found the leak in the gas stove.”

      “On the contrary, I don’t care if all the gas in our establishment leaks from now to—the millennium. Guess again, stupid!”

      “Somebody has left you a million.”

      “No, no!” (scornfully.) “Well, I can’t wait your snail’s pace. My lady in black, Mrs. Donald Bird, has been here all the afternoon, and she offers me twenty-five dollars a month to give up the Baer cubs and tell stories two hours a day in the orphan asylums and the Children’s Hospital! Just what I love to do! Just what I always longed to do! Just what I would do if I were a billionaire! Is n’t it heavenly?”

      “Well, well! We are in luck, Polly. Hurrah! Fortune smiles at last on the Noble-Oliver household. Let’s have a jollification! Oh, I forgot. Tom Mills wants to come to dinner. Will you mind?”

      “Let him come, goggles and all, we ‘ll have the lame and the halt, as well as the blind, if we happen to see any. Mamma won’t care. I told her we ‘d have a feast to-night that should vie with any of the old Roman banquets! Here ‘s my purse; please go down on Sutter Street—ride both ways—and buy anything extravagant and unseasonable you can find. Get forced tomatoes; we’ll have ‘chops and tomato sauce’ à la Mrs. Bardell; order fried oysters in a browned loaf; get a quart of ice cream, the most expensive variety they have, a loaf of the richest cake in the bakery, and two chocolate eclairs apiece. Buy hothouse roses, or orchids, for the table, and give five cents to that dirty little boy on the corner there. In short, as Frank Stockton says, ‘Let us so live while we are up that we shall forget we have ever been down’!” and Polly plunged upstairs to make a toilet worthy of the occasion.

      The banquet was such a festive occasion that Yung Lee’s Chinese reserve was sorely tried, and he giggled more than once, while waiting on the table.

      Polly had donned a trailing black silk skirt of her mother’s, with a white chuddah shawl for a court train, and a white lace waist to top it. Her hair was wound into a knot on the crown of her head and adorned with three long black ostrich feathers, which soared to a great height, and presented a most magnificent and queenly appearance.

      Tom Mills, whose father was four times a millionaire, wondered why they never had such gay times at his home, and tried to fancy his sister Blanche sparkling and glowing and beaming over the prospect of earning twenty-five dollars a month.

      Then, when bedtime came, Polly and her mother talked it all over in the dark.

      “Oh, mamacita, I am so happy! It’s such a lovely beginning, and I shall be so glad, so glad to do it! I hope Mrs. Bird did n’t invent the plan for my good, for I have been frightfully shabby each time she has seen me, but she says she thinks of nothing but the children. Now we will have some pretty things, won’t we? And oh! do you think, not just now, but some time in the distant centuries, I can have a string of gold beads?”

      “I do, indeed,” sighed Mrs. Oliver. “You are certainly in no danger of being spoiled by luxury in your youth, my poor little Pollykins; but you will get all these things some time, I feel sure, if they are good for you, and if they belong to you. You remember the lines I read the other day:—

      “‘Hast not thy share? On winged feet,

       Lo! it rushes thee to meet;

       And all that Nature made thy own,

       Floating in air or pent in stone,

       Will rive the hills and swim the sea

       And, like thy shadow, follow thee.’”

      “Yes,” said Polly contentedly; “I am satisfied. My share of the world’s work is rushing to meet me. To-night I could just say with Sarah Jewett’s Country Doctor, ‘My God, I thank thee for my future.’”

       The Great Silence

       Table of Contents

      The months of April and May were happy ones. The weather was perfect, as only California weather understands the art of being; the hills were at their greenest; the wind almost forgot to blow; the fields blazed in wild-flowers; day after day rose in cloudless splendor, and day after day the Golden Gate shone like a sapphire in the sun.

      Polly was inwardly nervous. She had the “awe of prosperity” in her heart, and everything seemed too bright to last.

      Both she and Edgar were very busy. But work that one loves is no hardship, especially when one is strong and young and hopeful, and when one has great matters at stake, such as the health and wealth of an invalid mother, or the paying off of disagreeable debts.

      Even the limp Mrs. Chadwick shared in the general joy; for Mr. Greenwood was so utterly discouraged with her mismanagement of the house, so determined not to fly to ills he knew not of, and so anxious to bring order out of chaos, that on the spur of the moment one day he married her. On the next day he discharged the cook, hired a better one the third, dunned the delinquent boarder the fourth, and collected from him on the fifth; so the May check (signed

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