Effective Fundraising. F. Warren McFarlan

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Effective Fundraising - F. Warren McFarlan

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a beggar, but rather that of an educator of donors and an expander of horizons about how they can personally impact organizations they care about through their philanthropy. You are providing a service to them—a very valuable one. You are opening up new doors and possibilities both for the donors and for the organization. For the donor, you are introducing them to new ways to contribute to society and enabling them to feel better about themselves. You are bringing enrichment and context into their lives. For the organization, you are providing access to new resources that will enable it to enhance its overall impact. Through all of this, you, as a fundraiser, are transforming the donor organizational relationship from a transactional one to a relational one, which hopefully will endure, reshaping itself appropriately over time. When that happens, scope grows, and hitherto unimaginable philanthropic possibilities become possible. Examples of this will be described throughout the book.

      Exhibit 1.1: The Solicitor

      1 Understands the organization's issues and needs

      2 Has made the pledge

      3 Has internalized a three-minute elevator pitch

      4 Tries to understand prospective donor's mindset

      5 Comes with an evangelist's mindset

      6 Builds in listening time

      7 Is often a builder of an enduring institutional relationship (each visit is one of a series of contacts)

      8 Leaves a written record of call points to shape future calls

      Exhibit 1.2: The Connector

       Understands the organization's issues and needs

       Has made the pledge (size irrelevant)

       Knows or has access to many potential donors (individuals and foundations)

       Is willing to share contacts

       Has done substantial solicitation in the past (probably for other organizations)

       Has experience in other development organizations

       Has no obvious current conflicts of interest

      1 1 Stephen A. Schwarzman, What It Takes: Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence (Simon & Schuster, 2019).

      2 2 F. Warren McFarlan and Marc J. Epstein, Joining a Nonprofit Board: What You Need to Know (John Wiley & Sons, 2011), p. 1, Preface.

      The governance committee of the board (see Скачать книгу