Journey to Heaven. A.W. Trenholm

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Journey to Heaven - A.W. Trenholm

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have their origin, and to which we will one day return? What amazing truths would we discover if we could communicate with someone good and godly from that mysterious spiritual realm now hidden from us? What if the barrier to that world is of our own making, caused by our lack of faith or being too entangled with the affairs of this life and this world to simply reach out and believe and receive unlimited help from beyond? What if it is actually not as hard or as uncommon as we think to draw aside the curtain that divides us from God’s world of angels, and the world of spirits that have gone on from here? What if we, by believing, could cross over the threshold dividing time from eternity?

      As I lay there praying and thinking about the vast possibilities and the wonders one might discover once through that door, and wanting it to be possible, I began to feel a strange vertigo-like sense of excitement and a rushing sensation within. Something strange and wonderful was happening to me. I felt the urge to pick up my small tape recorder, which was nearby, and turn it on. Then as I closed my eyes, the most amazing visions began to appear. They were more than just “pictures in my head,” for it was as though I was actually traveling-or at least some aspect of me was-and I was being transported unimaginable distances, not just to observe, but to actually participate and record my experiences.

      While I was struggling to describe the things I was seeing and experiencing, I also had to wrestle with my own dismay and complete disorientation at so suddenly being plunged into a totally “alien” world. I was not afraid or apprehensive, for the place, although strangely rugged, was very appealing. Also, I had an exciting feeling that what I was seeing actually existed. I believe the people I met also exist, though I wonder if perhaps they took on forms and appearances that I would feel more “at home” or comfortable with. I say this because I myself was quite different, although still “me.”

      I was somehow changed, or modified to where I was a young person going by the name of Travis.

      My first “journey” continued for about two hours, and I recorded all that I saw and all that happened to me. Over the next few months in quiet moments, I had more visions, each of which began again at the place and the event where I had left off previously. I have no explanation for this or how I could possibly be two people in two entirely different places at the same time, or any of the other equally unusual occurrences and encounters I have recorded here. I believe that there is much more to this life and our life to come in Heaven than we realize or imagine. I also believe we do not have much longer to wait before the portal dividing our worlds opens.

      Allan Trenholm

       1 - Arrival

      I simply closed my eyes and I was there. In a moment of time, as fast as the speed of thought, I was carried over distances and into dimensions unimaginable in earthly terms. Suddenly before me was the breathtaking panorama of some unknown world. Eternity seemed to sweep out in all directions as far as the eye could see, and the sky of this place was charged with all the colors and tints of the rainbow, and some never yet seen by mortal eyes.

      What magnificent world was this? Its landscape was so varied, so mysteriously and marvelously fashioned, so spiritual and mystical. It was all too much to comprehend in an instant: the magnitude, the mystery, the marvel of it all. Here was I, a child of the Earth, a creature of clay and spirit, plucked from the circle of life on Earth and carried up and out into some vast realm of the spirit where the great ocean of eternity surrounds us. How different life on Earth would be if everyone could see for a moment these unimaginable worlds and dimensions that lie just beyond our normal senses.

      I traveled on for what seemed a great distance. At one point, though far off, I saw the radiance of what seemed to be the Great City of the Children of Light. What vast regions there were here! I came at last to a place where there was land, a great plain that stretched out as far as eye could see, inconceivably vast distances. I was marveling at the wonder of the scene when I noticed to my right and slightly behind me a small figure in white approaching. I soon realized that a young lad was coming to greet me. I couldn’t imagine that anyone would be expecting me. In the first few moments after my arrival I wasn’t really sure who I was, or where I was, or even really what I was or how I got there. I’m not sure I even had a human form, for it seemed that when this person came up and greeted me, we somewhat flowed into each other’s being.

      As shocking as this experience was for me at first, a great peace came over me and I found myself very much at ease merging for a moment with my new friend. From all appearances, he was a boy of about 12 and I seemed to be about the same age as well. He was very friendly, reassuring, and instantly informative. I saw him as a boy, but again it seemed quite out of the question to put an age to anyone in that region. Time and outward forms and appearances seemed of little significance there.

      I can’t hope to adequately or even accurately describe for you all that I saw, felt, or that happened to me while there, but I’ll do my best. I hope that as I recount this adventure, you might discover some of the secrets of this place. Or better still, discover that same portal through which I came that will whisk you off for an adventure in the mysterious and marvelous worlds of the spirit, off into those dimensions of eternity that totally surround us, but about which we still know so little.

      Is this a true story, you ask? I believe it’s real, but I leave it to you to ponder and determine for yourself the substance of what I’m about to tell you. And if the things I saw in those regions beyond are true, then incredible things are about to happen here on Earth as well. For we stand at the very doorway to eternity which will soon swing wide open and launch us all into a joyful future together.

      Here, then, are the first thoughts and words the boy spoke to me as best I can recall them. At first he was somewhat formal in his speech, but quickly adjusted to me and spoke as a close friend.

      “I am Jamal, the first-born son of Ja-al and Joyus. This is the land of Ekron. There in the grassy area just beneath that silvery patch in the sky is where my father’s stables are. He is the keeper and trainer of great horses that serve in the armies of the First Born of the Founder, the Holy One, whose Name is to be blessed forever. I will take you there tomorrow, if it is willed, to see these magnificent creatures. In all creation there are no horses so wondrous as these. They are full of all majesty and power. The sounds of their hooves when they run together is as thunder that could shake a thousand skies! It is a magnificent sight to see the herd running wild in the wind, their white bodies rippling with such strength and muscle and power. I will show them to you later.”

      Pausing a moment to let me take in a view such as I’d never seen before in my whole life, my young guide continued, “And there in the distance is the beautiful city of Tricon. That unusual structure in the center of Tricon we call the Temple of Tricon. Tricon is a very small city compared to the Great City of Light, but I think you will find it a wondrous place to visit. We will pass through part of the city on our way home.” Turning and pointing towards a darker region in the distance, he said, “And off over there is a region we do not much go into unescorted. Our great armies are presently reclaiming that region for the Kingdom of Light. But of course you must already know these things, for in that region is your home world. I call it the Place of the Spheres, or the Land of Orbs. There in the distance is a great gateway to your world and the sphere called Earth, where the people of time live, and where the Prince will someday place His City-the Great City of Light!”

      “Did I come through the great gateway to get here?” I asked, trying to understand how I had come here so instantly.

      Jamal smiled at how little I seemed to know about what was probably quite simple geography to him. “No, you came here through the spirit. Your spirit is here, but your body is still back on Earth. You see, our Founding Father is a Spirit. He is the Father of all spirits and the source and substance of all life. In Him we live and breathe and have our being. In Him and through Him and within His Spirit, all things, all places, and all times are united. Through His Spirit we may easily travel from one place to another, communicate over great distances, or see places that are far off as though close by. In His Spirit you can even pass from one time to another, or one dimension to another almost instantly. God’s Spirit is like a great heavenly hyperlink through which He permits us, His children, to move

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