Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing. Jakob J. van Zyl

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Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing - Jakob J. van Zyl

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7.28 Shown on the left image is a small‐scale, well‐organized tropica...Figure 7.29 The Kuskokwim River in Alaska flows into the southeastern Bering...Figure 7.30 Combined QuikSCAT scatterometer and RADARSAT SAR wind speed prod...Figure 7.31 Pack ice within the central Beaufort Sea consists primarily of a...Figure 7.32 The bright feature in Figure 7.31 was imaged by the Seasat SAR o...Figure 7.33 Passive microwave imagery of floating ice acquired by a spacebor...Figure 7.34 Chlorophyll concentration (left) and sea surface temperature (ri...Figure 7.35 Two measurements of chlorophyll concentration near the Galapagos...Figure 7.36 Ocean salinity map derived from Aquarius measurements.

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Temperature profile of the Earth's atmosphere.Figure 8.2 Absorption along a vertical atmosphere path by a variety of const...Figure 8.3 Distribution of some chemically active constituents in the Earth'...Figure 8.4 Three different molecules representing three different types of r...Figure 8.5 Rotational modes of the water and oxygen molecules.Figure 8.6 Absorption spectrum of water vapor at two pressures: 1 bar and 0....Figure 8.7 Absorption spectrum of atmospheric oxygen from 1 to 300 GHz for t...Figure 8.8 Spectral lines of a variety of atmospheric molecules in the Earth...Figure 8.9 (a) Relative line shapes corresponding to Doppler broadening and ...Figure 8.10 Total microwave absorption in the atmospheres of (a) Venus and (...Figure 8.11 The different elements that contribute to the radiation transfer...Figure 8.12 Geometry for the case of a plane parallel atmosphere.Figure 8.13 Different configurations for atmospheric sounding (see text for ...

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Total Earth atmosphere opacity across the microwave spectrum for ...Figure 9.2 Geometry for calculating the observed microwave brightness temper...Figure 9.3 Behavior of the weighting function W(ν, z) corresponding to ...Figure 9.4 Behavior of W(ν, z) corresponding to a linearly decaying atm...Figure 9.5 Temperature weighting functions as a function of altitude above t...Figure 9.6 Normalized weighting function curves for water‐vapor density in t...Figure 9.7 Behavior of a pressure‐broadened spectral line as the pressure ch...Figure 9.8 Behavior of k as a function of νL for fixed value of ν ...Figure 9.9 Behavior of the weighting function for an upward‐looking sensor....Figure 9.10 Unnormalized weighting functions for temperature as a function o...Figure 9.11 Geometry for a limb sounder.Figure 9.12 (a) Temperature weighting functions for an infinitesimal pencil ...Figure 9.13 Examples of ClO and O3 measurements made with the MLS instrument...Figure 9.14 Main functional elements of a passive microwave spectrometer.Figure 9.15 Signal spectra at different stages in the spectrometer shown in ...Figure 9.16 The geometry of radio occultation by a planetary atmosphere.Figure 9.17 Refractivity profile and pressure–temperature profiles of the Ve...Figure 9.18 Geometry for a dual‐frequency occultation measurement using a GP...Figure 9.19 One day (October 1, 2019) radio occultations coverage from COSMI...Figure 9.20 Three rain radar configurations. (a) Range height indicator, (b)...Figure 9.21 Airborne radar data of rain region above the ocean surface off t...Figure 9.22 Examples of rainfall measurements from the TRMM satellite over T...Figure 9.23 Picture of the Rain Cube satellite.Figure 9.24 Rain profile acquired with the Rain Cube radar.Figure 9.25 (a) Clouds’ water content profile acquired over (a) Typhoon Yutu...

