Heterogeneous Catalysts. Группа авторов
Читать онлайн книгу.href="#ulink_a30f0b8e-f631-568f-90ff-59c7d6b6889c">10.5 Perspective and Outlook References 11 Band Engineering of Semiconductors Toward Visible‐Light‐Responsive Photocatalysts 11.1 Basis of Photocatalyst Materials 11.2 Photocatalyst Material Groups 11.3 Design of Band Structures of Photocatalyst Materials 11.4 Preparation of Photocatalysts References
Section II: Surface Studies and Operando Spectroscopies in Heterogeneous Catalysis
12 Toward Precise Understanding of Catalytic Events and Materials Under Working Conditions
13 Pressure Gaps in Heterogeneous Catalysis
13.1 Introduction
13.2 High‐Pressure Studies of Catalysts
13.3 Adsorption on Solid Surfaces at Low and High Pressures
13.4 Conclusions and Outlook
14 In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Observation of Gas/Solid and Liquid/Solid Interfaces
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Observation in Gas and Liquid Phases
14.3 Applications and Outlook
15 Tomography in Catalyst Design
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Imaging with X‐Rays
15.3 Conventional Absorption CT to Study Catalytic Materials
15.4 X‐Ray Diffraction Computed Tomography (XRD‐CT)
15.5 Pair Distribution Function CT
15.6 Multimodal XANES‐CT, XRD‐CT, and XRF‐CT
15.7 Atom Probe Tomography
15.8 Ptychographic X‐Ray CT
15.9 Conclusions
16 Resolving Catalyst Performance at Nanoscale via Fluorescence Microscopy
16.1 Fluorescence Microscopy as Catalyst Characterization Tool
16.2 Basics of Fluorescence and Fluorescence Microscopy
16.3 Strategies to Resolve Catalytic Processes in a Fluorescence Microscope
16.4 Wide‐Field and Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy
16.5 Super‐resolution Fluorescence Microscopy
16.6 What Can We Learn About Catalysts from (Super‐resolution) Fluorescence Microscopy: Case Studies
16.7 Conclusions and Outlook
17 In Situ Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Catalysis
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Basic Principles of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)
17.3 Experimental Methods and Setup for In Situ cw‐EPR
17.4 Applications of In Situ EPR Spectroscopy
17.5 Conclusions
18 Toward Operando Infrared Spectroscopy of Heterogeneous Catalysts
18.1 Brief Theory on Infrared Spectroscopy
18.2 Different Modes of IR Measurements
18.3 Measuring the “Background”
18.4 Using Probe Molecules to Identify Heterogeneous Sites
18.5 IR Measurements Under Operando Conditions
18.6 Case Studies of Operando IR Spectroscopy
18.7 Perspective and Outlook
19 Operando X‐Ray Spectroscopies on Catalysts in Action
19.1 Fundamentals of X‐Ray Spectroscopy
19.2 X‐Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Methods
19.3 High‐Energy‐Resolution (Resonant) X‐Ray Emission Spectroscopy
19.4 In Situ and Operando Cells
19.5 Application of Time‐Resolved Methods
19.6 Limitations and Challenges
19.7 Concluding Remarks
20 Methodologies to Hunt Active Sites and Active Species
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Modulation Excitation Technique