Renewable Integrated Power System Stability and Control. Hassan Bevrani
Читать онлайн книгу.results of authors in Smart/Micro Grids Research Center‐SMGRC, University of Kurdistan (Sanandaj, Iran) and in The Center for Research and Advanced Studies‐CINVESTAV of the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico (Guadalajara, Mexico). It is a pleasure to acknowledge the received supports from these sources, and the awards from Iran Grid Management Company (IGMC), Iran National Science Foundation (INSF), and Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Foundation.
The authors would like to thank their colleagues Prof. J. Raisch and Prof. Bruno Francois for their kind support. Finally, the authors offer their deepest personal gratitude to their families for their patience during the preparation of this book.
X,Ydata matricesεKernel bandwidthλeigenvalueσsingular valueξdampingυvector of natural modesψ,φeigenvectorsΨΦmatrices of eigenvectorsΓinflation operatorθphase angleΛdiagonal matrix of eigenvalues∑diagonal matrix of singular valuesδsmechanical rotor angle (rad)δrotor angle position (rad)
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
AamplitudeAGCautomatic generation controlAQRautomatic reactive power regulatorAVRautomatic voltage regulatorBresidueBFVbest fitness valueCOGcenter of gravityCOIcenter of inertiaDERdistributed energy resourcesDFIGdoubly‐fed induction generatorDGdistributed generationDMdiffusion mapDMDdynamic mode decompositionEenergyEMTelectromagnetic transientESSenergy storage systemEVelectrical vehicleGAgenetic algorithmHVDChigh‐voltage direct currentKTKumaresan–TuftLCCline commutated converterMCLMarkov clusteringMGmicrogridMMGsmulti‐MGsNERCNorth American Electric Reliability CorporationNYNENew York New EnglandPCprincipal componentPCTVARpercentage of variationPFparticipation factorPIproportional‐integralPLLphase‐locked loopPLSpartial least squares regressionPLSCpartial least squares correlationPMSGpermanent magnet synchronous generatorsPMUphasor measurement unitPOISpoint of interconnection with the systemPSpseudo spectrumPSSpower system stabilizersPVphotovoltaicRESrenewable energy sourceRoCoFrate of change of frequencySCsynchronous condenserSCADAsupervisory control and data acquisitionSGsynchronous generatorSLBstatic load bankSOCstate of chargeSSstatic switchSVCstatic VAR compensatorSVDsingular value decompositionT‐Dtime domainTSOtransmission system operatorUCTEUnion for the Coordination of the Transmission of ElectricityUFLSunderfrequency load sheddingULTCunder load tap changerVARvolt–ampere reactiveVSCvoltage source converterVSGvirtual synchronous generatorV2Gvehicle‐to‐gridV vandVandermonde matrixWAMSwide‐area measurement systemWFwind farmWTwind turbinezcomplex amplitude
1 Introduction
The term power system stability and control is used to define the application of control theorems and relevant technologies to analyze and enhance the power system functions during normal and abnormal operations. Power system stability and control refers to keep desired performance and stabilizing power system following various disturbances, such as short circuits, loss of generation, and load.
The capacity of installed inverter‐based distributed generators (DGs) and renewable energy sources (RESs) individually or through the microgrids (MGs) in power systems is rapidly growing, and a high penetration level is targeted for the next few decades. In most countries including developing countries, significant targets are considered for using the distributed microsources and MGs in their power systems for near future. The increase of DGs/RESs in power systems has a significant impact on CO2 reduction; however, recent studies have shown that relatively high DGs/RESs integration will have some negative impacts on power system dynamics, frequency and voltage regulation, as well as other control and operational issues. Decreasing system inertia and highly variable dynamic nature of DGs/RESs/MGs are known as the main reasons. These impacts may increase for the dynamically weak power systems at the penetration rates that are expected over the next several years.
In this chapter, a brief discussion on the power system stability and control in modern renewable integrated power systems and the current state of this topic are given. Data‐driven wide‐area power system monitoring and control is emphasized, and the significance of measurement‐based dynamic modeling and parameter estimation is shown.
1.1 Power System Stability and Control
Power system stability and control was first recognized as an important problem in 1920s [1]. Over the years, numerous modeling/simulation programs, synthesis/analysis methodologies, and protection schemes have been developed. Power grid control must provide the ability of an electric power to regain a state of operating equilibrium after being subjected to a physical disturbance, with most system variables, i.e., frequency, voltage, and angle, bounded so that practically the entire system remains intact. Thus, the main control loops are