ABC-Book. Букварь. Ханум Амариевна Омарова
Читать онлайн книгу.little Dicky Birds
Sat upon a wall.
One named Peter,
The other named Paul.
Fly away Peter.
Fly away Paul.
Come back Peter!
Come back Paul!
dumpling – клецки, пельмени
diddle – трясти, обманывать
dicky – дикий, cтранный, слабый
fly away – улетать
come back – возвращаться
1. (to) dance to one’s pipe;
(плясать под чужую дудку,
2. (the) devil is not so black as he is painted;
(не так страшен чёрт, как его малюют); in the manger;
(собака на сене);
4. (the) dogs bark, but the caravan goes on;
(собака лает – караван идет);
5. (a) drowning man catches at a straw;
(утопающий и за соломинку хватается).
Ee [i: ]
A: Can I help you?
B: Oh, no thanks. I am just looking. Sorry,
Can you show me some jeans, please.
A: What make do you want?
B: Levi’s. How much are they?
A: Their price is $50.00.
B: May I see them, please?
A: Sure. There you go. But you have to try them on.
B: Is it a must?
can – физическая возможность
may – разрешение
must – верх долженствования
have to – должен, обязан, надо
can I help you? – чем могу помочь?
just looking – просто смотрю
show – показать
what make do you want? – какой марки вы хотите?
how much are they? – сколько они стоят?
there you go – вот, возьмите
Tongue twisters:
1.Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.
2. Eleven benevolent elephants.
3. Eleven elves licks eleven little liquorice lollipops.
Eensy Weensy Spider
Eensy Weensy Spider
Climbed up the water spout;
Down came the rain
And washed poor Eensy out;
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain;
And the Eensy Weensy Spider
Climbed up the spout again.
Every Body Has a Name
Everybody has a name.
Some are different,
Some are the same.
Some are short,
Some are long.
All are right,
None are wrong.
I like my name,
It’s special to me.
It’s exactly who,
I want to be!
water spout – водослив
climbed up – забрался
dried up – высушить
different – разные
wrong – неправильные
exactly – точно
1. (the) early birds catches the worm;
(кто рано встает, тому бог дает);
2.East or West home is best;
(в гостях хорошо, а дома лучше;)
3. (as) easy as ABC;
(проще пареной репы);
4.every bird likes its own nest;
(всяк кулик свое болото хвалит).
Ff [ef]
In the shopping mall
A: Is the sports department on the third floor or ground floor?
B: It is on the third floor.
A: My father gave me money to buy sport suit for training.
B: Are you a football player or a hockey player?
A: I am a football player.
B: I am a football fan.
sports department – спортивный отдел
sport suit – спортивный костюм
ground floor – первый этаж
football player – футболист
hockey player – хоккеист
football fan – футбольный фанат
Tongue twister: