Sociology. Anthony Giddens

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Sociology - Anthony Giddens

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_afd7b434-0b03-55d2-9078-33e5f72e4120">ConclusionChapter reviewResearch in practiceThinking it throughSociety in the artsFurther readingInternet links

      22 16 EducationTheories of education and schoolingSocial divisions in educationEducation in global contextEducation systems in developmentThe digitization of learningConclusionChapter reviewResearch in practiceThinking it throughSociety in the artsFurther readingInternet links

      23 17 Work and EmploymentWhat is work?Transforming the world of workThe gig economy and unemploymentThe future(s) of workChapter reviewResearch in practiceThinking it throughSociety in the artsFurther readingInternet links

      24 18 ReligionThe sociological study of religionReligious organizations and movementsContemporary religion: trends and challengesConclusionChapter reviewResearch in practiceThinking it throughSociety in the artsFurther readingInternet links

      25 19 The MediaMedia diversityTheorizing the mediaAudiences and representationsOwnership, power and alternative mediaConclusionChapter reviewResearch in practiceThinking it throughSociety in the artsFurther readingInternet links

      26 20 Politics, Government and Social MovementsPolitical sociologyDemocratization and global governanceSocial movements: beyond formal politicsConclusionChapter reviewResearch in practiceThinking it throughSociety in the artsFurther readingInternet links

      27 21 Nations, War and TerrorismNations, national identity and human rightsWar, genocide and transitions to peaceTerrorismConclusionChapter reviewResearch in practiceThinking it throughSociety in the artsFurther readingInternet links

      28 22 Crime and DevianceThe basic conceptsTheories of crime and deviancePatterns of crimeCrime in global contextConclusion: globalization, deviance and social orderChapter reviewResearch in practiceThinking it throughSociety in the artsFurther readingInternet links

      29  Glossary

      30  References

      31  Picture Acknowledgements

      32  Index

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