Matisse Picasso and Gertrude Stein. Gertrude Stein

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Matisse Picasso and Gertrude Stein - Gertrude Stein

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too much then, making suggestions and not making the whole of any one of them, changing before completely beginning to tell that something is like some other thing, remembering that if one were telling something some one would be answering, forgetting that laughing is annoying, remembering that forgetting is annoying, explaining that beginning anything is what is not happening, denying that every one said something, telling some little thing that some one might have said, explaining that if anything was said it was a thing that being something was something that not any one could have said, all this is something. When all this is something and all this is always something, when all this is something then some one being certain that something is existing is certain that all this is existing. When that one is certain that all this is existing then that one explaining everything will be explaining that all this being something anything is something and anything being something something is existing and something being existing anything is existing and anything being existing everything is expressing that thing.

      Some are some who being some and remembering something of that thing come to be some who are existing in being some who are being remembering that having been and being something they are being and being something. They are some and going on they can tell everything they can tell that telling everything is telling what they are in being some who are being some who are something. Yes they are telling that thing. Certainly they are telling that thing. Why should they not tell that thing when they are ones being ones who being existing in being ones who are something are ones who in telling that thing are telling everything. They are then they are telling everything, they are telling that they are some who are something. They are some and they are coming to be the ones who being existing are the ones any one listening will be hearing telling everything. In telling that they are some they are telling everything. In telling everything they are ones having it continuing that every thing is existing. They are all some who are something. They are telling that thing. That is everything.

      Any one remembering something is one who might not have been doing that thing doing the thing that one is remembering having been doing. Any one doing anything is one who may be one not remembering the thing that one was doing. In being one tumbling some one may be one who might have been tumbling if that one had been one who was running. That one was tumbling that one had been one who commenced to be one commencing to run. In being that one that one was one tumbling. In being one tumbling any one could be one picking up that one. In any one picking up that one some were certain that that one could have been one tumbling. In picking up that one some were certain that that one was one who would not be tumbling. In picking up that one some were remembering that picking up some one was something that they might not be doing. In picking up that one some were expecting that if they were picking up any one again it would not be that one.

      In doing something some who could be ones being gay ones are ones remembering that they are then being ones who are not gay ones. In doing something some who are ones who could be ones doing that thing are remembering that they are not ones to do that thing they certainly are not ones to do that thing then. In being ones who certainly are not ones to do that thing then they are ones coming to be knowing that any one who comes to be one doing that thing comes to be one who can be doing that thing. Any one doing anything can come to be one who can be doing that thing. A person who is visiting and who is uncomfortable can be more uncomfortable before that visiting is over. A person who is visiting and is not comfortable can go on being not comfortable through the whole of the visit and can then visit again and not be comfortable again. One who is visiting is one who if any one is asking that one to visit them is one who visiting is not comfortable and will be more uncomfortable. Any one being visited is one doing something and being one doing something is one doing anything. Doing anything is doing everything. Doing everything is something.

      Any one took some one somewhere and having taken them they left them. Any one going anywhere is one going and being going any one who is knowing that thing knowing that some one is going is one who is one knowing something.

      Some came in. Some were there. Two came in. Two had been there. The two who had been there were there. The two who came in were there. There were four there.

      The four there the two who came in and the two who had been there the four there were all then there and being there they did not stay there. The two who came in did not stay there, they left and the two who had been there were the two who were there.

      The two who were there were angry there and being angry they were left there. Being left there one of them was angry, the other one was not angry. The one that was angry was sitting. The one that was not angry was resting. The two were there, one was angry and the other could have known that, if that one had not been resting. The one that was angry was angry because if being that one was something then being angry was nothing. The one that was angry was angry and being angry was not suffering and not being suffering was not having that being angry was being what that one was being in being that one when being that one was nothing.

      That one was one who had been one being one who was not an angry one. In being that one in being one who had been one not being an angry one that one was not being one. That one was that one, that one was being then one who was resting and there being then two of them and both resting they were not being then there the two of them. One of them was there then. That one was resting.

      In a thing being one way and having come to be another way, in a thing having come to be another way some one can be one trying to be telling something. In trying to be telling something that one can come to be saying something and some one asking something then that one is one then wishing anything. In being one then wishing anything and that one then is one wishing anything, in being one then wishing anything that one is not then one wishing that the thing that is a changed thing is the thing it was before that was a changed thing. That one is one wishing anything, in wishing anything that one is not wishing that thing. And why is that one in wishing anything not wishing that thing. That one in wishing anything is not wishing that thing because that one in wishing anything is wishing that some other one would be one knowing that the thing is a changed thing. In wishing that the other one were one knowing that the thing is a changed thing that one is one wishing anything rather than that the other should be one being one knowing that thing knowing that the thing is a changed thing. The one wishing would be one wishing if that one were not one quite knowing everything of what would be happening if the other one were knowing that the thing is a changed thing. Wishing anything is wishing anything. Knowing everything that will be happening is knowing everything that will be happening. Some one who is knowing everything that will be happening is wishing anything.

      You agree, I agree, we agree. If we agree and we do not agree, if we agree and both say something then I say I do not agree and you say you do not agree. If we both say something and you say I agree and I say I do not agree then if we agree we agree that you agree and if you agree that you agree then I agree that I then do not agree. Some agree, some do not agree. That is something that any one saying any other thing is saying is not happening. We agree, that is something that some say is not happening. We agree that is something you are saying. In saying that thing you are saying that thing and I am not saying anything. In not saying anything I am saying that agreeing is nothing, any one saying anything is agreeing, any one saying anything is not agreeing.

      Some when they are talking are saying that they are not only saying that thing, they are saying anything and in saying anything they are saying that everything is nothing. In saying that thing they are saying that they are hoping that if any one is answering them they will then not need to answer again and they do answer again and then they are hoping again that they will not need to be answering if any one says anything. Any one answering can be one hoping that they will not be one expecting to be answering again. Any one answering can be such a one.

      If very many who come and say yes had come and said no, not any one who was liking that many come and say yes would have been liking what was happening. Very many who would not have been liking what was happening if very many had come and said no did like what was happening as very many came and said yes.

      All who came and said yes said that they said yes and some of them said that they had intended to say no and they would have said no if they had not said yes. Having said yes they said that having said yes they would say yes again if they did not say no.


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