      10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 (a) Energy level diagram of H2O. (b) Details of the lower part o...Figure 10.2 Spectral lines within a ±200 MHz band around 265.75 GHz, corresp...Figure 10.3 Spectral line widths in the terrestrial atmosphere. Typical valu...Figure 10.4 Behavior of k(ν, z) as a function of z for different values...Figure 10.5 Behavior of the weighting function W as a function of altitude f...Figure 10.6 (a) Ratio Ch) of the contribution from a layer of thickness ΔhFigure 10.7 Basic elements of a millimeter heterodyne spectrometer.Figure 10.8 Block diagram of a cooled 205 GHz spectrometer.Figure 10.9 Filter bank arrangement for the spectrometer in Figure 10.8.Figure 10.10 Heterodyning arrangement for the spectrometer shown in Figure 1...Figure 10.11 Schematic diagram showing the relative positions of the energy ...Figure 10.12 Block diagram of the EOS MLS instrument.Figure 10.13 A spectrometer designed to study the spectral lines of HNO3, N2

      11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Interaction of sunlight with the surface and the atmosphere. Es ...Figure 11.2 Ratio of the direct solar irradiance Es to the total irradiance Figure 11.3 Reflectance of a Rayleigh atmosphere illuminated from below with...Figure 11.4 Radiant emittance M, Mg, and Ma at the top of a Rayleigh atmosph...Figure 11.5 Component of outwelling from the atmosphere in the limb scanning...Figure 11.6 Component of the thermal irradiance in the atmosphere.Figure 11.7 Fine structure of molecular absorption bands is illustrated in t...Figure 11.8 Average measured phase functions of different states of the atmo...Figure 11.9 Behavior of the weighting function W(ν, y) as a function of...Figure 11.10 Curves of the product (∂B/∂T) W as a function of pr...Figure 11.11 Geometry for limb sounding.Figure 11.12 A set of weighting functions for a limb sounder with a narrow f...Figure 11.13 Simplified sketch of a pressure modulator radiometer.Figure 11.14 Transmission modulation ΔT(ν) peaks at different wavelengt...Figure 11.15 Simplified diagram illustrating the concepts of a Fourier spect...Figure 11.16 (a) Example of ATMOS data. The top trace shows a 500 cm−1Figure 11.17 Three configurations of wave interaction with a moving gas: (a)...Figure 11.18 Sketch illustrating the basic configuration of a passive sensor...Figure 11.19 Principle of the line shift measurement using a reference gas c...Figure 11.20 Successive observations of the same atmospheric region would al...Figure 11.21 Computer‐generated models of the sun's surface velocity fields,...Figure 11.22 Simple diagram for a solar oscillation imager.Figure 11.23 Principle of line displacement measurement using the intensitie...Figure 11.24 MISR measurements of cloud heights associated with hurricanes F...Figure 11.25 MISR measurements of the extent and height of smoke from numero...Figure 11.26 Conceptual sketch showing wind measurement with a laser system....

      12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Ionospheric electron density profiles for Venus, Earth, Jupiter,...Figure 12.2 Simple example illustrating the plasma oscillation.Figure 12.3 Behavior of the group velocity and phase velocity as a function ...Figure 12.4 Motion of an electron in a magnetic field and forces acting on t...Figure 12.5 Simple sketch illustrating the depth penetration in the ionosphe...Figure 12.6 Sketch showing how an ionospheric profile is approximated by a s...Figure 12.7 Latitude variations of the electron concentrations at different ...Figure 12.8 Geometry for a dual‐frequency occultation measurement using a GP...

      13 1Figure A.1 Images of Death Valley, California, acquired in the three major r...Figure A.2 False illumination image derived by computer processing from the ...Figure A.3 Two perspective views generated from a combination of Landsat ima...Figure A.4 Surface perspective view generated from a combination of the Land...

      14 2Figure B.1 Orbital velocity and period function of altitude for a circular o...Figure B.2 . Orientation of the orbit in space.Figure B.3 Satellite orbit precession as a function of orbital altitude h an...Figure B.4 Surface trace of a circular geosynchronous orbit with 45° inclina...Figure B.5 Surface trace of an elliptical geosynchronous orbit with 45° incl...Figure B.6 (a) Orbit nadir trace on a nonrotating planet. (b) Orbit trace on...Figure B.7 Periodic coverage patterns as a function of altitude for sun‐sync...Figure B.8 Coverage scenario of four different orbital altitudes that provid...Figure B.9 Elliptical orbit.Figure B.10 Ground trace for a 12‐hour elliptical orbit with an ellipticity ...

      15 4Figure D.1 The relationship between the pulse and its replica for the case i...Figure D.2 The relationship between the pulse and its replica for the case i...


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      5  Dedication Page


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