The Essential Russian Plays & Short Stories. Максим Горький

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The Essential Russian Plays & Short Stories - Максим Горький

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whole remnant of her strength is in that wail.

      —Eyes wide open.

      —Cold perspiration on her forehead.

       [They listen.

      —She is giving birth to the child.

      —No, she is dying.

       [The cries cease.

      —I tell you—

      SOMEONE IN GRAY (speaks in a resonant, powerful voice)

      Silence! Man is born.

      _[Almost simultaneously with His announcement the crying of an infant is heard and the candle in His hand lights. A tall candle. It burns hesitatingly and feebly. Gradually the flame grows stronger. The corner in which Someone in Gray stands motionless is always darker than the other corners, and the yellow flame illumines His blunt chin, His tightly closed lips, and His massive, bony face. The upper part of His face is concealed by His cap. He is somewhat taller than an ordinary man.

      He puts the long, thick candle in an antique candlestick. His hand comes into relief against the green bronze. It is gray, firm, with long, thin fingers.

      Gradually the room grows brighter. The figures of five hunch-backed Old Women emerge from the gloom, and the room becomes visible. It is rectangular, with high, smooth, monotonously colored walls. Two curtainless windows in the background and two on the right. The night glooms through them. Straight, high-backed chairs against the walls._

      THE OLD WOMEN (talking rapidly)

      —Hear them running about. They're coming here.

      —How bright it is! Let's go.

      —Look, the candle is tall and bright.

      —Let's go, let's go. Quick!

      —But we'll come back. We'll come back.

      _[They laugh quietly, mockingly, and disappear into the dusk with odd, zigzagging movements. As they leave, the light grows brighter, but still it remains dim, lifeless, and cold. The corner in which Someone in Gray stands motionless with the burning candle is darker than the others.

      Enter the Doctor in a white uniform, and Man's Father, whose face wears an expression of extreme exhaustion and joy. There are lines under his eyes; his cheeks are sunken and his hair is dishevelled; he is very negligently dressed. The Doctor looks very learned._


      Up to the very last moment I didn't know whether your wife would pull through or not. I used all the means at the disposal of medical skill and science. But science can do very little unless nature helps too; I was really excited. My pulse is still going hard. Though I have assisted at so many births, yet I can't rid myself of a sense of uneasiness. But you are not listening to me, sir.


      I'm listening, but I can't hear. Her screams are still ringing in my ears, and it's hard for me to pull myself together. Poor woman, how she suffered! I was a fool, I was stupid and wanted to have children. But hereafter I will renounce. It is criminal.


      You will call me again when your next child comes.


      No, never. I'm ashamed to admit it, but just now I hate the child for which she suffered so. I didn't even see him. What sort of a boy is he?


      He's a well-fed, strong little youngster, and if I'm not mistaken he resembles you.


      Me? Fine! Now I'm beginning to love him. I always wanted a boy to look like me. Did you see—his nose is like mine, isn't it?


      Yes, his nose and eyes.


      His eyes too? Ah, that's good. I'll raise your fee.


      You'll have to pay me for using the instruments also.

      FATHER (turning to the corner where He stands motionless)

      God, I thank Thee for having granted my wish and given me a son who resembles me. I thank Thee for preserving my wife from death, and bringing my child into the world alive. I pray Thee that he may grow up big, healthy, and strong; that he may be wise and honest, and that he may never cause us grief, but be a constant joy to his mother and me. If Thou wilt do this, I will always believe in Thee and go to church.

       [Enter Relatives, six in number. An elderly woman, uncommonly stout, with a double chin and small, proud eyes and an air of extreme haughtiness and self-importance. An elderly man, her husband, very tall and uncommonly thin, so that his coat hangs loosely on his body; a short goatee, long, smooth hair, as if wet, reaching to his shoulders; eye-glasses; has a frightened; yet pedantic expression; a low black silk hat in his hand. A young girl, their daughter, with naïvely upturned nose, blinking eyes, and open mouth. A weazened woman, with contracted features and a sour expression, in her hand a handkerchief, with which she frequently wipes her mouth; Two young men, looking absolutely alike, with extremely high collars that stretch their necks; glossy hair; a hesitating, embarrassed expression. The characteristics of each of the Relatives is exaggerated in the extreme.


      Let me congratulate you on the birth of your son, dear brother. (Kisses him)


      My dear brother, I heartily congratulate you on the birth of your son, to which you have been looking forward so long. (Kisses him)

      THE REST

      We congratulate you, dear uncle, on the birth of your son.

       [They kiss him. Exit the Doctor.

      MAN'S FATHER (greatly moved)

      Thank you! Thank you! You are all very good, very nice, dear people, and I love you very much. I had my doubts beforehand thought that you, dear sister, were a little too much rapt up in yourself and your own worth and importance; and that you, dear brother, were somewhat too pedantic. The rest of you I thought were too cold to me, and came here only for the sake of the dinners. Now I see I was mistaken. I'm very happy. I get a son who resembles me, and then all at once I see myself surrounded by so many good people who love me. (They kiss)


      Uncle dear, what are you going to call your son? I hope you'll give him a lovely, poetic name. So much depends on a man's name.


      I should advise a simple, solid name. Men with nice names are usually frivolous and rarely successful.


      It seems to me, brother, you should name your son after some older relative. Keeping the same names in the family tends to preserve and strengthen the line.


      Yes, my wife and I have already discussed the subject, but have not been able to reach a decision. You see, there are so many new things to think of when a child comes, so many new problems to solve which never

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