Complete Works. Hamilton Alexander

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Complete Works - Hamilton Alexander

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      Appendix I

       Table of Contents

      (PAGE 414)


James & William Sterling $75.00
Isaac Clason 100.00
William Bell (Robinson and Hartshorne) 50.00
Miss Jenkins (Riggs) 50.00
Pierre Van Cortlandt late Lt. Governor 40.00
P. Jay Monroe 40.00
Champlin & Smith T. L. Ogden 50.00
Grillet & Bell 40.00
Outdoor Underwriters including Hallet & Bowne Administr. Jenks (Pendleton) 200.00
Assignee of Wm. L. Vandervort is successful 250 more 400 by J. J. V. 200.00
Assignees of J. Roget (Tintado) 50.00
De Peysterl (Jones) 40.00
Abijah Hammond P. A. Ogden 40.00
Robert Cummings 75.00
John McVickar 30.00
Isaac Kibby 25.00
Hubbard (Riggs) 50.00
Alexander Stewart 65.
Assignees of Kirkpatrick (T. L. Ogden) by P. A. Camman 40.
George Stanton 30
Louis Simond 50
John Hackely (Riker) 100. Paid by Pendleton
Ebeneur Stevens 50.
George Suckly 50
Bank of N. York 100
Jama Arden 50.
William Thomas 25.
William Cooper 75.
William Byron 100.
William & Silvester Robinson 250.
William Neilson 50.
James Shuter (T. L. Ogden) 50.
Gouverneur including Insurance Cause of Baure settled by compromise 100.
(T. L. Ogden) John Stewards for Note 50.
Do. 2490.
Henderson & Varick 20.
Dr. 2510.
Particulars will better appear by Account Book endorsed
July 9, 1804.

      Appendix J

       Table of Contents

      (PAGE 418)


      THERE does not appear any documentary evidence of the success of Wolcott's proposition to raise $100,000 by subscription. The only practical measures consisted in the contribution of shares of various land companies which were then very popular, and the later conversion of these into cash. In Boston a number of prominent gentlemen met and proposed the following plan:

      "Having in remembrance the exalted worth, and pre-eminent services of the late General Hamilton -- his extraordinary and truly patriotic exertions which contributed so much to save our Country from the greatest impending calamities -- his able, disinterested and successful efforts to inculcate the wisdom, justice and advantage of all those maxims of jurisprudence which render sacred the rights of property and which are inseparable from true liberty -- and especially recollecting that the devotion of his time and talents to the public interests has operated to deprive his Family of a common share of those pecuniary advantages, which his labours, if applied to them, would have easily made abundant. We, therefore, whose names are subscribed, to testify in some degree our sense of departed excellence and our gratitude for benefits conferred on our Country, do engage that we will pay into the hands of the Honble George Cabot, Thomas Davis, and Theodore Lyman, Esquires, the sums of money set against our respective names, to be by them applied to the benefit of the Children or Family of General Hamilton, in any manner they shall judge proper.

      "And whereas we, whose names follow, are proprietors of certain parcels of land in Pennsylvania, which were purchased in A. D. 1801 of Timothy Pickering, Esquire: in shares of one hundred dollars each, which lands are not yet divided or formally conveyed.

      "We do hereby authorize and request the said Timothy Pickering, Esquire to convey by a quit-claim deed, to such person or persons as shall be named to him for that purpose, by the before- mentioned George Cabot, Thomas Davis, and Theodore Lyman, Esquires, or any two of them so many of our shares in said Lands as we have set against our respective names. George Cabot 8 shares, Theodore Lyman and Wm. Gray, Jr., twenty shares, Eben Parsons Stephen Higginson Stephen Higginson, Jr. Sam1. P. Gardner Timo. Williams Benj. Pickman, Jr. John Norris each ten shares. Joseph Lee, eight shares. Thomas Davis, Nat1. C. Lee, William Pratt, Kirk Booth, James Perkins by J. H. P., John Parker, Daniel Sargent, Jr., James Loyd, Junr., Isaac P. Davis, Jos. Lee, Junr. Israel Thorndike, Gorham Parsons, Jno. Lowell by F. C. Lowell, Att'y, Benj. Joy, David Sears, Simon Elliot, William Orme, William Prescott, Simon Forrester, Samuel

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