A Practical Physiology: A Text-Book for Higher Schools. Albert F. Blaisdell

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A Practical Physiology: A Text-Book for Higher Schools - Albert F. Blaisdell

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add oxalate of ammonia. The result is a white precipitate of the oxalate of lime, showing there is lime present, but not as a phosphate.

      Experiment 14. To the solution of mineral matters obtained from Experiment 3, add acetate of soda until free acetic acid is present, recognized by the smell (like dilute vinegar); then add oxalate of ammonia. The result will be a copious white precipitate of lime salts.

      Experiment 15. To show how the cancellous structure of bone is able to support a great deal of weight. Have the market-man saw out a cubic inch from the cancellous tissue of a fresh beef bone and place it on a table with its principal layers upright. Balance a heavy book upon it, and then gradually place upon it various articles and note how many pounds it will support before giving way.

      Experiment 16. Repeat the last experiment, using a cube of the decalcified bone obtained from Experiment 4.

      [Note. As the succeeding chapters are studied, additional experiments on bones and their relation to other parts of the body, will readily suggest themselves to the ingenious instructor or the thoughtful student. Such experiments may be utilized for review or other exercises.]

      Review Analysis: The Skeleton (206 bones).

       Table of Contents

      / / 1 Frontal,

       / / 2 Parietal,

       / I. Cranium | 2 Temporal,

       / (8 bones) | 1 Occipital,

       / \ 1 Sphenoid,

       | \ 1 Ethmoid.


       | / 2 Superior Maxillary,

       The Head | / 2 Malar,

       (28 bones). | / 2 Nasal,

       | II. Face | 2 Lachrymal Bones,

       | (14 bones) | 2 Palate Bones,

       | \ 2 Turbinated,

       | \ 1 Vomer,

       \ \ 1 Lower Maxillary.


       \ / Hammer,

       \ III. The Ear | Anvil,

       \ (6 bones) \ Stirrup.

       / / 7 Cervical Vertebræ.

       / / 12 Dorsal Vertebræ,

       / I. Spinal Column | 5 Lumbar Vertebræ,

       | (26 bones) \ Sacrum,

       | \ Coccyx.

       The Trunk |

       (54 bones). | / 7 True Ribs,

       | II. The Ribs | 3 False Ribs,

       | (24 bones) \ 2 Floating Ribs.


       \ III. Sternum.

       \ IV. Two Hip Bones.

       \ V. Hyoid Bone.

       / / Scapula,

       / I. Upper Arm | Clavicle,

       | \ Humerus.


       The Upper Limbs | II. Forearm / Ulna,

       (64 bones). | \ Radius.


       | / 8 Carpal Bones,

       \ III. Hand | 5 Metacarpal Bones,

       \ \ 14 Phalanges.

       / I. Thigh Femur.


       | / Patella,

       The Lower Limbs | II. Lower Leg | Tibia,

       (60 bones). | \ Fibula.


       | / 7 Tarsal Bones,

       \ III. Foot | 5 Metatarsal Bones,

       \ \ 14 Phalanges.

      Chapter III.

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      64. Motion in Animals. All motion of our bodies is produced by means of muscles. Not only the limbs are moved by them, but even the movements of the stomach and of the heart are controlled by muscles. Every part of the body which is capable of motion has its own special set of muscles.

      Even when the higher animals are at rest it is possible to observe some kind of motion in them. Trees and stones never move unless acted upon by external force, while the infant and the tiniest insect can execute a great variety of movements. Even in the deepest sleep the beating of the heart and the motion of the chest never cease. In fact, the power to execute spontaneous movement is the most characteristic property of living animals.

      65. Kinds of Muscles. Most of the bodily movements, such as affect the limbs and the body as a whole, are performed by muscles under our control. These muscles make up the red flesh or lean parts, which, together with the fat, clothe the bony framework, and give to it general form and proportion. We call these muscular tissues voluntary muscles, because they usually act under the control of the will.

      The internal organs, as those of digestion, secretion, circulation, and respiration, perform their functions by means of muscular activity of another kind, that is, by that of muscles not under our control. This work goes on quite independently of the will, and during sleep. We call the instruments of this activity involuntary muscles. The voluntary muscles, from peculiarities revealed by the microscope, are also known as striped or striated muscles. The involuntary from their smooth, regular appearance under the microscope are called the unstriped or non-striated muscles.

      The two kinds of muscles, then, are the red, voluntary, striated muscles, and the smooth, involuntary, non-striated muscles.

      66. Structure of Voluntary Muscles. The main substance which clothes the bony framework of the body, and which forms about two-fifths of its weight, is the voluntary muscular tissue. These muscles do not cover and surround the bones in continuous sheets, but consist of separate bundles of flesh, varying in size and length, many of which are capable of independent movement.

      Each muscle has its own set of blood-vessels, lymphatics, and nerves. It is the blood that gives the red color to the flesh. Blood-vessels and nerves on their way to other parts of the body, do not pass through the muscles, but between them. Each muscle is enveloped in its own sheath of connective tissue, known as the fascia. Muscles are not usually connected directly with bones, but by means of white, glistening cords called tendons.

      Fig. 30.--Striated (voluntary) Muscular Fibers.

       A, fiber serparating into disks;

       B, fibrillæ (highly magnified);

       C, cross section of a disk

      If a small piece of muscle be examined under a microscope it is found to be made up of bundles of fibers. Each fiber is enclosed within a delicate, transparent sheath, known as the sarcolemma. If one of these fibers be further examined under a microscope, it will be seen to consist of a great number of still more minute fibers called fibrillæ. These fibers are also seen marked cross-wise with dark stripes, and can be separated at each stripe into disks. These cross markings account for the name striped or striated muscle.

      The fibrillæ, then, are bound together in a bundle to form a fiber, which is enveloped in its own

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