Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Hazard Recognition. Группа авторов

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a review. J Occup Environ Hyg 5 (4): 330–346.

      17 17 Zalk, D.M. and Heussen, H. (2011). Banding the world together; the global growth of control banding and qualitative occupational risk management. Saf Health Work 2 (4): 375–379.

      18 18 Oldershaw, P.J. (2003). Control banding workshop, 4–5 November 2002, London. Ann Occup Hyg 47 (7): 531–532.

      19 19 Zalk, D.M., Paik, S., and Swuste, P. (2009). Evaluating the control banding nanotool: a qualitative risk assessment method for controlling nanoparticle exposures. J Nanopart Res 11 (7): 1685–1704.

      20 20 Brouwer, D.H. (2012). Control banding approaches for nanomaterials. Ann Occup Hyg 56 (5): 506–514.

      21 21 Zalk, D.M. and Paik, S.Y. (2016). Qualitative risk assessment and control banding. In: Handbook of Occupational Exposure to Nanomaterials, 2e, Chapter 6 (ed. G. Ramachandran). London, UK: Elsevier.

      22 22 Deveau, M., Chen, C.P., Johanson, G. et al. (2015). The global landscape of occupational exposure limits – implementation of principles to guide limit selection. J Occup Environ Hyg 12 (Supp 11): S127–S144.

      23 23 Nelson, D.I., Chiusano, S.V., Bracker, A.L. et al. (2007). AIHA Guidelines 9‐2007. Guidance for Conducting Control Banding Analyses. Fairfax, VA: American Industrial Hygiene Association.

      24 24 Fingerhut, M. (2008). Editorial: global quantitative risk management (control banding) activities. Ind Health 46: 305–307.

      25 25 Warburton, N. (2017). Global work deaths total 2.78 million a year. IOSH Magazine. (accessed 7 June 2019).

      26 26 Zalk, D.M., West, E., and Nelson, D.I. (2020). Control banding: background, evolution, and application. In: Patty's Industrial Hygiene, 7e, Chapter 28. New Jersey: Wiley.

      27 27 Zalk, D.M., Paik, S.Y., and Chase, W.D. (2019). A quantitative validation of the control banding nanotool. Ann Work Expo Health 63 (8): 898–917.

      28 28 Swuste, P. (2005). Control banding: expansion of range, safety. Presented at Third International Control Banding Workshop, Pilanesberg, South Africa (21 September 2005).

      29 29 Kogi, K. and Caple, D. (2008). Developing ergonomic checkpoints for facilitating practical improvements in small‐scale workplaces. SY20‐03. XVIII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, Seoul, Korea.

      30 30 Coleman, S. and Zalk, D.M. (2014). Environmental risk communication through qualitative risk assessment. Toxics 2: 346–363.

      31 31 Zalk, D.M. (2009). Can control banding be better than traditional industrial hygiene? 5th International Control Banding Workshop, Session 69, ICOH Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. (accessed 7 June 2019).

      32 32 Zalk, D.M., Kamerzell, R., Paik, S. et al. (2010). Risk level based management system: a control banding model for occupational health and safety risk management in a highly regulated environment. Ind Health 48: 18–28.

      33 33 Zalk, D.M., Spee, T., Gillen, M. et al. (2011). Review of qualitative approaches for the construction industry: designing a risk management toolbox. Saf Health Work 2: 105–121.

      34 34 Kristenson, T.S. (2005). Intervention studies in occupational epidemiology. Occup Environ Med 62: 205–210.

      35 35 NIOSH (2009). Qualitative risk characterization and management of occupational hazards: control banding (CB); a literature review and critical analysis. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2009‐152.

      36 36 Waterson, A. (2007). Global construction health and safety – what works, what does not, and why? Int J Occup Environ Health 13 (1): 1–4.

      37 37 Holme, N., Lingard, H., Yesilyurt, Z., and De Munk, F. (1999). An exploratory study of meanings of risk control for long term and acute effect occupational health and safety risks in small business construction firms. J Saf Res 30 (4): 251–261.

      38 38 Lingard, H. and Holmes, N. (2001). Understandings of occupational health and safety risk control in small business construction firms: barriers to implementing technological controls. Const Manag Econ 19: 217–226.

      39 39 Haslam, R.A., Hide, S.A., Gibb, A.G. et al. (2005). Contributing factors in construction accidents. Appl Ergon 36: 27–31.

      40 40 Vedder, J. and Carey, E. (2005). A multi‐level systems approach for the development of tools, equipment and work processes for the construction industry. Appl Ergon 36 (4): 471–480.

      41 41 Howard, J. (2008). Prevention through design – introduction. J Saf Res 39 (2): 113.

      42 42 CDM (2015). Great Britain regulatory framework in construction (design and management), Regulations. (accessed 21 June 2019).

      43 43 Creaser, W. (2008). Prevention through design (PtD) safe design from an Australian perspective. J Saf Res 39 (2): 131–134.

      44 44 Schulte, P., Rinehart, R., Okun, A. et al. (2008). National prevention through design (PtD) initiative. J Saf Res 39 (2): 115–121.

      45 45 Coyle, I.R., Sleeman, S.D., and Adams, N. (1995). Safety climate. J Saf Res 26: 247–254.

      46 46 Rundmo, T. (1996). Associations between risk perception and safety. Saf Sci 24: 197–209.

      47 47 Guldenmund, F.W. (2000). The nature of safety culture: a review of theory and research. Saf Sci 34: 215–257.

      48 48 Moir, S. (2005). Ideological influences on participatory research in occupational health and safety: a review of the literature. New Sol 15: 15–28.

      49 49 Zalk, D.M. (2002). Participatory occupational hygiene; a path to practical solutions. Asian‐Pac Newsl 9 (3).

      50 50 Kogi, K. (2006). Advances in participatory occupational health aimed at good practices in small enterprises and the informal sector. Ind Health 44: 31–34.

      51 51 Rosenberg, B.J., Barbeau, E.M., Moure‐Eraso, R., and Levenstein, C. (2001). The work environment impact assessment: a methodologic framework for evaluating health‐based interventions. Am J Ind Med 39: 218–226.

      52 52 Ackoff, R.L. (1999). Re‐Creating the Corporation, a Design of Organizations for the 21st Century, 63–80. New York: Oxford University Press.

      53 53 Israel, B.A., Baker, E.A., Goldenhar, L.M. et al. (1996). Occupational stress, safety, and health: conceptual framework and principles for effective prevention interventions. J Occup Health Psychol 1 (3): 261–286.

      54 54 Noro, K. and Imada, A. (1991). Participatory Ergonomics. London: Taylor & Francis.

      55 55 GAO (1997). General Accounting Office (GAO) Private Sector Ergonomics Programs. Publication number 97‐163. Washington, DC: Health, Education, and Human Services Division.

      56 56 Bernard, B.P. (1997). Elements of Ergonomics Programs: A Primer Based on Workplace Evaluations of Musculoskeletal Disorders. US Department of Health and Human Services Publication Number 97‐117. Cincinnati, OH: National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.

      57 57 Buckle, P. and Devereux, J. (1999). Work‐Related Neck and Upper Limb Musculoskeletal Disorders, 114p. Bilbao: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

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