A Handbook on Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Methods. Omid Bozorg-Haddad
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Wiley Series in Operations Research and Management Science
Operations Research and Management Science (ORMS) is a broad, interdisciplinary branch of applied mathematics concerned with improving the quality of decisions and processes and is a major component of the global modern movement toward the use of advanced analytics in industry and scientific research. The Wiley Series in Operations Research and Management Science features a broad collection of books that meet the varied needs of researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and students who use or need to improve their use of analytics. Reflecting the wide range of current research within the ORMS community, the Series encompasses application, methodology, and theory and provides coverage of both classical and cutting edge ORMS concepts and developments. Written by recognized international experts in the field, this collection is appropriate for students as well as professionals from private and public sectors including industry, government, and nonprofit organization who are interested in ORMS at a technical level. The Series is comprised of four sections: Analytics; Decision and Risk Analysis; Optimization Models; and Stochastic Models.
Advisory Editors • Decision and Risk Analysis
Gilberto Montibeller, London School of Economics
Gregory S. Parnell, United States Military Academy at West Point
Founding Series Editor
James J. Cochran, University of Alabama
Yang and Lee • Healthcare Analytics: From Data to Knowledge to Healthcare Improvement
Forthcoming Titles
Attoh‐Okine • Big Data and Differential Privacy: Analysis Strategies for Railway Track Engineering
Kong and Zhang • Decision Analytics and Optimization in Disease Prevention and Treatment
Decision and Risk Analysis
Barron • Game Theory: An Introduction, Second Edition
Bozorg‐Haddad, Zolghadr‐Asli, and Loáiciga • A Handbook on Multi‐Attribute Decision‐Making Methods
Brailsford, Churilov, and Dangerfield • Discrete‐Event Simulation and System Dynamics for Management Decision Making
Johnson, Keisler, Solak, Turcotte, Bayram, and Drew • Decision Science for Housing and Community Development: Localized and Evidence‐Based Responses to Distressed Housing and Blighted Communities
Mislick and Nussbaum • Cost Estimation: Methods and Tools
Forthcoming Titles
Aleman and Carter • Healthcare Engineering
Optimization Models
Ghiani, Laporte, and Musmanno • Introduction to Logistics Systems Management, Second Edition
Forthcoming Titles
Smith • Learning Operations Research Through Puzzles and Games
Tone • Advances in DEA Theory and Applications: With Examples in Forecasting Models
Stochastic Models
Ibe • Random Walk and Diffusion Processes
Forthcoming Titles
Donohue, Katok, and Leider • The Handbook of Behavioral Operations
Matis • Applied Markov Based Modelling of Random Processes
A Handbook on Multi‐Attribute Decision‐Making Methods
Omid Bozorg‐Haddad
University of Tehran
Alborz, Iran
Babak Zolghadr‐Asli
University of Tehran
Alborz, Iran
Hugo A. Loáiciga
University of California
Santa Barbara, United States
This edition first published 2021
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The right of Omid Bozorg‐Haddad, Babak Zolghadr‐Asli, and Hugo A. Loáiciga to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with law.
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