The Negro in Chicago - A Study of Race Relations and a Race Riot. Chicago Commission on Race Relations

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The Negro in Chicago - A Study of Race Relations and a Race Riot - Chicago Commission on Race Relations

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Better living.

      16. More work; came on visit and stayed.

      17. Wife persuaded me.

      18. To establish a church.

      19. Tired of the South.

      20. To get away from the South, and to earn more money.

      Question: Do you feel greater freedom and independence in Chicago? In what ways?


      1. Yes. Working conditions and the places of amusement.

      2. Yes. The chance to make a living; conditions on the street cars and in movies.

      3. Going into places of amusement and living in good neighborhoods.

      4. Yes. Educationally, and in the home conditions.

      5. Yes. Go anywhere you want to go; voting; don't have to look up to the white man, get off the street for him, and go to the buzzard roost at shows.

      6. Yes. Just seem to feel a general feeling of good-fellowship.

      7. On the street cars and the way you are treated where you work.

      8. Yes. Can go any place I like here. At home I was segregated and not treated like I had any rights.

      9. Yes. Privilege to mingle with people; can go to the parks and places of amusement, not being segregated.

      10. Yes. Feel free to do anything I please. Not dictated to by white people.

      11. Yes. Had to take any treatment white people offered me there, compelled to say "yes ma'am" or "yes sir" to white people, whether you desired to or not. If you went to an ice cream parlor for anything you came outside to eat it. Got off sidewalk for white people.

      12. Yes. Can vote; feel free; haven't any fear; make more money.

      13. Yes. Voting; better opportunity for work; more respect from white people.

      14. Yes. Can vote; no lynching; no fear of mobs; can express my opinion and defend myself.

      15. Yes. Voting, more privileges; white people treat me better, not as much prejudice.

      16. Yes. Feel more like a man. Same as slavery, in a way, at home. I don't have to give up the sidewalk here for white people as in my former home.

      17. Yes. No restrictions as to shows, schools, etc. More protection of law.

      18. Yes. Have more privileges and more money.

      19. Yes. More able to express views on all questions. No segregation or discrimination.

      20. Sure. Feel more freedom. Was not counted in the South; colored people allowed no freedom at all in the South.

      21. Find things quite different to what they are at home. Haven't become accustomed to the place yet.

      Question: What were your first impressions of Chicago?


      1. I liked the air of doing things here.

      2. A place of real opportunity if you would work.

      3. Place just full of life. Went to see the sights every night for a month.

      4. I thought it was some great place but found out it wasn't. Uncle told me he was living on Portland Avenue, that it was some great avenue; found nothing but a mud hole. I sure wished I was back home.

      5. When I got here and got on the street cars and saw colored people sitting by white people all over the car I just held my breath, for I thought any minute they would start something, then I saw nobody noticed it, and I just thought this was a real place for colored people. No, indeed, I'll never work in anybody's kitchen but my own, any more, that's the one thing that makes me stick to this job.

      6. Was completely lost, friend was to meet me but didn't and I was afraid to ask anyone where to go; finally my friend came; was afraid to sleep first night—so much noise; thought the cars would finally stop running so I could rest.

      7. Liked the place.

      8. Always liked Chicago, even the name before I came.

      9. Liked it fine.

      10. Good city for colored people.

      11. Fine city.

      12. Thought it the best place for colored people.

      13. Thought it a good place for colored people to live in.

      14. Very favorable, thought it the place to be for myself and family.

      15. Didn't like it; lonesome, until I went out. Then liked the places of amusement which have no restrictions.

      16. Liked it fine, like it even better now.

      17. Liked Chicago from the first visit made two years ago; was not satisfied until I was able to get back.

      18. Think I will like it later on.

      Question: In what respects is life harder or easier here than in the South?


      1. Easier. I don't have to work so hard and get more money.

      2. Easier in that here my wife doesn't have to work. I just couldn't make it by myself in the South.

      3. Living is much easier; chance to learn a trade. I make and save more money.

      4. Easier, you can make more money and it means more to you.

      5. Easier to make a living here.

      6. Easier, I get more money for my work and have some spare time.

      7. Have better home, but have to work harder. I make more money, but spend it all to live.

      8. Have more time to rest here and don't work as hard.

      9. Find it easier to live because I have more to live on.

      10. Earn more money; the strain is not so great wondering from day to day how to make a little money do.

      11. Work harder here than at home.

      12. Easier. Work is hard, but hours are short. I make more money and can live better.

      13. More money for work, though work is harder. Better able to buy the necessities of life.

      14. Easier; more work and more money and shorter hours.

      15. Living higher, but would rather be here than in South. I have shorter hours here.

      16. Don't have to work as hard here as at home. Have more time for rest and to spend with family.

      17. Easier to live in St. Louis. More work here and better wages. Living higher here. Saved more there.

      18. Must work very hard here, much harder than at home.

      19. Harder because of increased cost of living.

      20. The entire family feels that life is much easier here than at home. Do not find work as hard anywhere.

      Question: What do you like about the North?


      1. Freedom in voting and conditions of colored people here. I mean you can live in good houses; men here get a chance to go with the best-looking girls in the race; some may do it in Memphis, but it ain't always safe.

      2. Freedom and chance to make a living; privileges.

      3. Freedom and opportunity to acquire something.

      4. Freedom allowed in every way.

      5. More money and more pleasure to be gotten from it; personal freedom Chicago affords, and voting.

      6. Freedom and working conditions.


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