The Autobiography Of A Flea. Anonymous

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The Autobiography Of A Flea - Anonymous

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guardians and acquaint them immediately with the infamous nature of my chance discovery."

      "Oh, in pity, have mercy upon me," pleaded Bella, whose tears now coursed down her pretty cheeks, so lately aglow with wanton pleasure.

      "Spare us, Father, spare us both. We will do anything in our power to make atonement. Six masses and several paters shall be performed on our account and our cost. The pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Engulphus, of which you spoke to me the other day, shall now surely be undertaken. I am willing to do anything, sacrifice anything, if you will spare this dear Bella. "

      The priest waived his hand for silence. Then he spoke, while accents of pity mingled with his naturally stern and resolute manner.

      "Enough," said he, "I must have time. I must invoke assistance from the Blessed Virgin, who knew no sin, but who, without the carnal delights of mortal copulation, brought forth the babe of babes in the manger of Bethlehem. Come to me tomorrow in the sacristy, Bella. These in the precincts, I will unfold to you the Divine Will concerning your transgression. At two o'clock I will expect you. As for you, rash youth, I shall reserve my judgment, and all action, until the following day, when at the same hour I shall likewise expect you."

      A thousand thanks were being poured out by the united throats of the penitents, when the Father warned them both to part.

      The evening had long ago closed in, and the dews of night were stealing upwards.

      "Meanwhile, good night and peace; your secret is safe with me, until we meet again," he spoke and disappeared.

      Chapter II

       Table of Contents

       Curiosity to learn the sequel of an adventure in which I already felt so much interest, as well as a tender solicitude for the gentle and amiable Bella, constrained me to keep in her vicinity, and I, therefore, took care not to annoy her with any very decided attentions on my part, or to raise resistance by an ill-timed attack at a moment when it was necessary to the success of my design to remain within range of that young lady's operations.

      I shall not attempt to tell of the miserable period passed by my young protegee in the interval which elapsed between the shocking discovery made by the holy Father Confessor, and the hour assigned by him for the interview in the sacristy, which was to decide the fate of the unfortunate Bella.

      With trembling steps and downcast eyes the frightened girl presented herself at the porch and knocked.

      The door was opened and the Father appeared upon the threshold.

      At a sign Bella entered and stood before the stately presence of the holy man.

      An embarrassing silence of some seconds followed. Father Ambrose was the first to break the spell.

      "You have done right, my daughter, to come to me so punctually; the ready obedience of the penitent is the first sign of the spirit within which obtains the Divine forgiveness."

      At these gracious words Bella took courage, and already a load seemed to fall from her heart.

      Father Ambrose continued, seating himself at the same time upon the long-cushioned seat which covered a huge oak chest: "I have thought much, and prayed much on your account, my daughter. For some time there appeared no way in which I could absolve my conscience otherwise than to go to your natural protector and lay before him the dreadful secret of which I have become the unhappy possessor."

      Here he paused, and Bella, who knew well the severe character of her uncle, on whom she was entirely dependent, trembled at his words.

      Taking her hand in his, and gently drawing the girl to the same seat, so that she found herself kneeling before him, while his right hand pressed her rounded shoulder, he went on: "But I am wounded to think of the dreadful results which would follow such a disclosure, and I have asked for assistance from the Blessed Virgin in my trouble. She has pointed out a way which, while it also serves the ends of our holy church, likely prevents the consequences of your offence from being known to your uncle. The first necessity which this course imposes is, however, implicit obedience."

      Bella, only too rejoiced to hear of a way out of her trouble, readily promised the most blind obedience to the command of her spiritual Father.

      The young girl was kneeling at his feet. Father Ambrose bent his large head over her recumbent figure. A warm tint lit his cheeks, a strange fire danced in his fierce eyes, his hands trembled slightly, as they rested upon the shoulders of his penitent, but his composure was otherwise unruffled.

      Doubtless his spirit was troubled at the conflict going on within him between the duty he had to fulfill and the tortuous path by which he hoped to avoid the awful exposure.

      The holy Father then began a long lecture upon the virtue of obedience, and the absolute submissions to the guidance of the minister of holy church.

      Bella reiterated her assurances of entire patience and obedience in all things.

      Meanwhile it was evident to me that the priest was a victim to some confined, but rebellious spirit which rose within him, and at times almost broke out into complete possession in the flashing eyes and hot passionate lips.

      Father Ambrose gently drew the beautiful penitent nearer and nearer, until her fair arms rested upon his knees, and her face bent downwards in holy resignation, sunk almost upon her hands.

      "And now, my child," continued the holy man, "it is time that I should tell you the means vouchsafed to me by the Blessed Virgin by which alone I am absolved from exposing your offence. There are ministering spirits who have confided to them the relief of those passions and those exigencies which the servants of the church are forbidden openly to avow, but which, who can doubt, they have need to satisfy. These chosen few are mainly selected from among those who have already trodden the path of fleshly indulgence; to them is confined the solemn and holy duty of assuaging the earthly desires of our religious community in the strictest secrecy. To you," whispered the Father, his voice trembling with emotion, and his large hands passing by an easy transition from the shoulders of his penitent to her slender waist.

      "To you, who have once already tasted the supreme pleasure of copulation, it is competent to assume this holy office. Not only will your sin be thus effaced and pardoned, but it will be permitted you to taste legitimately those ecstatic delights, those overpowering sensations of rapturous enjoyment, which in the arms of her faithful servants you are at all times sure to find. You will swim in a sea of sensual pleasure, without incurring the penalties of illicit love. Your absolution will follow each occasion of your yielding your sweet body to the gratification on the church, through her ministers, and you will be rewarded and sustained in the pious work by witnessing—nay, Bella, by sharing fully those intense and fervent emotions, the delicious enjoyment of your beautiful person must provoke."

      Bella listened to this insidious proposal with mingled feelings of surprise and pleasure. The wild and lewd impulses of her warm nature were at once awakened by the picture now presented to her fervid imagination—how could she hesitate?

      The pious priest drew her yielding from towards him, and printed a long hot kiss upon her rosy lips.

      "Holy Mother," murmured Bella, whose sexual instincts where each moment becoming more fully roused. "This is too much for me to bear—I long—I wonder—I know not what!"

      "Sweet innocent, it will be for me to instruct you. In my person you will find your best and fittest preceptor in those exercises you will henceforth have to fulfill."

      Father Ambrose slightly shifted his position. It was then that Bella noticed for the first time the heated look of sensuality which now almost frightened her. It was now also that she became aware of the enormous protuberance of the front of the holy Father's silk cassock.

      The excited priest hardly cared any longer to conceal either his condition or his designs. Catching the beautiful child to his arms he kissed her long and passionately. He pressed her sweet body to his burly person, and

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