Manage to Engage. Pamela Hackett

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Manage to Engage - Pamela Hackett

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This applies at work, too. The better connected we are, the healthier our relationships and the higher quality of our working life. Additionally, the better our own performance, our teams and our organizations performance. Productivity is stifled when we don't have connection. Great managers and leaders foster strong connections with and between people, recognizing that engaging with others involves people more deeply at work.

      The takeaway: If being better connected to your people is the cornerstone of engagement, employee relationship management must have its emphasis on the word relationship.

      Chapter 9: The Strength in Numbers Is Collaboration

      The takeaway: In this chapter, we dig deep into the need for collaboration and take it beyond borders and into powerful partnerships. Further, faster, together, safely. Knock down silos and open the doors to other teams – inside and outside your business.

      Chapter 10: Building Community: 1+1 = 3

      The more connected we are, the more we collaborate, the more we yearn for communities of practice and communities of kindred spirits. We feel and perform better when we are part of something. Community brings engagement into the lifeblood of the business and your teams, enabling them to see past the immediacy of today's issues and into the future. Community creates an army of engaged minds striving for a common outcome – great results from great work.

      The takeaway: When companies view community building as a stepping-stone to engagement and therefore as a way of creating new levels of performance, it's a sign they have recognized the power of the “home-team advantage.” Communities lift everyone up, together.

      Chapter 11: Growing Capability: We Yearn to Learn

      Continuous learning isn't just good for business; it's good for people's health and well-being and a key to life satisfaction. It's also good for continuous improvement. When managers and leaders learn how to coach, they enable and energize others, and you've got a cultural change that can turn into a movement. Coaching is another multiplier. It enables skill development, transformations, performance improvement, and engagement. Giving people opportunities to learn through experience and coaching can provide the learning element that they are thirsty for.

      Chapter 12: Freedom: The Great Facilitator

      The most engaged people at work are those who have freer rein to do what needs to be done, without having to automatically defer to someone else. In the past, this has largely been the privilege of entrepreneurs and senior leaders, and their engagement scores showed. A truly HeadsUp manager's challenge is to step back and give people the freedom to think, to decide, to try, and to grow. Being a manager without taking a sense of freedom away from others is the challenge of the future. Manage to engage.

      The takeaway: Check in rather than check up to create freedom rather than boundaries. The intersection of people and technology can absolutely free up people to be remarkable.

      Chapter 13: Making a Difference: Engage. Enable. Energize.

      Because every organization and workforce are different, and no two employees are the same, you need the right techniques for your workplace.

      The takeaway: HeadsUp and the engagement scorecard of 2 Fs and 7 Cs offer the unique tools that engage, enable, and energize your organization. Together, these become the bedrock for long-term business prosperity as the outcome of engagement.


      It's up to us, as leaders and managers, to understand and accept that everything we do influences engagement and, drawing on the HeadsUp tools, the toolkit of 2 Fs and 7 Cs, find new ways to explore and bring to bear the meaningful work experiences our people need. Now more than ever, we will reap what we sow. Let's sow the seeds of positive engagement so we can truly flourish in the future.


      1 1 Qualtrics, 2020 Employee Experience Trends (Singapore: Qualtrics EmployeeXM, 2020). Report_Ebook.pdf

      2 2 Gallup, State of the Global Workplace Report (Gallup, 2017). adrianboucek/state-of-the-global-workplace-gallup-report-2017.

      3 3 Klaus Schwab, Davos Manifesto 2020: The Universal Purpose of a Company in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (World Economic Forum, 2019).

      Having an engaging environment goes far beyond the workplace itself. When people feel a connection to their jobs, they are more willing to embrace bigger visions, ones that require them to take a leap of faith. They feel a part of something bigger than themselves. They engage in shaping the future. It's the great leader that makes that happen.

      —Lorena Schoenfeld, Proudfoot chief of staff and executive director

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