English Past and Present. Richard Chenevix Trench

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English Past and Present - Richard Chenevix Trench

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component elements of English is very different. M. Müller quotes a calculation which makes the classical element about 68 per cent, the Teutonic about 30, and miscellaneous about 2 (Science of Language, 8th ed. i, 89). See Skeat, Principles of Eng. Etymology, ii, 15 seq., and infra p. 25.]

      “Pity you was not druggerman at Babel”.

      ‘Truckman’, or more commonly ‘truchman’, familiar to all readers of our early literature, is only another form of this, one which probably has come to us through ‘turcimanno’, the Italian form of the word. [See my Folk and their Word-Lore, p. 19].

      [All these suggested doublets which I have obelized must be dismissed as untenable.]

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